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Everything posted by seanfingh

  1. To me the interesting question is - Is there a Platinum in there? Did they come 1 per case or were they shipped separately? I was pretty much out of comics when this all went down.
  2. I used to PM him once a week to get him to add the jagoff emoji.
  3. The only time I have ever seen this is with polypropylene bags. I would re-bag a stack of like 30 books. Let the pressure settle them out, then take the bottom 15 and put them on the top ones, do the same thing, then they can go into the box. If you try to stack too many, they will slide over from all the air.
  4. It's definitely not rare. One thing in its favor for a slightly higher scarcity of ultra high grade copies is that is was viewed by many as a "kids book." I personally think there are very likely many, many, many untouched copies out there, and few have gone and dug them out or unearthed them from store stock or collections yet.
  5. @ivdyer That Hackman piece needs its own post, not lumped with those other, admittedly very nice, books. Arguably the greatest living actor of our time, and possibly Ash's finest work. What a combo. It takes a lot to make me flip out, but that did.
  6. Here is my keeper Usagi book. So many wonderful memories with Stan. He is such a warm, friendly guy. https://www.myslabbedcomics.com/GalleryPiece.asp?Piece=14739&GSub=248
  7. I would entertain any evidence you have, even anecdotal. They are not really as rare as you make them out to be, I don't think.
  8. I think that is overstating a little. Double covers often have a premium over non double cover issues and the premium will depend on condition and desirability. A double cover JLA 128 in 4.0 is not going to sell for a ton more than a single cover book of the same ragged book.
  9. But sharp eyed Boardies again stepped into the breach to help. This is where the Boards are at their absolute best!!
  10. Randall, I don't think you are wrong. But you should know I have gotten somewhere in the range of 1000 books signed, sketched and slabbed since 2007. I am a huge fan of the cover-signed signed comic book. Most of my books were from the Bronze and Copper era, where there is no scarcity of high grade copies, and there is no sense (to me) that anything historic has been irreparably changed. To me there is a balance that can only be answered by the individual's conscience - "Which is more important, one's right to do with one's property whatever one wants to, or the idea that these comics are historical documents and we are merely stewards for the time that we have them?" At the extremes, both positions start to look a little silly, but there is a lot of gray in between. When I was creating SS books, I honestly believed I would own them until I was no longer on this earth. That has not been the case. Where I really feel conflicted is one someone gets a truly rare or even potentially unique book signed. The bell cannot be unrung. I tended to do books where there were many. many copies available - although sometimes when I would do Bronze books I would occasionally get a 9.8 when there were very few blue label 9.8s. At the end of the day, I tend to not like to tell people what to do with their stuff. For reference - here is my Batman 232. https://www.myslabbedcomics.com/GalleryPiece.asp?Piece=4120&GSub=1792
  11. No one does anything about bleed through. Cover signatures are a 21st century thing for the most part, especially as it relates to Sharpies, paint pens, remarques etc. It will be many years before we know the real situation, and most if the evidence will come from raw books signed under the same circumstances because most Yellow labels are going to be entombed forever.
  12. I love the fact that it is not the Charlton heroes. They got brought into the DC Universe and we got the “alternate universe” Watchmen characters. Best of both worlds, and a real eye opener to guys like Warren Ellis and Mark Millar who made a living out of reimagining classic heroes and villains.
  13. The current Standard of moderation is completely incomprehensible.
  14. Unfortunately, he doesn't care. He is selling graded comics and has not a whit of experience with the history of many of these issues - going back 20 years. Even if lou_fine and I disagree on the nature of the purple label and its usefulness, we both know that we are conversant with the arguments that have been swirling around for decades. This will end up the way it almost always does, with very little needle-moving, and the Seller still being able to move whatever he wants, because Cool BooksTM
  15. The genie cannot be stuffed back in the bottle. It is stupid based upon the fact that people have been conditioned since 2000 to look for the purple label.
  16. Finally, for the triple tap, there is at least one "good guy" dealer that has been advocating for the elimination of the purple label and just having blue labels with notes. This is Exhibit A as to why that is f-ing stupid.
  17. It is definitely resto. Only GA books get the "tiny amount of glue" etc. notations. And yes, stray pen and marker marks can be considered resto. Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt.
  18. So there is a sliding ethical scale predicated upon feedback and amount of sales. Good to know.
  19. I picture you twirling your Snidely Whiplash mustache while you say this.
  20. I gotta say, people like me did not make it any easier. I used to post about DHP 24 all the time and was relying on my memory and the idea that the "anthology stories" were what led to the ongoing series. It was logical but it was wrong. When we finally dug into the indicia information someone dug up the old comic shop news that showed Aliens #1 was for sure dropped before DHP 24. Edit: Sorry, I posted the same drivel two years ago. And this was already dealt with in detail. Early onset senility?