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Everything posted by Whizzer

  1. But in the real life community the serial killer is often described thus: "He kept to himself but he was always quiet and polite." Hang on, you may be onto something. We have our very own bona fide serial killer here on the boards in the shape of Oakman. Why don't we set him on this doosh, Dexter style. Problem solved. His name is Oakland and he only kills the homeless in his backyard! Well, I haven't seen Justin around these parts recently either.
  2. But in the real life community the serial killer is often described thus: "He kept to himself but he was always quiet and polite." Hang on, you may be onto something. We have our very own bona fide serial killer here on the boards in the shape of Oakman. Why don't we set him on this doosh, Dexter style. Problem solved.
  3. Let me know.... I am in the LA area two to four times a week, especially during the Student film shoot projects that have me in extreme demand... CAL That's great CAL, but I'm in England . Either way, if it ever happens, the first round is on me (thumbs u
  4. I think the X-Men should have been seperate from the universe that Spider-Man, Fantastic Four, Cap America etc inhabit. Because to me, it now conflicts with one another. Then you need to suspend your disbelief, this is a fifty year old continuity that way too many people have with over the years after all Hey I'm just a Bat guy And before you mention it, those 50s outer space shenanigans never happened Bruce Wayne woke up in a shower in the mid Silver age, it was all just a dream. Out of interest, do you actually collect those fifties issues? I always thought ShockedRobin would be a cool board name.
  5. Poor old CAL does sometimes get blamed for stuff he didn't actually do. Whizzer, who would like to take CAL and RMA out for a beer sometime, just to establish some common ground.
  6. I think the X-Men should have been seperate from the universe that Spider-Man, Fantastic Four, Cap America etc inhabit. Because to me, it now conflicts with one another. Then you need to suspend your disbelief, this is a fifty year old continuity that way too many people have with over the years after all
  7. Sorry, complete quote fail above, but I'm sure you can decipher it?
  8. Arch has all of the evidence archived. It would seem that if members of the collectors society are recieving threats, CGC should do something about it. He hasn't made any threats against CGC that I know of. I take your point Roy, but we are a community of sorts, I just think we should put forward a united front against this sort of . How easy is it to actually press charges in a situation like this? Serious question, I have no experience in matters like this. It seems like it could be time to take it to that level. I don't know why you don't just press charges if he's made a personal threat against you. I'd have done so ages ago.
  9. Leave CAL outta this... when I do something, I do it without being a weasel, or clandestine, sneaky ways. Not a backstabber, I am a chest stabber, in your face when I need to face you. I have been accused of being MANY shills here, the last one I recall was "Unruly American", someone who I had no clue about until a few CGCers PMed me. Of course I was cleared immediately by the CGC Brass, and I am no dummy; I know that the CGC Brass does not think the same about me like they did when Borock was here. CAL no dummy... Cal, I was joking around That doesn't make any difference to CAL. CAL whose sense of humour is not his strong suit.
  10. Why? Are his threads and rants not a source of amusement? I am not amused. Yep, sorry, from what I've been told he's crossed some lines with you pretty extremely. When he's behind bars, I will be ready to joke about it. The thing is, it's fun to pile onto this guy and give him a metaphorical kicking, because he so obviously deserves it. If I was Mike however, I would be spitting mad about this whole thing. We all know that Mike is a good guy, and it's good that we stand behind him on here. However, it doesn't really alter the fact that this imbecile is running around spewing this mess around. Whatever the mods and the rest of us can do to shut alleyscat down on this forum should be done, and done immediately.
  11. This is a great thread guys. In 1980, my best friend moved back to England from Spain (English Dad, Spanish Mum). Anyway, he brought a big pile of Spanish comics with him, and just because they looked so cool (I couldn't read them), I traded some American and British comics for some of them. Somewhere along they way, those books disappeared and I never really thought too much about them, until I read this thread. Man, I wish I'd kept them now Most of them were Marvel reprints and very cool in terms of size and format. There was also an original Spanish comic called Mortadello y Filamon (Mort and Phil?). It was a humor comic drawn in an almost Peter Bagge style, but more detailed. I've never been able to find an English translation, although I believe it's still running in Spain. I'd love to know if any of you guys have ever come across this title. In the meantime, keep 'em coming.
  12. It took too long to close down this most recent couple of threads. I suggest that the next time this dooshnozzle surfaces, as many people as possible hit the notify button as quickly as possible to take this down. If we can't stop him starting threads, it should at least be possible to shut them down faster. It was good to see the boards unite against this little wanker though.
