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Everything posted by sufunk

  1. 1 more group shot. Some of you might have read about my wifey costing me winning the Sgt Fury 9.4 Rocky Mountain ped Annual 1 two months ago. I'm still FUMING over missing that damn book that would have completed my set. Still, i'm happy having pretty nice copies of Annual 2,3,4,5,6 and 7
  2. I dont really collect Pedigrees necessarily but i do like to get them if they are the right price. lately, it seems ive been able to find a bunch at pretty good prices. I've been buying mostly Avengers lately so most of my Pedigree books are Avengers, I have 20 so far although my Twin Cities #11 hasnt arrived et. Heres what i have in hand so far I gotta say that my favorite are the Suscha news books. Twin Cities pedifree got a LOT more hype and they are certainly nice books but i dont think there is any question that the Suscha books i have are nicer in hand. The Rocky Mountain books are also REALLY nice but not really a fair comparison since all but the #14 are BA not SA books.
  3. A few more i picked up. Finally got my elusive #64
  4. +1!!! I LOVE the Suscha books! From day one it seemed, people were bad mouthing that ped. The major keys weren't HG, they got gift grades, it's just late SA, early BA etc. I've been talking them up though from the beginning. In hand, they are some of the nicest, freshest, glossiest books I've ever seen. A VERY under rated ped IMO! I bought as many as I could(which wasn't many )'when they were 1st coming to auction. I wish to he'll I had bought a bunch more! There are a few on metropolis I want but they want just way too much now. Hopefully, like the TC books now, some suschas will start showing at auction for decent prices. I LOVE that pedigree! Doc Joe, Those are some CRAZY nice books! Those hulks are incredible! How anyone can look at books like that and downplay the suscha ped is beyond me! I especially love that captain marvel though! Suscha news ped + Thanos appearance =.
  5. Yeah, now that theyve come back down to earth and into my price range, they ROCK! A few months ago when they were going for insane prices, they SUCKED!
  6. Yep, AF15 are getting cheaper and cheaper lately! I missed out on a nice 4.0 like 9 months ago because i put in a wimp bid for a book i really wanted. Now, just 9 months later, id be lucky to find a 3.5 for the same price
  7. Yeah, i was looking at those and thanking my stars that i collect mainly Avengers when i saw some of those prices! A few of the Avengers went high like some of those early Spideys but most were a good amount below gpa and a few were even close to all-time gpa lows.
  8. A few more from last nights auction. Now, i'm pretty close to finishing 10-100 and can start trying to find the early issues. On a side note, i was a little surprised how much the Twin Cities books went for initially but this was the 3rd TC Avengers ive bought in the last few weeks that went for well below what they initially sold for. The ones that didnt press up dont seem to be holding their value very well. I guess people paid too much initially hoping more would press up
  9. I don't know, I was pretty surprised the clink Avengers 4 9.2 went for only $7400. I thought it would go for more for sure. I was planning on buying that one but I thought dans was a better deal and this one would go a good deal more than i paid. I love the copy I got but if I knew this one would only hit $7400, I probably would have gotten it. It has the unofficial Stan lee sig on the 1st page which I thought was cool. $7401 seemed fairly cheap to me. Nice TTA btw!
  10. Some RM's ive gotten the last few weeks The Annual #8 might be the nicest Annual ive ever seen in person. It has the tiniest, maybe 1 mm, crease in the BRC. Other than that, it literally looks like a 10.0. No dings, no bindery tears, nothing but that 1 tiny little crease.
  11. NICE! With everyone in a tizzy about the TC ped, the Suscha books have been completely under rated imo. Those are some sweet copies just like pretty much every Suscha book ive seen so far. Congrats!
  12. Nice! Congrats man I loved that book as a kid also. That issues and then 150 were the 2 issues that REALLY got me into the x-men when I was like 9-10 years old. I always loved the art in those issues
  13. Man! Every yard sale I hit, the nicest comic they have is a damn llow grade Power Pack #5 and you're finding Avengers #1!
  14. Sell it to someone buying off of their phone because I still say it looks 9.8 on my phone!
  15. Holy mess!!!! That is awesome! Whats the grade on that one?!?
  16. And no Mark, it just that as my kids would say the Avengers rule while Strange Tales drools!
  17. That's true...maybe the word "significant" was a bit exagerated. But yes, there has been a steady increase in Avengers 4 in higher grades and I wonder how it will continue. For my copy to increase from $1400 to $1900 in a year is pretty nice. I even thought of selling but I just love Avengers 4 too much to sell for a long while! Just at a glance, it seems like a lot of grades have seen a fairly significant increase. Just looking at the gpa numbers though dont really tell you the true story unless you take the time to look up the individual serial numbers which im usually too lazy to do. I know some people will say PQ doesnt matter to them and that c/ow books are just as good as white pages and PQ is a total shoot with CGC but it certainly does affect prices. Its easy to look at gpa and see that a certain issue went for say $5,000 and then another went for $6,000 and then another went for $7,500 and think that the book is steadily climbing in price. When you actually look though, a lot of the times the lower priced book had bad PQ, a terrible miswrap, distributor ink or whatever while the high priced book was a perfectly registered white page copy which accounts for the supposed increase. Every copy is definitely not created equal! That said, i think both these books will keep a fairly steady climb. I feel like im in the minority in this thinking a lot of times as i hear very knowledgable people on here saying that the SA bubble will burst with all these new pedigrees hitting the market but in my mind, early SA Marvels will for the most part have a fairly steady increase over the years.
  18. Thats nice! It never ceases to amaze me how different copies of the same issue can be! Look at the top of yours compared to mine. You barely have any room above spideys head in the box and the rope on the right side of the cover doesnt have the loop on it on yours. My cut is probably over 1/2 an inch different than yours if not more. Do you have a scan of that that shows the bottom of that book?
  19. Thank you! As the former owner, I'm sure you know how sweet they are in hand! The 38 is a very solid 9.4 that looks like it could get a 9.6 on a straight resub. The 54, I can't figure out how it isn't a 9.8??? I'm definitely callin for the notes on that one and resubbing unless there's something I can't see. Thanks again bob and bob!
  20. Well, 90 minutes at the PO arguing with them but they finally found my package 2 more from the esteemed Bob Storms and namisgr.
  21. Very nice. One of my favorite covers too, and very tough to find centered like this one. Thank you! In hand, the colors are REAL nice! I didnt notice it though until i got it in hand but the top has a weird cut to it. Not sure if all 61's have the same thing going on but the top definitely has a noticeable slant in hand.
  22. Cool, thanks! My son would love one of those to put on the tree this year.