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Everything posted by sufunk

  1. I'm REALLY trying to feel bad for you having to scan 503 of the nicest Avengers issues on the planet but I'm having a REALLY hard time doing it!
  2. Agreed based on the scan BUT look at the blue on the labels. Yours is less bright. I have a feeling that in hand, your book is probably VERY close if not equal to that 9.8's brightness. personally, wether its as bright or not, i think yours is the nicer copy. btw cheetah, I dont know if you just added it or i didnt notice it before somehow but now that your Avengers registry is complete with pictures, it is SICK!!!! I could stare at those freaking pics all day long
  3. If i saw that book raw, i would assume that it was trimmed heavily on top as sharp as it is and the way the lettering is cut off. I gotta assume that CGC didnt miss heavy trimming though before giving out a top census grade on a pretty early Avengers. Definitely looks a little weird though. Cheetahs 9.6 in his registry not only has the entire "A" in Avengers, there is about 1/8 inch of space above it. That 9.8 is definitely a pretty wicked miswrap top to bottom based on cheetahs book (thumbs u Still a damn nice book but now that i saw cheetahs 9.6, i doubt he will go after the 9.8. I dont care what the label says, id definitely rather have cheetahs 9.6 than that 9.8.
  4. Here's a Avengers 6 for you Jay ! http://www.comiclink.com/auctions/item.asp?back=%2Fauctions%2Fpreview%2Easp%3Fcode%3D2011may%26pg%3D4%23Item%5F887606&id=887606 In my dreams!!! Way, WAAAAAAAAAAY outta my league unfortunately. I have a feeling our resident Avengers master cheetah may have an eye on that book
  5. Spider Man #5??? I havent looked in like 25 years but when i was a kid and read the Official handbook of the Marvel Universe, i'm pretty sure it had Spidey listed as being able to bench like 5-10 tons. Even the Vision was at like 40 tons!
  6. Human bodies shouldn't be able to lift mountains either, but in Hulk form it's easy peasy. There's never been a limit shown to Hulk's strength, ever. Based on all available data, history and precedent there's no basis for saying there's a limit. For further corroboration: So the Beyonder, who'd be able to tell, says his power and strength have no limits. That last part refutes the "Heart will just explode" hypothesis. As he grows in strength so does his entire physical structure to allow for the additional strength. This from Marvel Universe Online: No limit has ever been found. Limitless at this point. Without proof the contrary all proof points to no limit. From The Hulk Library Online: Given that class 100 is ability to lift 100 tons, and the Hulk's lifted 150 BILLION tons at times...off the charts is a logical area to rate his strength. Given all the evidence the Hulk is the only one with unlimited strength of the group...Superman making the 'passing a kidney stone" face BA cover excepted. While i agree with you that Hulk is strongest, the Hulk did NOT "lift" a 150 billion ton mountain. That was my all time favorite comic book as a kid and i must have read it 1,000 times. I distinctly remember one of the heroes asking how he was holding up the mountain and Hulk said something back like "I'm not holding it, just bracing it with some leverage". Still impressive though. Take that Supes! (thumbs u If a mountain weighs 150 billion tons, how much do you think the entire earth weighs, and Superman would be pulling that weight from a dead stop, with no earth to push against, not to mention, pulling against gravitational forces. No contest. Nobody has dropped the entire Earth on top of the Hulk yet so we dont know that he couldnt hold that up also. Hulk did smash something TWICE the size of the Earth with a single punch though. Has Supes done that? No contest is right! As someone else stated, the entire premise of the Hulk is that he is the STRONGEST thing there is and that includes Supes in my book (thumbs u
  7. Human bodies shouldn't be able to lift mountains either, but in Hulk form it's easy peasy. There's never been a limit shown to Hulk's strength, ever. Based on all available data, history and precedent there's no basis for saying there's a limit. For further corroboration: So the Beyonder, who'd be able to tell, says his power and strength have no limits. That last part refutes the "Heart will just explode" hypothesis. As he grows in strength so does his entire physical structure to allow for the additional strength. This from Marvel Universe Online: No limit has ever been found. Limitless at this point. Without proof the contrary all proof points to no limit. From The Hulk Library Online: Given that class 100 is ability to lift 100 tons, and the Hulk's lifted 150 BILLION tons at times...off the charts is a logical area to rate his strength. Given all the evidence the Hulk is the only one with unlimited strength of the group...Superman making the 'passing a kidney stone" face BA cover excepted. While i agree with you that Hulk is strongest, the Hulk did NOT "lift" a 150 billion ton mountain. That was my all time favorite comic book as a kid and i must have read it 1,000 times. I distinctly remember one of the heroes asking how he was holding up the mountain and Hulk said something back like "I'm not holding it, just bracing it with some leverage". Still impressive though. Take that Supes! (thumbs u
  8. As my dad would have said, "Hulk chunks of guys stronger than Superman!" (thumbs u
  9. Thank you! From 31-100, i'm looking pretty good now. Down to needing about 6-7 i think. 1-31 needs A LOT of work still unfortunately, especially considering i still need 1-11. I thought i had a line on a NICE #1 but the seller is being completely unreasonable imo and wants about 50% above GPA for it
  10. 2 8.5 sales in 2010: 12,250 and 11,350 2 8.5 sales so far in 2011: 16,400 and 13,740(for a FUGLY copy) What would qualify as a rise then? granted its only 2 sales but were not talking a Hulk 181 here. There arent going to be 100 sales this year. Those seem like pretty damn strong prices to me.
