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Everything posted by gadzukes

  1. Can I join even though I cropped my photo wrong. It's a 7.5
  2. That Yellow Kid pin is in GREAT shape. Usually they're faded or crusty
  3. That is the same TTA13 that sold for $2868 in No 2012. $99,995.00 is a pretty big mark-up.
  4. Geezus bought a $400 comic from me and paid right away. Fantastic!!!!!
  5. I picked this up raw at a garage sale (just got it back from CGC). The "savvy" seller knew it was worth a lot so wouldn't let it go for less than $30. Um.... yeah! Take my $30. No negotiating necessary.
  6. Imagine a 10 year old kid walking up to the news stand and seeing that comic. Wow, what a cover.
  7. . Battle Front 37 also had a Multi color logo. Great picture!!! Those logos always make me think some kid doodled on them.
  8. is she? Im trying to remember, how do they establish this in the movie? Snyder went out of his way to even wrap her pearls around the revolver that kills her. And I seem to recall a pearl falling into the batcave in one of the dream sequences. "Martha", for both characters is a HUGE motivation. I liked the Martha moment.
  9. I liked the "Martha" moment myself. Very nice. Since Martha is the motivation for everything Batman is, I bought into the moment, that it could stop him in his tracks and in that pause, Superman was humanized. The "Martha" moment in BvS is kind of like the moment when the Grinch's heart grew 3 times it's size. It happened fast. Only in that moment he didn't get the strength of "Ten Batmans, plus two"
  10. Top Notch 22 has another Ad in it for Jackpot 3 (Fall edition) That comic (jackpot 3) would have probably hit the stands in Sept of 1941 (which is a month before Pep 22 came out) Does Pep 22 have an Ad for Jackpot 3? That might reveal the timing of the release dates on these. It seems like I remember a thread where all of this was talked about at one time but I can't find it. One of you boardies that has a Pep 22... any chance you can tell us what comic Ads are in that issue?
  11. The way that Ad is worded it kind of makes you think that the Top Notch 22 may have come out a couple weeks before the Pep 22. Wouldn't it say something like, "Archie begins in this month's issue of Pep Comics" if they came out at exactly the same time. Also, if this issue came out a week or two after Pep 22 then I believe Archie's hair would have been red in this Ad. The artist would have had full knowledge of Archie's hair color by then. Certainly Overstreet needs to make mention of this issue.
  12. This is my 1st comic that I've gotten back in the new slab. Is that Peter Parker on the front cover?
  13. You're right. I own 3 Archie 1s so I don't feel the need to bid on them any more. The CC winner probably doesn't feel the need right now. It's a smaller pool of bidders so I guess the price stays lower.
  14. Less than a month ago the CC Archie 1 CGC 1.8 went for $25,500. That one even had glue on the cover. I pegged this #1 as a 1.5-1.8 so $12,100 seems really low low low. Of course that CC Archie seemed high high high. I want a do over so I can pick up this ebay copy.
  15. I just finished a high dollar comic deal with Rich. His payment was lightning fast and his communication was spot on. Seems like a nice guy too. Sell to him with confidence.
  16. What does the US Jones "Membership Badge" look like? Is it that circular piece of artwork in my photo above? Yes, but instead of a full figure pose of him, it was a head shot only. I love the Ad itself. Everyone was jumping on the Club Membership Bandwagon back in those early years. Superman, Captain America, Captain Marvel, and US Jones.
  17. What does the US Jones "Membership Badge" look like? Is it that circular piece of artwork in my photo above?
  18. I agree, lots of strong prices, but then the #1 went kind of low I thought. I was expecting $15k-$16k on that one.
  19. Robot Man, This Ad was on the inside cover of an early Eagle comic. Have you ever run across an actual "US Jones National Emergency Kit"? I've never even heard of US Jones before. He looks like a cross between Captain America & The Phantom.
