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Sauce Dog

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Everything posted by Sauce Dog

  1. You can all now say you know one of the actual creators of one of the Pokemon games...me
  2. I could never be mad at zzutak, Strange Tales #88 is my favourite cover of the run and finding a super high grade copy has been on my hunt list for years now
  3. In this case I didn't think it necessary since its already been shown to CGC and posted on these boards, I was just reiterating it being an ongoing problem (no pictures of the latest issues I just got back - the shop literally called me yesterday to say it arrived and that CGC did not do ANY of the changes promised on the book. So I have to go pick it up alongside my other pedigree books that arrived in) Here is one, which CGC specifically told me would be recognized under the 'file copy' categorization (event through they do offer 'pay copies' as well but apparently don't differentiate checking copies yet as their own category)
  4. I have run into another problem during reholdering/grading of books recently. CGC is consistently missing the pedigree status of my books even if they are labeled as such during submission AND the books have a giant glaring mark on them that clearly distinguishes the pedigree on the cover (In fact some literally say FILE COPY in a giant stamp on the front and on several pages within). One such book has been returned to CGC for reholdering and correction (fingers crossed, order #CGC2076366441) but I just received noticed from my LCS who submits books for me that yet another one of my books came back without any label updates (no pedigree and no key label notes corrected, and I supplied post notes attached to the book detailing the issues, as well as talking with CGC prior to this submission to confirm). $80 down the drain for nothing when I was assured it would be fine to submit and get the label corrected.
  5. Yup. He's the worst - I've personally received comments from him when I was contacting CBCS about an issue I was having (books stuck with them for almost 2 years). I didn't expect the literal CEO of the company to tell me it wasn't their problem and to live with it. Haven't used them since.
  6. Only now just had the time to go through the latest HA offerings and out of everything listed there were two I'm super interested in seeing where they land. The single highest graded Adventure Comics #48 (1st Hourman) looks amazing, and such a universal has never been at auction (The restored Larsen Pedigree 9.2 was sold back in 2004 but looks to no longer be in the census. Is this that copy but with the restoration removed, and in the process it lost the pedigree? Never mind, this is totally not the Larsen copy when you compare them). Hourman is my favourite, so regardless of what it sells for I'll still feel it sold for much less than it deserves https://comics.ha.com/itm/golden-age-1938-1955-/superhero/adventure-comics-48-dc-1940-cgc-nm-92-white-pages/a/7274-91001.s?ic2=mytracked-lotspage-lotlinks-12202013&tab=MyTrackedLots-101116 Also very excited to see Voodoo #8 make an appearance. Just barely over 23 copies of this book in census and has one of the best skull faced PCH covers ever (the colors on this book are mind numbing beautiful), and this is tied for highest graded. Last time the other 9.0 was sold was also back in 2004. I'm happy I was able to find an affordable copy of this book recently, but I would give anything to upgrade to this gem. https://comics.ha.com/itm/golden-age-1938-1955-/horror/voodoo-8-farrell-1953-cgc-vf-nm-90-off-white-pages/a/7274-94069.s
  7. I dub this trade of giving up better transparency on labels for no real reason the Pathetically Garish eXchange
  8. It is amazing how often I have to tell people about this simple, basic AF, search syntax. Obviously GPA needs to perhaps advertise this someplace else on the website as it is clear many people are not getting it (which is funny because its one of the few ways to refine search results that 99% of comic collectors should discover accidentally just from entering their string!)
  9. Yikes this is a dumb move. Some items I can see there being a case for omitting from the printed label notes, but DETACHMENTS and SPLITS? YIKES!
  10. Use the GPA to figure out the lowest floor of similar restored books (in lower grades) when trying to price out items that might be lacking exact data points. In this case I would say it's currently around $28,800 since a 5.0 restored copies sold this year for that much (which had similar levels of restoration but was also trimmed), however the issue might be cooling off so nothing is for certain. Keep the AF15, as the Hulk 181 isn't really at all rare and can be replaced pretty much any day of the week.
  11. Riddler didn't know his identity, nobody else knows either. He was trying to kill Bruce (hence the fireproof envelope for Batman after sending a bomb to Wayne manor), and assumed Batman was on his side (albeit with much different methods and plans) and was investigating all the people he was murdering for their criminal ties.
  12. Nice to finally see Bale...but man, that is some uninspired Mortal Kombat 4 Quan Chi level of bland.
  13. Nope, just a glare in these photos. Now to just see how CGC will grade it. Will post results...in a few months
  14. Sauce Dog