  13. I bought issue 1 on a whim after reading about it on here. Theoretically i should've hated it, it's just not my type of thing, I even disliked the cover and HATED the logo. In the event, I absolutely loved it and devoured no2 as well. I actually like to have my views about stuff challenged and am fairly open to well put arguments, so it was great to like this book despite my pre conceived notions of what it would be like. Having said that, I will probably drop it after no 3 and wait for the trade, purely because I am in the middle of thinning out my stuff for reasons of space. As soon as the trade comes out I will sell the floppies to buy something else. I hope this one runs and runs though, it's got bags of potential and I intend to be along for the ride.
  14. Anyone been in touch with the DWC rep re getting sigs at Kapow? I'm only going at the last minute as I was given a free ticket and was thinking of getting some sigs ; Adlard, Ross & Hitch, Gibbons and Snyder etc. Anyone else?
  15. I would have thought that those conditions which in a less enlightened time we might have referred to using the blanket term Retarded each have a correct name of their own which is better known now than in the past. Similar to how at one time those suffering from Downs Syndrome were referred to as . Again, this is just my opinion, but if you in a bantering way now refer to someone as a person_having_a_hard_time_understanding_my_point, you are really just questioning their level of intelligence rather than comparing them to a person with a specific condition. To me that legitimizes the word as an epithet or insult, because it does not refer to any specific actual condition or group of people.
  16. As an Englishman from a working class background, I am quite happy in the appropriate setting to swear like a trooper. I think that Anglo Saxon swearwords are things of rare beauty when used correctly. For some reason though, I find Brian K Vaughn's use of the F and C words a little jarring and unnecessary. He sometimes seems to crowbar the C word in particular into comics, just because he can or because he feels it is making a statement, or seeking within the framework of a comic book to break a taboo of some kind. I noticed it in Y and Saga, and it takes something away from his otherwise excellent writing IMHO. Just a thought.
  17. When I was about 8 my parents took me to the Guggenheim. I was walking around and there were a group of about 15 huddled around a particular painting. I walked over and it was a blank canvas with a single red dot. These individuals were so taken aback by its beauty and meaning that they couldn't stop gushing. From that point foward I realized a few important things about art and patrons of the arts: 1. An individual's level of douchery is mirrored by their art knowledge. 2. Not all art is subjective. A red dot is not art, a Dali painting is. 3. Every painting does not have a deep meaning, sometimes tits are just tits. 4. Art critics are just pent up masturbators who couldn't ejaculate themselves so they criticize the love juice of others. 5. Rich people need to spend large amounts of money to validate their constant hunger for more money. They also want to one up the other rich person who lives/works by them. Art is a perfect excuse. 6. Most people are sheep and need to be told if they should like something. As a kid I always loved the story of the Emperors New Clothes. It appealed to my innate skepticism. I feel that the concept behind it applies more to the world of high end modern art than almost any other subject. So although I agree with your entire list, number 6 is my personal favourite (thumbs u
  18. Just started reading myself and this helped me. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Locke_%26_Key Perfect, thanks very much (thumbs u, didn't even occur to me try Wiki
  19. I would be grateful if one of you kind souls could point me in the direction of a reading list for Locke & Key. (floppies that is, beginning with issue 1). I'm a bit confused as to the chronological order of the minis. Thank you kindly. (thumbs u
  20. I have officially seen everything now
  21. You're old enough to remember Stan Bowles Frank Worthington - now there was a footballer. Marvellous isn't it hmm, jumpers for goalposts, Malcolm Macdonald, lovely thighs isn't it, hmm polite applause for the opposition, football isn't it.
  22. Great, great book from a very underrated and entertaining series. I want one!
  23. Yep, Nick's grading is as good as it gets. I noticed at the London Con that he still uses the old Stateside/Comicana labels which give detailed descriptions of the book and point out specific faults with the book. When you buy from him, you know exactly what you are getting and that the grading will be spot on or even somewhat generous.
  24. Who turned this into a hoofball thread? I used to love the game before it became all about roasting bimbos and who's got the best haircut. Give me Stan Bowles and Charlie George over these prancing, diving,prima donnas any day. .
  25. The owner of my LCS has actually comped his main employee with a few shares in the business so that he benefits above his salary if the shop does well. The result? The guy works his arse off to make extra sales and help people find the stuff they need. I'm not saying he wouldn't do this anyway, but I'm sure the little extra incentive works and that benefits the employer, the employee and the customer.