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Sauce Dog

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Everything posted by Sauce Dog

  1. Wait, are you talking about CGC Grading Contest Season 1 Spring Edition (#2)? Cause I just submitted my grades for CGC Grading Contest Season 1 Spring Edition (#5)!
  2. Phhsftttt amateurs, I pm'ed my grades in before I even opened the new thread!
  3. ...but then we realized these friends are nowhere close to being 9.8 and are at best 2.5 (with many of the older guys here also being brittle)
  4. Wait - So my five guesses of 9.9, 9.9, 10, NG, and 9.9 wasn't at all correct? I dunno about that, I'm pretty good at grading.
  5. The mid-credits scene is honestly the best part of the entire episode, and that's saying something. Overall a very underwhelming and in many aspects sloppy finale. While I'm onboard with the Mr.Knight suite being associated with Steven, this episode really turned me off on the idea of them constantly switching back and forth mid battle. I rather they work in harmony in ONE suite (Perhaps even showing a 'merged / balanced' costume of both suites together for the finale, perhaps ending up something like the Ultimate Moon Knight with the smooth mask) Will rewatch it as a whole, as I think the series might benefit from a binge watch to help with the pacing.
  6. Grades in. Ain't going to overthink this again and I shall not let my dumb pudding brain trip me up any longer!
  7. Ouch, this round hurt. I thought that was some sort of pin mark / dent at the top of the corner box of X-Men 283 so deducted for it much more than it seems CGC is fine with.
  8. I am interested to see how these upcoming auctions price out, however for me personally this was the most valuable data point. A recent sale for a restored signature series (a combo that rarely comes up and doesn't have the best price history to work with). This one has the exact same work done as another copy my friend owns (Slight A) and the exact same PQ, so what I can gather from this is a Stan Lee sig can help offset the hit the book's price traditionally takes from minor restoration - so a similar value to its universal equivalent is a good starting point (1.5 Universal last sold for $22,800). Obviously this math falls apart with higher grade books (and worse levels of restoration like trimming or extensive), but my interest is mainly with the absolute low end "garbage" copy spectrum for all these keys
  9. Fixed it for you to be a little more generalized and authentic
  10. Yeah the emoji Mike included in my first email was thumb up, and I did pretty well...but then this round....the emoji was making me question all my life choices! haha HE'S GETTING INTO OUR HEADS, MAN!
  11. The grade is in and the experiment is now fully complete - I am officially a conservation nerd! CGC correctly flagged the married cover as well as all the work done - and all of that passed the test in order to get a Conserved grade of 3.0! This is honestly slightly higher than I was expecting (my initial estimate was 2.5 at most), and even the White pages is an amazing cherry on top. How it started: 0.5 incomplete, its life is in shambles. How it's going: 3.0 conserved, ballin' with white pages.
  12. G-ddarnit CGC. Why you have to do me dirty like this? I just sent off several books to get re-slabbed because of this thread, and also finally decided to grade some other File Copies I had in order to combine shipping...and this is what you do to me? No label note at all...zero. No File Copy. No Checking Copy. Nothing. I included a note attached to the book that specified it, and it literally says CHECKING COPY right there on the cover. Come on! (and this is to say nothing about the grade and notes. Apparently it has "staple detached bottom of cover" which I certainly didn't send it in as since I personally dry cleaned the entire book and interior so I checked)
  13. Perhaps the 9.8 you sent in was a SOFT 9.8? When I sent in a group of six 9.8 books for a signing the facilitator was amazing and contacted me to tell me they thought two of them were 'soft' while the others were still strong 9.8 candidates (this was before signing, they cracked and prepped each book for me. Even experts can't be blamed for a small finger print while handling, especially if the books were lucky to get a 9.8 in the first place). Thankfully they all came back 9.8 (all pressed after as well, including extra care and work done on the 'soft' books), but I could see many people getting a surprise downgrade and not every facilitator being as helpful about the process.
  14. Saw the trailer and while it might be too far removed for most Usagi fans (which I think most of the negativity will come from - my best friend is frothing right now because it isn't the REAL Usagi) I think as a new standalone property it's looking pretty good. Decent animation and I'm always up for any new depictions of yokai that helps teach a wider audience about them.
  15. whoo top 35 baby! The Hawkman and Secret Wars messed me up, I had em pegged for 5.0/5.5 - 2 points lower than they actually graded. So basically this contest will help you all figure out who to buy raw books from if you are looking for a great deal
  16. Full story and all images can be found at: https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6433423
  17. Happy? Yes, but mostly no. I'm a big fan of the books, but none of my complaints with the series are about differences or changes they might have made (in fact, those are some of my favourite things; I love the costume redesign and separation of his identities in a much more explicit and hidden way - even the explanation of the Mr.Knight suit being personal to Steven. The only thing I don't enjoy is his super healing durability, which could be fine if framed in the right way but as it is ended up sucking all the tension out of every fight). I'm also fine with the amount of screen time the suit has been given. The show does look and sound good, and for the most part very well acted. Casting has been perfection too. Where I find it to be a bore/slog is mostly the ----script and editing. Fights are poor and often pointless, and the episodes feel like they could have been tightened up considerably (episode three could almost have been cut outright without any real impact to the plot had they written the gods binding Khonshu at another point in the series). I don't foresee any MK movie coming from this, only including him in perhaps another team-up show with other characters (or the brief cameo in a larger movie where fanboys will just soil their pants at recognizing a slew of characters at once)
  18. Also once Steven died the scales balanced since there were only two identities left (equalling the two hearts), whereas before it was two hearts for three identities (and Jake most certainly knows everything the others are doing, so he doesn't need to be filled in about the past like Steven did).
  19. He was in this episode, just not named. He was the one who threatened suicide (you can see the nose injury appear that he has in the comics and accent was off)
  20. Not only one episode but the shortest one of the entire series Apparently leak has it set that the finale episode is 42 minutes long.
  21. Even though this specific issue is just outside of your date range (being published in 1984) the actual series started in 1978 so I'm posting it I find Dope Comix #5 is a cover that many love and sells pretty easily, and the print run of only 5,000 doesn't hurt. Not the most expensive book, but fun.
  22. Ah yes, Hawkman...historically a character noted for his views on the sanctity of life, who would use his words to defuse problems (or was it a large mace to the skull? Whatever, same thing...also, genocide when possible). I do find it amusing that it's JSA members saying heroes don't kill people...those guys have some of the largest body counts of any golden age heroes (Heck, Doctor Fate alone would casually opt for genocide to solve his problems when he didn't want to waste time dealing with an alien race...yeeting planets into the sun. Sounds like wrecking havoc to me) (well aware movie characters are not the comic characters )
  23. Latest episode felt like the actual character details and exposition we have been lacking. It was excellent to see all the trauma unwrapped. Nice to see the origin on screen and looking very nice (I really appreciated how they just didn't play out and show the entire betrayal, murder etc.. and just started at the aftermath) - though I wish they did explicitly show Marc die before Khonshu raised him (as it plays out now it sounded like he was going to die, but is transformed before that actually happens - its a minor nitpick) I do think this episode should have been placed a little earlier in the series in order for there to be more than just a single final episode afterwards in order to further explore and wrap up the show (I keep thinking how episode 3 could have just been outright cut from the show to give us more, with only a few scenes being edited into 2 and 4. It didn't offer anything of substance to the plot or characters)