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Everything posted by Define999

  1. Im telling you one thing for sure... if a 129 variant exists in Japanese Chesperito, Liaton, Solorcadet and I are gonna sheeeeeet our pants..... Its gonna be a smelly day the day that scan is found......
  2. Indeed, as we just learned (browse some posts back ). From what I get, they were probably moderate successful, so they did not break hugely in the market. The average japanese readers are more than often pretty "self-confined", like the majority of the US ones, and only in recent years it seems they started to develop more interest for non-japanese comics. The ones you posted appear chinese, especially the Ultron. May be also vietnamese or korean, don’t know. I just saw that! Amazing dude..... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. I was making my post as you were posting this!!!!!!!! Can you say FREAKIN AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy sheeeeeet Claudio.... are you a genius or what? sweet, sweet detective skillz sir!
  4. We think so.... check these images out.... more comic-book-like.... but I am not sure if its Chinese or Japanese? I have been trying to source some Asian bronze stuff with with absolutely no luck whatsoever? The most recent Asian thing I have seen is that rice paper Chinese batman and a Japanese Supes solorcadet showed me. I haven’t even been able to find scans of much of the Asian Bronze age stuff? Imagine Bronze age keys like IM55, Spidey 129, or god forbid a 181!!!!! Be cool to see but its weird? Why would Marvel X #1 seem to be built like it was introducing Japanese readers to the Marvel world? The only thing I can come up with is it was a re-introduction so to speak. Maybe Marvel had Japanese licensed stuff in Japan in the 70’s and it didn’t do well and died an early death? Maybe Marvel tried again in the 90’s or even more recently? Who knows, one thing I do know is many poepe have told me the Japanese markets can be quite finicky…. If they don’t like you they don’t like you period. We could probably speculate anything but what we really need is a Japanese collector themselves to discuss the state of American comics in Japan. Maybe I will work on finding one? nah I dont have the Snikt series.... I have heard its pretty cool though!
  5. I agree.... That EBAL bats 222 is freakin sweeeeeettttt... Apparently I'm gonna have to post the DC westerns in the Bronze thread to get them any love. Hey I love them all... but the bats is my favorite... followed by the weird western man!
  6. I agree.... That EBAL bats 222 is freakin sweeeeeettttt...
  7. You know, since I started this thread I am consistently amazing at the amount, quality and coolness of the foreign variants that pop up on this thread. I also am amazed at the amount of boardies from all over the world that contribute. This being the case its gotten hard to find stuff that is rarely seen? I think though I might have something? My good buddy Hector AKA Chesperito hooked me up with some Japanese trades that collected a lot of cool stories from the Marvel universe. I am not sure how rare they are but I know Hector says they are very very very difficult to find and I can concur that I have never seen one offered for sale here in America or elsewhere. This is issue 1 of the series called Marvel X…… They are similar to the Japanese Spawns in that they have a dust jacket, are more like a trade than a comic and have very good art and layout design… mine doesn’t have the dust jacket but here is a scan of the book with its original dust jacket…. Very cool me thinks…. Now the Marvel X series from what I can tell collected stories of importance from the Marvel universe. It also seems to speak about the history of Marvel in America? Here is a blurb on the man…… And it contains little factoids on important peeps….. My guess is this was a way of introducing the Marvel universe to Japanese readers who might not have had any of the backstory to our Marvel world? Were these trades successful in snatching Japanese hearts and minds and more importantly yen? Who knows but I have a couple of the trades so I know they went a couple issues at least. Now in issue 1 they sure start off with a bang! Imagine being a Japanese kid whos first entry into the Marvel universe is the Infinity Gauntlet story arc? Wow, is all I can say….. Who knew our mad titan could speak Japanese? more marvel info on artists and upcoming story arcs maybe... The issue included copper Xmen #30 the wedding of Cyclops and Jean Grey… and a Silver surfer story drawn by Moebius I believe…. Back cover…. The printing is great with glossy cover and good quality paper inside…. Anyways hope this interests those with a hankering this morning for a foreign related piece that they probably haven’t scene. Id also like to thank my good buddy Ches for hooking a brotha up! (thumbs u
  8. Nice Liam!!!! I know you had been searching those out for a very long time! Lovin that SW #1!
  9. Ahhhh heck... shown the set before but since its that special day... why not?
  10. It’s a side-effect of your bulk buying practice. Hit the nail ont he head with that one CLaudio....
  11. This is amazing Tony! Almost like a anime/bats weird coagulation.... Very cool, I wonder what he would take for such a rare book.....