    Those are just Comicskins. You can make your own label and print it off easy peasy. I use them for a few books I don't really need to get graded but like to display with the other books (and can swap out the books & labels whenever I get bored of em)
  15. This 100%. I am amazed that the site lacks ANY sort of sorting view option. It would be great to actually Sort by Most Recent Sales or Sort by Highest Realized Price (descending)
  16. I can't wait to watch this, but now that it has been confirmed to be in the movie it is 100% an awful move on the writers part to of made this Peter Pan joke in light of what Disney did to the original actor IRL (there is zero excuse for ignorance - somebody at Disney should have said 'hey, maybe this isn't in good taste since, you know, we ruined his life and drove him to an early grave')
  17. It has been a good deal of time since the 'new' website for gpanalysis has rolled out and I was curious on what other improvements the community might want from it. I have noticed they are not active on either of their social channels (twitter or Facebook) so the only way to send them any sort of bug/suggestion report is by way of the contact form (not ideal). My thinking is if there are other common suggestions the community wants we can collect them all and point them to this thread. I myself have been asking them to update the tile colors for Conserved books, as right now they share they same css style as the default color (restored). Thisis perhaps one of the easiest updates they can do which would bring it in line with CGCs modern labels (and make visually scanning the lists easier for relevant price data). Current GPA: Ideal Fixed GPA: Simply change it so the SPAN tag outputs with the class "c-badge--conserved" and add .c-badge--conserved { background-color: #777; } to the stylesheet. Easy peasy!
  18. Didn't think there was a club for this book - so I guess I'll post my copy, which I personally took from incomplete trash to complete treasure! Each step of the conservation process can be found in my journal here:
  19. I think I'm now fine with Married being part of conservation so long as it is clearly labeled, as repairing a wrap or replacing a cover page 100% helps with the stability of the book overall - for example the book I just worked on needed a back cover which I got from another book, and since it was a square bound I noticed that without the back cover the spine seal would have lifted off easier and be prone to detachment after the fact (I tried a few techniques on these square bound books before doing this issue, and those without a married back cover raised concerns over the durability over a long term when handling the book) At least it is more 'original' to that book (as mentioned above not exactly belonging to that exact book, but consists of material from the original print run for that comic) compared to other materials like tear seals and leaf casting which are completely foreign.
  20. I would think this is THE movie everyone should watch at least once We finally get more Knightmare future Batman footage!
  21. My first guess is they are charging you for their services rendered, and the shipping itself has not yet been charged (not until it actually is done and gets packed up)
  22. I am now 60% in the Wonder Woman #1 (1942) club. Hope to get that number up by hunting down some more wraps, but for now this incomplete coverless copy will suffice (with a repo cover of course for display - once it gets out of the deodorizer box).
  23. I think we can all agree that of all the shows this is the one that will have the highest expectations levelled against it. Expectations it will not meet, but that is understandable when every new superhero show gets measured against the original Daredevil series. At this point MCU fans just want to see Charlie Cox back in action, so that will be a win regardless of how it turns out. My expectations are set at: It will be watchable, they will mess up the suit (that is it might look fine, but it'll be more of the same unoriginal textures and lines we have come to expect), and all my hopes and dreams rest on them bringing back Bullseye after all the great development he had building up towards the end of the series. I would happily also welcome them undoing the death of Gladiator - cause that was pointless and he was wonderful.
  24. Nice. That's Phantom Restoration work right there. I used him for this one of mine (Front and back cover completely split and re-attached to interior with tape). Removed all that awful tape and sealed it up nice.
  25. You think this is a joke? That black outs are a laughing matter? Sir, I'll limit my reply to you in the spoiler below as it is too harsh for others here to see: