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Everything posted by Mmehdy

  1. The spinner rack played a very important role for me as a beginning collector, each week or maybe two times per week a different store, I can remember like yesterday at the drug store spinner rack in San Mateo looking at FF Ann#1....and saying to my mom we have get this, I took it home and it blew my mind, one of the best or not the best marvel annuals of all time, only 25 cents...like yesterday. The spinner racks, you had to be there to understand the joy and unknown each week of going and discovering.
  2. the art to this cover is going to be sold at ha this week in the signature auction.
  3. If they are going to be competitive they need to respond before the end of the month
  4. The reason why I say underpriced, based upon the history in terms of golden age hero’s and the golden age universe and I totally did not agree with that” captain marvel is dead” quite the contrary I enjoyed the new movie and look forward to the sequel. In the total golden age context Captan Marvel is in the top 5… now price wise it is not…. But I predict there is great potential for this book and captan marvel #1 with jack kirby art, I think eventually and historically these two books will catch up… quality always rises to the top over time… and for the $$$ in today’s hectic market… what a great bang for the buck, especially added to the fact that this book in 6.0 blue is very rare…. I think when buying GA comic books, especially this one it is a leap of faith when purchasing a book which is five or six figures. So my opinion is buy the book and take rarity and grade and label into consideration, but historically you cannot go wrong with greatness time will be very kind to these great GA classics Captain Marvel is one the greatest golden age hero’s alive, or frozen like Steve Rogers and FYI…he is not dead period.
  5. From an early GA collectors standpoint, I would say 1972...73 Irving Bigman, who was a very famous GA comic book dealer would bring his Action 1 and Whiz 2 with him to conventions. Early on, Whiz 2 was neck and neck with Action #1, with the overall numbers and I asked him after going up to his room and him letting be flow thru A1, Whiz #2 they did not mind it, which is better, his answer I never forget his answer, no one is better but Whiz 2 is rarer. I consider the origin story of Whiz #2 one of the greatest if not second greatest stories and art in the GA period. That was so good in my opinion, everything that came after that was not on that level. If you have not read or looked at this story for a long time, check it out on the web.... In answering your question, I consider Whiz #2 the most underpriced GA comic book today. It never caught up, the rarity factor helped keep the price down, because of the less sales of the book vs A1 or D27. Dont get be wrong, I still am a champ for Cap #1 as the best GA buy out there in the long run, as the difference between 1938...1939 and 1941 in terms of years difference fades away Cap #1 and the year 1941 stigma vs Marvel 1939 etc. The cover and origin story for Whiz #2 is just fantastic, and that is why collectors, especially older collectors respect this book, its the man that beat superman at the newsstands and over time, will reclaim the proper value and recognition it deserves.
  6. any idea/ guesses about what price this will bring?.......record price for the title? One of my favorite GA origin stories....
  7. Looks like Dec 16 for the superman #1, December 14 for the 3.0 Action 1, but most interesting is the new addition of Whiz 2 (1) with a 6.0 grade blue label...WOW...that is very rare also.....what a way to end the year for CC.
  8. I might not go either...for free...it just not seem to have any "energy" to it....is any board member going?
  9. got ticket conformation today...anyone else going?...
  10. It will be very interesting to see if they come up with any new ideas, heck maybe it could be better than Ha...should be able to be better than CCC easily.
  11. It should be interesting to see how much of a upgrade they can do, and compare it to HA superior website. I think its worth a look.
  12. amazing, you have only 1% to lose with a great potential for a significant value upswing....
  13. too bad about that staple, is it rusty..if so..570K with BP O/W 610K
  14. glad to here it was not just some computer enhancement, it looks every bit a 7.0....
  15. Never say never, but the forms of collecting enjoyment has changed over time, lets take the Cap 1-12 omnibus...that is pure GOLD, and yes for under $100 you can relive it like a time machine. however, holding the original Cap#3 is just plain different, feeling it, knowing it was on the newsstand in 1941 and someone bought it. It like a feeling, its history, I just hope and pray that feeling never goes away for any of us.
  16. your right Lou....originally it was also sold as a value added plus but also as a value preserver, especially on brittle books and tears which could get worse over time. The problem was that the quality of work, especially on the early days, a bunch of hacks tried to come in and do it cheaper and it worked out that the quality of the restoration varied greatly. That is probability one factor in creating restoration's bad name over time.
  17. " how many TCBC holdouts do you think are left?" answer:..since a lot of those old time collectors seem to not be so vocal on like our boards, I would say a few...but what they have is significant in terms of a GA/SA collection in 2021...some of them impossible to amass today unless you have "impossible collection" money available. Their collections will make GA/SA comic book waves. "All of you will do the "thing" when you sell" I am assuming you mean pancake, clean and flip and CGC it. "why keep harping on it as the evil it was called 2 decades ago" and " are you capitulating to realty". I would correct that to say 4/5 decades to go. Because at the time, early on the restorers sold their services forgetting to mention that at some point their restoration would be recognizable, and actually decrease value of the GA comic book substantially . The restoration was sold that you could not tell the difference between any book fixed up and not and that it would help preserve the book in the best possible condition in the long run. Hence a lot GA collectors early on, who were not flipping but wanting to PROTECT their GA book for generations to come. In other words, as it played out most of the early restoration was for long term collectors wanting to preserve their GA treasures, yes some dealers used them to help turn a profit for a quick flip did not disclose the restoration. It just was not right at the time it was sold and how it was sold and did not turn out right after CGC was formed and we as GA collectors in 2021 still feel the effects of those early years. Today, this undisclosed permissible restoration or whatever you call it has turned into a game of stacking new permissible fix after new permissible fix to get the highest possible grade number . They do not care about the GA book itself and what is done it or what it has to go thru in order to get that higher number and the brass ring on the merry-go-round. It is turning GA comic book collecting into a numbers game, not even caring about the GA book. This is madness period. At some point hopefully, our younger collectors will overcome this "numbers game" and go back to real comic book collecting. I care, I hope, I pray we return to collector sanity.
  18. I think because of the rarity of any Superman #1 above 5.0...it really does not matter what it was in the past, it is 2021 that counts and it is every bit a 7.0. Blue, and whether buy trickery or whatever which is considered not really restoration, pressing, cleaning etc gets it there so be it. That is state of the art 2021, in 1975 you took the books you bought "as is" and as is this book is at least a 5.0. So it got upped two grades, it is however one the rarest high graded copies of Superman #1 in existence, pressing and all. So If my prediction of a sale over 1 million stands up and some say 1.5 or 2, this will reinforce every speculator and "grade bumper" out there.....that jump from 4.5 as you say or 5.0 as I say.....to 7.0 in this specific Book, Superman #1 which is very rare above 5.0 or 4.5 Blue Label has the ability to the greatest price increase for just about any GA book out there except Action 1/Det 27 and even then it is gonna be close. So with those $$$$ and the publicty after this sale...where do we as TCBC's stand...do we all upgrade with heard and do we stand firm....gonna be very interesting, this sale could become a future game changer in the GA/SA comic book world.. the final sale price of this book will be historic ..what do you think?
  19. here is the exact statement " " fresh to the market, sure-to-break records, 2nd highest-graded copy of Superman #1 (cgc)"....so it is in the second highest graded tier, not #2 copy...got it.
  20. I received a email from CC today and they showed a picture of the new to market Superman #1 7.0 . This is a very strong looking 7.0 copy. CC claims it is the second highest graded copy out there (see below its actually #3).....So, what do you think this book will sell for in the current 2021 market?????