  11. It's a nice book but im definitely not floored by it. Strikes me as kind of a soft 9.4 imo.
  12. I definitely didnt think it would jump nearly that high. btw, What the hell happened to the 9.4? I dont see it on the auction list anymore? THe 9.4 sold for $100k I believe reserve not met. I've seen that bad miswrapped 8.5 before. I think it was previously auctioned before and sold under $10k if I am not mistaken. Anyhow, seems like X-Men #1 is on the rise! rise? one sale is meaningless...just as the X-men 9.6 for $200k didn't pull the 9.4 any higher than it was 18 months ago. that 4.5 on Ebay is just an outlier as far as I am concern..I am sure if the winner is is aware of the 4.5 on CL today, he will throw up in his mouth. http://www.comiclink.com/auctions/item.asp?back=%2FAuctions%2Fsearch%2Easp%3FFocusedOnly%3D1%26where%3Dauctions%26title%3Dx%2Dmen%26x%3D19%26y%3D10%26ItemType%3DCB%26pg%3D2%23Item%5F881924&id=881924 You dont think the last couple 8.5 sales show a rise? Didnt a 8.5 go for like 16k a few weeks ago and that one last night getting almost 14k SHOCKED me for sure. I would have guessed 10-11 absolute max for that copy.
  13. I definitely didnt think it would jump nearly that high. btw, What the hell happened to the 9.4? I dont see it on the auction list anymore?
  14. I'm SHOCKED at the price that 8.5 got in the Clink auction last night! Almost 14k for maybe the worst miswrapped #1 i've ever seen. #1's are definitely getting VERY strong prices lately.
  15. Normally, i would agree with tortoise and others that since this wasnt a board transaction, it shouldnt be probation list worthy. BUT This was an insanely bad transaction. Unless SAGAT had been in the hobby for less than 30 seconds, there is NO possible way he didnt know that book was restored! I'm about a 1 on a scale of 10 detecting resto and even i saw that immediately. My 8 year old daughter would have done a better job re-drawing Thor and Iron Mans head and the lettering! No possible way that SAGAT didnt know this was restored and 100% intend to screw twisty in my mind. I'd vote for probation list on this one definitely (thumbs u
  16. No, i got it in the Clink auction last night. Not exactly a key issue but considering it's been the ONLY 9.8 since 2003, i though it would go much higher than it did. I was very happy when my what i thought was a lowball bid won
  17. A few Avengers that i got tonight FINALLY found a nice centered 72!
  18. It definitely doesnt make sense for you to scan your BA back covers. You have so many runs of titles, you'll just end up scanning the same back cover 50 times.
  19. Good god cheetah!!! Seriously, when are you going to start charging money to let people come and just look at your collection?!?
  20. That's 28% my friend. I scanned two boxes of GA books today to improve a measly 1%. But that still around 1,600 books, front and back. I spent about 3 hours last week and went from like 20% to 65% on my registry! With your collection, it'll take you YEARS to make that kinda jump!
  21. Embarrassing compared to cheetah but as one of the other resident Avengers fanatics, heres a few of my recent acquisitions (thumbs u
  22. INSANE as usual cheetah Especially that 72! i cant seem to locate a HG copy that isnt horribly miswrapped and you have a perfectly centered 9.freaking8 Getting caught up with scanning though??? According to the registry, you're at 27% there friend! I see a LOT of sleepless nights in your future in you ever hope to get caught up with your collection!
  23. Two eBay buys to help my BA #1's project. I LOVE both these books but especially the JIM 1