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Everything posted by sufunk

  1. I've gotten a few for myself and a couple for my son the last few months. Mine... And for my son. I usually let him pick out 1 book per Comiclink auction. He picks covers that he thinks are "cool" and lately that seems to usually be TTA's.
  2. Thanks! If i could have gotten the 9.4 Green River Ped #26, it would have been a perfect night. I tried to lowball the #8 but pretty much gave up on it after i decided to get the 9.4 #16 instead of the 9.2 #16. I would have been fine with a 9.2 but that particular 9.2 didnt look very nice to me while i thought the 9.4 looked really nice and it went fairly cheap.
  3. A couple that i got in the Clink auction last night. I missed a couple but was VERY happy to get the 3 in the teens
  4. NICE! Theres a friggin 9.6 Avengers 3 in the Clink auction tonight. A SS book at that! I wonder what the price will end at although personally i'd rather not have a SS on a book that HG but thats just me. Hopefully, i'll have 3-4 books to add to this thread by the end of the night
  5. I think that usually means it's an all-reprint issue. yeah, but arent a lot of those "no notation" books he posted not reprints? I still never understand why they dont at least put what issue its a reprint of. Thats always seemed odd to me
  6. +1 It's interesting to me that most of those slabs are blank labels and say nothing whatsoever about the book other than who did the cover art Btw, Ghost town, whats the extra notation under the title on the Marvel triple Action 1? My old eyes cant even come close to reading it but i know my copy doesnt have an extra notation. Oops, never mind, i see it in your gallery. Double cover eh?!? VERY impressive! I just assumed the notation on the right was a Pedigree, i couldnt make out that it said double cover (thumbs u
  7. Thats a NICE looking 5.5! Was just thinking the same thing. I can see why it's a 5.5 in hand....just a couple of creases in the back cover. This one will be on it's way to Joey when I get back from vacay. Looks like I'm racking up a stack for him right about now. Again, Congrats! Nothing better in my book than getting a MAJOR key that looks way better than the grade because of back cover problems. Ill take that any day! (thumbs u (especially if it's a problem Joey can fix )
  8. If I can ever finish my 9.2+ Avengers 1-225 and my 9.0+ BA 1st issue runs, that will probably be my next project. Right now though, the only ones I have are the Avengers 93 and annual 5, the chamber of darkness annual 1 and the marvel triple action 1 in HG. I have 3 of the others raw but that's it That's a SICK run you have there ghost town!!! Congrats I especially love the special marvel edition #4 I've always loved that cover and have been trying to find a HG copy for like 20 years. The closest I ever came was a browned out cover 8.0-8.5ish copy that didn't present very well and passed on. Someday, I would kill to get a bright and beautiful copy like yours
  9. Me too! I have the 9.8 TC #98 as well. My x-men 58 is an old label 8.5 I got like 10 years ago. Definitely high up on my upgrade list (thumbs u
  10. Might as well throw it up here also for what it cost me and how much i love it!!!
  11. Thats a damn nice looking 9.2 From the cover colors, looks like her Woodstock "trip" is starting to kick in!
  12. NICE!!! I've completely neglected my X-men run while working on my Avengers run. I think these are the only X books i've bought in the last 6-8 months Technically not SA but close enough.
  13. +1 . Those are some sweet books ya got there I've said it a million time so I'm sure it's sounding like a broken record at this point but I LOVE the suscha books! They are as nice as any books you will ever see. When the ped 1st came out, I heard and saw a TON of people bad mouthing it with every complaint in the book. Gift grades, the keys were too low grade, it's just late SA and BA books etc. I really don't get some peoples beef with this ped In hand, they are without question some of the nicest books I've ever seen. I have about 12 of them I think and buy every one I can if they go for a decent price regardless if I collect the particular title(as long as they are marvels that is ). I wish I could afford more of them! I'd buy every single one of them! I'm still kicking myself for putting in puss bids on a bunch of suscha Avengers in the decber comicconnect auction. Every time I look at my bid history on there and see the ones I missed, I want to puke
  14. One of my all all time favorite covers and issue I LOVE that book!
  15. I have 1 or 2 Rosa's and they are SWEET! Nothing wrong with those whatsoever in my book (thumbs u
  16. I hate you!!! That is freaking NICE!!! The next best thing to an Avengers pedigree is another title with the Avengers on the cover! The only thing that could make that sweeter is if the Vision was on the cover If you ever think about getting rid of that one, DEFINITELY shoot me a pm!
