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Posts posted by sufunk

  1. Wow! Is that sweet for the grade or what???








    Thats gotta be about the nicest 1.5 i've ever seen! And white pages to boot (worship)


    The colors on that thing are insane! usually i wouldnt even consider a 1.5 but for as cheap as that thing must have gone compared to HG copies, thats the dang steal of a lifetime! Congrats!!! :applause:

  2. Australian variant




    What the hell did those freaky Aussies do to Thors costume?!? :o


    Why the heck did they take off his pants??? lol


    Aussies like the beach :makepoint:




    Issue #2 they probably had Iron Man in a speedo hm


    Well his armor would suggest he does have buns of iron hm


    Thanks a lot!!! :mad:


    I had just recovered from the Thor nuthuggers and you had to throw that out there! :sick:

  3. SKMBT_C25312071114190_0003.jpg




    Sorry for the double post, but finally got some proper scans done.




    VERY nice looking 5.0! (worship) That thing is AWESOME! :cloud9:


    And good PQ also actually for this issue. It seems like almost every copy you see of #1 is c/ow. Ow for this book is like ow/w for practically every other. I don't know why #1 seems to have such a greater % of c/ow copies compared to other keys from the same time. Maybe it's just me but it seems like almost 4 out of 5 I see have c/ow unless they are really high grade.

  4. I don't have a pic of the top label, unfortunately. The scan of the top label from few posts back was a different book than what I sold to this guy. That scan was only to show that a missing top label bugs me so much that I Frankensteined one together with Photoshop. (We collectors are crazy about things, I know.)


    The book I sold this guy was a Thor #337 CGC 9.8. And it was a new label book.


    Sorry that you are going through this with that buyer. Have you called paypal yet? Personally, I would just to state your case and stress that a missing label shouldn't really qualify for a refund. Plus, maybe it would alert Paypal to what this guy is really up to.


    Hope this works out in your favor.

    I did call PayPal. Twice. The first time when he opened the dispute. The second time when he opened the claim. The agents I spoke to didn't exactly inspire confidence. It sounded like they were reading from scripts.


    The second time I called I just wanted to be sure that they wouldn't issue a refund until I indicated that I received the returned book.


    He has to provide PayPal with tracking information. And I'm thinking I'll videotape myself opening the box if I ever get it back.


    DEFINITELY do that! I wouldnt put anything past this guy at this point.

  5. Ah, oops :blush:


    Regardless, on the VERY slight chance it happened to fall off during shipping, no reason whatsoever to open a claim without even talking to you. Like i said, i cant imagine any respected boardie would EVER do anything like that, especially to someone like you.


    based on everything going on here, it looks pretty clear he thinks he's found a little loophole that gets him his books for free meh


    Nothing burns me up more than scammers and people who think they deserve something for nothing! :censored:

  6. I'll admit, a missing top label annoys the hell out of me because i store my books lying on their sides on a bookshelf so the top label is staring out at me. When its missing, it just drives my OCD freaking crazy when i look at the shelf and see that gap where a missing top label book is sitting.


    That said, i would NEVER ask for even a partial refund much less file a claim against someone because of that. All of that is moot though since Barton says the label was there which in my mind means 100% that is WAS there when this turd received the book. Doesnt really matter how much any of us believe in barton though since he has a freaking pic of the damn label!!!


    Nothing worse than scamming scum like this gecko kid trying to get books for free! meh

  7. I can tell you this with 100% certainty, ANYONE that cant deal with Barton (Ghost Town) and is returning HIS books, is NOT someone i would ever deal with!


    Returning a book from Ghost Town?!? Thats like refusing a gift from the hand of god! What the hell could you possibly want if Bartons books aren't good enough for you?!? ???


    He has some of the sickest books on the planet for gods sake! I dont know which book it was this guy bought from him but i know the sales thread it came from and every single book in there was insane and something i would kill for! A PP dispute over a top label missing??? even if that was true, which knowing Barton i HIGHLY doubt!, opening a PP dispute without even talking to him is a dooshnozzle move to the 10th degree! meh

  8. Hey all --


    I've been a bit quiet for the past few months on this thread -- sorry -- but have a few new acquisitions to share. After much mulling and musing, I've decided to go "all in" on FF 1-20 before filling out 1-60 and then perhaps 1-200. Very expensive to do, but I'll nickel and dime myself to death getting the later issues and never be able to pony up for the big early ones.