  12. Very cool, love the Dutch books! Tough to aquire as well.... (thumbs u
  13. Yea I heard back..... Unfortunately mine were not so well received... I got givin a free book too but I still ended up paying some to cover the wholesale costs of the other book, even though the contact made the mistake. Remember the first rule of contact management..... if its to much hassle or trouble for a foreign contact to source books, thats the second they stop doing it...... BTW Im sorry yours had an issue too... I think the average grading standards of Brazilian collectors are just different from here. It was a honest mistake I believe and I think the sellers decision to throw in free books was his integrity showing thru......
  14. Hey Tim.... this might sound like a stupid question? So did you have Marvel UK pence copies and these books on the shelf around the same time? I cant remember how far back the pence copies go?
  15. Interested in selling this one? This is very very cool!!!!! I love the MACC books..... another one I have to own... thanks alot!
  16. Cool, very interesting about Caliban..... I think the original idea of having Caliban hidden and this creature that you only saw suited up was very clever. Thanks Cluadio! The 2 things I have read most recently are.... The Walking Dead trade #73-#78. I am really enjoying the Alexandria Safe Zone storyline and Ricks group getting along there..... (thumbs u And I am re-reading the Moore swamp thing run on .cbr.... I think I have made it to issue #25... And I am trying to find some time to read those skull and bones books you have lent me Claudio but time is somthing I have had short supply of as of late. My pre-teen daughter and terrible 2's son have been giving my wife and I ...... I will get to them soon I hope....
  17. Interested in selling this one? I dont own it dude..... but want to! Knowing of its existance is half the battle in foreigns! (thumbs u I will keep an eye out, you keep and eye out and just maybe we will get lucky?
  18. The Magnificent 7!!! Thats a beautiful set and still growing!!!!! congrats sir!
  19. Now you are telling me you have NEVER read an X-Men story with Caliban? How’s that you know Proteus? Collecting is definitely harmful for good reading… Homework: borrow a good run of X-Factor (the Simonson man & wife run) and learn EVERYTHING about Caliban, the Morlocks, Power Pack & al. Nah... I have... Just forgot about him.... My reading tastes jumped around a lot... Though to be honest I haven't read any of the x-factor stuff.... Have the .cbrs just haven't gotten around to it! Will do teach! (thumbs u
  20. Oh that’s right? Caliban was like a alien looking guy right? So they just used the original art as a guide to include Caliban in the cover artwork? Pretty nifty Abril….. Thanks for the catch Claudio! (thumbs u
  21. I was looking for a Spidey 328 for you in the Brazilian database but couldn't find one? Did you see the Greek I posted? Is there a Brazilian? Nuno would know for sure I think? Look at the pic I posted, I have the Brazilian ASM 328... It is called HULK but its the ASM328 story... BRAZIL, GERMANY, FINLAND, NETHERLANDS, US Oh ! sorry bout that Tony! Well that's that....
  22. I was looking for a Spidey 328 for you in the Brazilian database but couldn't find one? Did you see the Greek I posted? Is there a Brazilian? Nuno would know for sure I think?
  23. So guys, while searching the Brazilian database for that spidey Tony needed(which I still didnt find!) I came across some very interesting examples of art work re-purposing. Editorial Abril is one publisher that certainly didn't have a problem changing artwork to suit their needs.... the bats 227 rework being a well known example. These are interesting as well though..... great examples of foreign variants that demand interest because of their novelty and interesting re-imaginings. Man check out Proteus!!! Looks like a completely different mutant! Whats up with changing Stranges gaze? Look into my eyes....