  20. This is my 1st Slab that's come back in the new holder. The new holder has a great feel to it.
  21. Full Raw Archie collection sold tonight on ebay. Archie 1 is 1.5-1.8 went for $12,100 (great price, the winner must be ecstatic) http://www.ebay.com/itm/Archie-Comics-1-1942-MLJ-Golden-Age-Classic-sku-81051-/371597516888?hash=item5684f02058:g:BZAAAOSwy5ZXCxn0&autorefresh=true Archie 2 in about 3.0 went for $2650 Archie 3 in about 2.5 went for $860 Archie 4 in about 1.8 went for $555 Archie 5 in about 3.5 went for $761 Archie 6 in about 3.0 went for $482 Archie 7 in about 3.0 went for $482 Archie 8 in about 2.0 (I love this cover) went for $561 Archie 9 in about 2.0 went for $456 Archie 10 in about 5.0 went for $483 Archie 11 in about 2.0 went for $180 Archie 12 in about 5.0 went for $322 Archie 13 in about 1.0 went for $180 Archie 14 in about 4.0 went for $153 Archie 15 in about 3.0 went for $104 Archie 16 in about 6.0 went for $225 (I won this one... I hope it grades out as a 7.0) Archie 17 in about 5.0 went for $210 Archie 18 in about 1.0 went for $53 Archie 19 in about 3.5 went for $99 Archie 20 in about 4.0 went for $94 and Archie 50 in about 1.5 went for $208 These were SO much fun to watch finish. I bid on almost all of them, but the only one I won was Archie 16. I was the under bidder on a handful. I would have bid on #1 but I just didn't have the resources right now. I think #1 went low.
  22. That looks like an homage to Preacher 16. Right down to the yellow lighting on the left side and the background colors. http://www.comics.org/issue/59141/cover/4/
  23. Nice collection. But you need the 5th print. No need to keep answering the question "hey, where's the 5th print" whenever you show off the collection Ya I will probably cave and get the 5th print - but the 4th print has always been the pinnacle MOS18 to me (besides a CGC 9.9 first print)
  24. You're talking about the minutia. Packing content into 2.3 hours isn't justification for a favorable review unless the content serves a cohesive story revolving around characters we care about. When discussing superheroes and science it's always a stretch of the imagination. We are asked to suspend disbelief. That goes for Marvel product and DC, ...and all things in between. The problem with Zack's take on Superman has nothing to do with the pseudo-scientific aspects of his Kryptonian power. This is all about subtext and the message Zack's BvS film sends. It goes back to the first film, MoS, where Mr. Snyder established his controversial take on the character. Most of the criticism of MoS was driven by the cynical albeit successful marketing strategy to approach ministers and show them pre-release versions that played up Christian friendly aspects of the film. Then they were asked to endorse it and recommend it to their congregations. Heavy handed religious metaphors we're woven into the story making the character into a depressingly serious, angst-driven seeker of redemption. Along with lame death scene of Pa Kent and the uncomfortably misogynistic portrayal of women (Lois.especially) MoS pushed all the wrong buttons. I only mention this to set the stage for the critical train wreck of BvS that followed. Since I refuse to support films that offend my deeply held view that superheroes should embody positive attributes and be an entertaining fantasy without any preconceived or cynically motivated studio agenda I've chosen to forego the "pleasure" of paying to see BvS. I'm relying on the consensus of highly qualified reviews to assess whether Zack's vision of the character has evolved or remained uncomfortably dystopian and angst-driven. I won't review the picture (that would be disingenuous), but it's entirely fair and reasonable to express shared disappointment with those who've been treated to more of the same jumbled mess and convoluted apocryphal messaging that permitted the first film. You're right, great movies aren't perfect either, but when it comes to cynical film-making you have to draw the line somewhere. Interesting tidbit that I had never heard. I am a man of faith, deeply Christian, and yet I never had anyone at our church or denomination recommend MoS. However, I would contend that the Christ like similarities of Superman were first heavily stressed in Superman Returns. In fact, I used sections of the movie in bible study lessons. While I think MoS continues some of those same ideals, they were not near as obvious as in the previous movie. From my perspective, there are no Christ-like similarities in MoS or BvS. As for Superman Returns, I'd have to re-watch it... There is confusion between "Christ-like" and "godlike" - note the lowercase "g". Superman being perceived as godlike is an established part of the mythos. Looking at the words in bold type above, I find it hard to believe with all the violence in MoS, it would be seen as "Christian friendly". The only time in the movie Superman turned the other cheek, it happened to be Zod's... Here is a screen shot from Superman Returns. No doubt certain imagery was used within that movie to relate Superman with Christ, not just a god. As to MoS and BvS, I think you are correct that the more obvious similarity is with Supes being a god-like figure, however, as a Christian I do see some more similarities with Jesus than other religious figures. (Except of course with some specific actions like, as you said, turning Zod's cheek. Btw, good one!) This makes me think of the scene from "Cool Hand Luke" after he eats the 50 eggs. The director turned him into a Christ figure on the table. http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/1871/2060/1600/Cool%20Hand%20Luke%20cruciform.jpg