  17. Thank you! Too late though, i'm already hopelessly addicted to buying Pedigrees, especially Avengers I only had i think 1 Pedigree book that i got cheap off of eBay until a few months ago. I always thought they were WAY too expensive and didnt see the need to spend even more money for whatever issue that i already had to. lately though, i seem to be able to find them for very close to gpa for regular issues so ive been snatching them up. I dont know if its because the market for them is down or because of all the new Peds like Suscha, TC and savannah but they seem to be much cheaper or maybe i was just looking at the wrong ones before and thought they were more expensive than they really were Either way, i freaking LOVE them, especially the Suscha News Peds I actually just switched my sig line to all my early Avengers Peds(other than the #4) cause i just LOVE looking at them! I would agree, the influx of new pedigrees has held the prices down lately. I havnt met a pedigree i didnt like I'd agree except for Savannah. I'll admit, i'm a PQ snob so the large amount of c/ow books does turn me off mostly. It's not just the PQ though. I have and will buy c/ow books as long as from the cover at least, they dont look like c/ow books. The Savannah ones ive seen, which isnt a ton, for the most part look like c/ow books. Imo, they are not even remotely close to being as bright or fresh looking as the other Peds, especially the Suscha's. PQ is an after thought to me on any book under 300$ Would you kick this out of bed? No, but she better be WILD in it!!! Seriously though, that one doesnt look c/ow from the cover. Like i said, i havent seen a ton of the Savannahs but alot of the ones i have look MUCH more browned out on the cover than that one. That copy, i wouldnt have a problem with. Especially since according to gpa, you got that cheaper than a regular #113 I do think there is a visible difference though between that and say this one in my eyes. Granted though, this went for a premium above gpa.
  18. It's VERY easy if you use photobucket. I'm legally retarded when it comes to computers and even i can do it using photobucket. Set up a photobucket account and upload your photos there and then just copy and paste the img code(it's the last of the 4 under every photo you upload) (thumbs u
  19. Thank you! Too late though, i'm already hopelessly addicted to buying Pedigrees, especially Avengers I only had i think 1 Pedigree book that i got cheap off of eBay until a few months ago. I always thought they were WAY too expensive and didnt see the need to spend even more money for whatever issue that i already had to. lately though, i seem to be able to find them for very close to gpa for regular issues so ive been snatching them up. I dont know if its because the market for them is down or because of all the new Peds like Suscha, TC and savannah but they seem to be much cheaper or maybe i was just looking at the wrong ones before and thought they were more expensive than they really were Either way, i freaking LOVE them, especially the Suscha News Peds I actually just switched my sig line to all my early Avengers Peds(other than the #4) cause i just LOVE looking at them! I would agree, the influx of new pedigrees has held the prices down lately. I havnt met a pedigree i didnt like I'd agree except for Savannah. I'll admit, i'm a PQ snob so the large amount of c/ow books does turn me off mostly. It's not just the PQ though. I have and will buy c/ow books as long as from the cover at least, they dont look like c/ow books. The Savannah ones ive seen, which isnt a ton, for the most part look like c/ow books. Imo, they are not even remotely close to being as bright or fresh looking as the other Peds, especially the Suscha's.
  20. THAT is NICE!!! Suscha News freaking RULES!!! For the life of me i cant understand the thinking of the MANY people ive seen bash this Pedigree
  21. btw, how do you like it? Is this your 1st Suscha News book? I LOVE that Ped! Every one i have is just the nicest, brightest, sharpest copy you can imagine!!!
  22. I leave them all on, they really dont bother me. I probably like the comicconnect ones the best since they actually have the comic info on them. Comiclinks are probably the worst followed closely by Heritage's imo. Being on the back cover though, none really bother me enough to take off. Someone had a thread a few months back about what a pain they were to take off so i tried one and it came off VERY easily with this method. Take a little olive oil on a paper towel and run the sticker. Let it sit for about a minute and then almost all of it should peel off easily. The little glue residue left over, just rub with the olive oil soaked paper towel and the rest should come right off. Only took me about a minute, pretty painless if they bother you (thumbs u
  23. Thank you! Too late though, i'm already hopelessly addicted to buying Pedigrees, especially Avengers I only had i think 1 Pedigree book that i got cheap off of eBay until a few months ago. I always thought they were WAY too expensive and didnt see the need to spend even more money for whatever issue that i already had to. lately though, i seem to be able to find them for very close to gpa for regular issues so ive been snatching them up. I dont know if its because the market for them is down or because of all the new Peds like Suscha, TC and savannah but they seem to be much cheaper or maybe i was just looking at the wrong ones before and thought they were more expensive than they really were Either way, i freaking LOVE them, especially the Suscha News Peds I actually just switched my sig line to all my early Avengers Peds(other than the #4) cause i just LOVE looking at them!