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F For Fake

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Everything posted by F For Fake

  1. We lead very empty lives. If we can't log into this message board, what point is there in living?
  2. Tried signing on about 5 minutes ago, got this error on every thread I clicked on. Logged out, signed back in, everything seems to be working now. But for how long?
  3. Rick and Morty is probably the funniest show on television right now. I love it. But, thankfully, I have no interest in the comics. As great as the show is, and as rabid as the fans are, I just don't think these prices are sustainable in the long run.
  4. Cool! I threw in an inaugural bid! I'm sure I'll be left in the dust, but it's fun to take part. Hope it goes gangbusters!
  5. Loved it, thanks for sharing, Scott. Watching an artist ink a penciled piece, it's like watching a magic trick. So cool to watch it "come alive" with the inks.
  6. The Instagram information is interesting, I may have to take a peek. I have also been hesitant about FB marketplace, but maybe it deserves a closer look. Amazon, unless they've changed quite a bit, just didn't work for me. It may have changed in recent years, but my recollection is that they kept money in escrow instant of paying instantly, and maxed shipping out at $4 no matter what the item was. So those were nonstarters for me.
  7. I use GSP, and I sell more internationally now than I ever did before it came along, and no longer have to worry about items going "missing" overseas, or deal with questions about unusually long shipping times, etc. We've had this talk many, many times on the boards, but for me, after 20 years of selling on eBay, nearly all of my problem transactions were international ones, so I stopped selling internationally, period. eBay does not protect sellers, and this is especially true with international transactions. eBay is a hobby for me, not a full time business, and anything that added headaches to a hobby was just not worth it. And international shipping was largely a headache waiting to happen. GSP came along, and I opted in, and now I sell internationally all of the time. I totally understand that there are buyers who don't like it, and I get that, but for me it was either GSP or no international at all, and it works out great for me. Ship it to Erlanger (and I live in Kentucky, so the shipping is usually dirt cheap for me) and forget about it. It's great. I advise potential buyers in my descriptions to check out the shipping rates and to also understand that I can't combine wins when using GSP, and encourage them to check out GSP for themselves. I try to be totally upfront about the fact that it's probably going to be expensive. I don't want to trick anyone. But if someone sees the exorbitant rates and still wants to buy my stuff, great. Last night I sold a box of common Superman books via GSP for over $200. There are buyers out there who are willing to pay the prices. Note: When selling on the boards, I gladly and often ship internationally with no issues whatsoever, because I trust the boards and its users. But I've been burned too many times on eBay, with its punitive stance towards sellers, to continue selling internationally there. Just want to be clear that there's no weird cultural fears or xenophobia or anything like that going on. I love my international collecting friends! I just have a valid, justified fear of eBay/Paypal yanking my money away from me due to international transactions where nothing can be tracked down or verified.
  8. Yeah, I put in a couple dozen tracking bids, and have so far been outbid on all but five or six. Of those, there are only two that I plan on making a serious run at. I'm surprised that Lim page is going in this auction and didn't end up in the featured auction. It should sell very well, I'd think.
  9. Great issue, I've only owned two over the years. I never, ever see it, even in otherwise complete runs.
  10. One of my favorite Duck stories, I love the Halloween covers.
  11. A couple of things I like pretty well...and a couple of things I like a lot! Threw in a few tracking bids that I might get serious about when it gets closer to ending.
  12. Great, thanks for the information, I hadn't checked them out for a long time. I had a really nice 3rd print, should have just held onto that. Still looks nice on the wall.
  13. I know I'm not the first to say this, but when Miller is doing Superman, he's actually doing Kurtzman and Wood's Superduperman. I think that becomes even more evident with Frank's more recent, DK2 and beyond style. Personally, I loved Ronin. I also enjoy Frank's current style. It's nuts. So kinetic, full of energy. I don't like it as well as I like his earlier work, but I still dig that he is doing something that inspires him to go nuts.
  14. You can get a decent 2nd or 3rd for not a lot of money, and they display nicely. True, they've increased in value quite a bit in the last couple of years, but are still far more affordable than their first print brothers. Speaking of which, what is the entry point for a 1st print these days?
  15. Don't they still publish the standard Archie books alongside the reboot? I thought I still saw them solicited.
  16. I felt the same way at the time, but if it's a fake, it's been faked convincingly enough to fool CGC, who I'd imagine gave it a pretty thorough looksee. And this isn't the only multiple cover copy of this book known, right? Something wacky may have been going on at the printing press that day.
  17. The better question is how many 10's exist that someone would actually want to own? Is anyone dying to own the dentist promo for any reason other than it is the oldest 10 in existance? (Admittedly there are a few cool 10's out there. The LW&C and Wolvie 1 are pretty neat!)
  18. Turner has a following for sure. I don't like his style at all, but someone apparently does, as they continue to release statues, figures, posters, prints, variant covers etc of his work. And his work has a far reaching impact. For instance, more than 10 years ago, I was dating a girl who didn't know anything about comics at all, but she knew Turner, and she loved his stuff, and her own art was based largely on his. I dunno. I don't get it myself, but there are a lot of fans out there, and as he passed away at a very young age, there's a finite supply of his art out there, so I'd expect prices to stay steady for some time to come.
  19. It's always interesting to see the differences in interpretation. I can see Colan, but honestly I'm getting a Paul Pope vibe, personally.
  20. Right there with you. So many great titles and runs that aren't worth the paper they were printed on, but I still love 'em.
  21. Although this SHOULD be solid advice, I'm pretty sure 99% of bidders don't do it that way. If you have the will power to do so, more power to ya! Do you win very often with this technique?
  22. I would tend to agree, but as someone else point out, it's got a lot going on for it. It's not just a currently hot key 1st appearance, it's not JUST a 9.9, and it's not JUST a multiple cover. It's a SIX COVER, 9.9 currently hot key 1st appearance. 6 covers??? I mean, holy carp. I'd think your estimate should be right on, but something this freaky deaky, bidding might get wild.
  23. I'd think they'd definitely sell. I don't run across them often, but when I do, they move pretty quickly.
  24. Cool! I've been trying to put together a WildCATS NS run, on the cheap, but haven't come up with much so far. Compared to later issues, the #2 white cover that everyone loves so much is in pretty plentiful supply. I've found 6 or 7 of the #2 NS over the last year, whereas I haven't seen most issues in NS at all, period.
  25. I had the first CGC 9.8 Tec 880 in the census. Was pretty happy when I sold it for, IIRC, $250 or so. I...wish I still had it now, obviously.