    That said, here are two from outside the 1-20 run that I just acquired -- two Pacific Coasts, one very tough in NM and one pretty easy:








    That 31 is AMAZING and a Pedigree to boot! (worship)

  9. Figured I would put it here as well...

    Placed orders for the following:

    Amazing Spider-man 24 - 9.0

    Amazing Spider-man 32 - 8.0

    Amazing Spider-man 40 - 8.0

    Amazing Spider-man Annual 2 - 7.5

    Amazing Spider-man Annual 6 - 9.0


    And upgraded my ASM 39 7.0 to this in an unexpected win.


    Only one more book to go (Amazing Spider-man Annual 1) I have quite a few eBay dollars to spend so I will look into that in a week or two.





    :applause: Was watching that one on HA last nite...niiize! :headbang:




    HA had some nice spiders in the 9.0-9.4 range last night that all seemed to go pretty cheap. I would have loved to grab 2-3 more but just have too much going on this month to be grabbing a bunch of Spideys :sorry:


    Thanks... Heritage is more miss than hit for me as they charge tax on order going into NY. WIth buyers premiums combined with tax it is hard to get anything even on average price. Most of my winnings come from eBay, CLink and the boards. Sometimes this even affects my buying through Metropolis. Why pay more?




    It REALLY sucks when you just happen to be one of the unlucky putzes that lives in the home state of whatever auction house and get banged out for the sales tax :frustrated:


    Yep, living in Texas and bidding through Heritage means their buyer's premium plus another bite for sales tax. No fun.


    I think friends might help to save you guys the taxes. I like mail order to avoid those taxes, and Amazon is about to build a distribution center here.


    Yeah, i had to go that route recently on a pretty big purchase that was a Florida company. Normally it isnt that big of a deal but when what you're buying is approaching 5 figures, that 6% sales tax is a B I T C H!!! :o


    Uncle Sammy might not have been to happy about it but with a little creativity from some out of states friends i was able to get it done :blush:

  10. Figured I would put it here as well...

    Placed orders for the following:

    Amazing Spider-man 24 - 9.0

    Amazing Spider-man 32 - 8.0

    Amazing Spider-man 40 - 8.0

    Amazing Spider-man Annual 2 - 7.5

    Amazing Spider-man Annual 6 - 9.0


    And upgraded my ASM 39 7.0 to this in an unexpected win.


    Only one more book to go (Amazing Spider-man Annual 1) I have quite a few eBay dollars to spend so I will look into that in a week or two.





    :applause: Was watching that one on HA last nite...niiize! :headbang:




    HA had some nice spiders in the 9.0-9.4 range last night that all seemed to go pretty cheap. I would have loved to grab 2-3 more but just have too much going on this month to be grabbing a bunch of Spideys :sorry:


    Thanks... Heritage is more miss than hit for me as they charge tax on order going into NY. WIth buyers premiums combined with tax it is hard to get anything even on average price. Most of my winnings come from eBay, CLink and the boards. Sometimes this even affects my buying through Metropolis. Why pay more?




    It REALLY sucks when you just happen to be one of the unlucky putzes that lives in the home state of whatever auction house and get banged out for the sales tax :frustrated:

  11. Figured I would put it here as well...

    Placed orders for the following:

    Amazing Spider-man 24 - 9.0

    Amazing Spider-man 32 - 8.0

    Amazing Spider-man 40 - 8.0

    Amazing Spider-man Annual 2 - 7.5

    Amazing Spider-man Annual 6 - 9.0


    And upgraded my ASM 39 7.0 to this in an unexpected win.


    Only one more book to go (Amazing Spider-man Annual 1) I have quite a few eBay dollars to spend so I will look into that in a week or two.





    :applause: Was watching that one on HA last nite...niiize! :headbang:




    HA had some nice spiders in the 9.0-9.4 range last night that all seemed to go pretty cheap. I would have loved to grab 2-3 more but just have too much going on this month to be grabbing a bunch of Spideys :sorry: