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Everything posted by newshane

  1. Sorry. That's a very dubious claim. No one outside the comic collecting world cares about Harbinger. I know it's forever ago, but as I've mentioned before, Spawn was mega-huge in the 90s and invaded every aspect of culture. The character was even on the Sopranoes for heaven sake. So yes, I see your theory...and high grade copies of Harbinger may be more valuable per capita, but they aren't going to move in sheer numbers like Spawn 1. I understand your formula, but I think it's flawed.
  2. That's funny. I've seen the opposite. And I don't know what kind of profit you would seek from a VF comic with a print run of over one and a half million copies. 9.8s routinely sell for $100 and 9.9s are topping out at ten times that amount. I should also mention that I will pay up to $300 for some of those issues (not rare variants) in 9.8 condition. Got issues 26, 64, 135, 152, 156, 182, 203, or 212? Contact me to cash in. Those of you with these "worthless" issues need to call me.
  3. Peter David Star Trek books are often "straight-up campy fun." Good stuff. I really enjoyed Vendetta.
  4. Although I'm a big fan of the signature series program, I don't believe in getting key books signed. I would greatly prefer an unsigned IH181.
  5. It lasted 2 seasons so I always say it is year 4 and 5 of their 5 year voyage Yep, that`s what I do. Very underrated animated series. I agree. It really was excellent.
  6. What do you mean by both There are FIVE of them! Okay then... 1. TNG 2. TOS 3. DS9 4. Voyager 5. Enterprise I will agree with previous posts about the horrible acting by Avery Brooks as Sisko. Absolutely vapid. Robert Beltran as Chakotay in Voyager was just as bad. I thought DS9 was a real snoozer until the Dominion War - then it got awesome.
  7. Love them both but there is just something about TNG.
  8. The variant game is past old by now. I wish it would stop...but the only way is to quit buying them, which is not an option for most obsessed collectors. I quit collecting Spawn because the variant game is RIDICULOUS with that title. In fact, I think I'm done with moderns altogether.
  9. lolll yes maybe in a year from now it will!! Maybe the spiderman / star wars crossover treasury with the aunt may slapping darth vader panel! lollll I still prefer TEC 27 over AF15 but was to late in the game to buy myself a TEC 27. Batman will always be my favorite superhero. If AF15 was the same age as Tec27 or Action 1, it might be the most valuable book there is. If it was the first superhero. I think we should weigh rarity into this equation.
  10. I thought best of set always got the certificates while best in age got plaques?
  11. What the hell is that!? 1. He even inked that, so there's no one else to blame 2. I never liked Larsen personally, this doesn't look 'that bad' for him in my opinion If you want to see Larsen at his worst, check out the interiors of Spawn from last year.
  12. They should let this guy direct it... I *really* like this fan-made trailer. Spectacular...
  13. Our transaction was smooth, fast, and flawless - just the way it's supposed to be between a professional buyer and a professional seller! Brandon pays fast and is very kind. I can only hope that we end up doing more business in the future! No worries here folks. Deadleg rules!
  14. THE Holy Grail for Spawn collectors. Rumored print run of less than 60. Most of them are beat to for some reason. Only 16 total on the census and only six in 9.8 blue (highest graded examples). These numbers have been stagnant for the last 3 or 4 years, and I personally don't think we'll see anymore come out of the proverbial woodwork. Uber hard-to-find and very, very expensive if you do. I'm the proud owner of this copy...
  15. No. What we're doing at this point is picking on someone who is clearly handicapped. Posting here is akin to pouring oil on the track at a Special Olympics event, then standing back laughing and pointing as the participants fall on their faces. Unabashed schadenfreude. Is that our guilty pleasure? Or maybe some of you simply love to give advice, even if it continually falls on deaf ears? I just hope that everyone is taking the time to check out the well-written, worthwhile journals on the board. There are plenty of them! This is my forever goodbye to this thread. Gabe, I don't wish bad for you. I hope you get it together one day.
  16. The problem with today's youth is they don't want to earn their stripes. Working hard from the bottom up is what we were taught by our parents,kids today want the immediate high paying,no physical job that comes with working your azz off your whole life. There is no "problem with today's youth" that hasn't been a problem with the younger generation since the dawn of civilization. The belief that "kids these days" are any lazier than previous generations is a myth perpetuated by elder populations grown overly-sentimental about the "good ole days", Oakman I don't know how old you are, but I guarantee the generation previous to yours frowned upon kids your age...once... Today's kids will one day grow up to talk about their own children's generation. It's just part of the cycle of life. You know you're old once you start hating the next generation's music...or when you worry about stuff like your lawn. CLEARLY, the OP is an outlier. We're talking about someone who can't even bathe properly. I don't think it's fair to say he represents his generation.
  17. Well, Capullo's run on Spawn lasted for a very long time. There were several inkers - mostly McFarlane and Danny Miki.
  18. You forgot...this person can't even take a proper shower.
  19. I've read Nick Bostrom's Superintelligence and found it to be fascinating and horrifying at once. Parts of the text get fairly technical. These parts resonate most with people of a computer or software engineering background. Fortunately, the best parts are all fairly digestible for the sorts of people most likely to engage such a topic in the first place. Here is something that stuck with me. What if an AI system is tasked with the following: Produce the maximum amount of paperclips in the most efficient way possible. From there, the AI decides to exterminate the human race. After all, they use up resources that could be used to efficiently produce paperclips. Subsequently, the AI turns the entire universe into a massive paperclip factory. Well, why can't you program more reasonable instructions with specified limitations? The answer is in Bostrom's book. Great read!
  20. I like to show mine off when the opportunity presents itself.