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Sauce Dog

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Everything posted by Sauce Dog

  1. You need to look into the Morbius Sweep - that 70% is going to go up even more still (it's not entirely meme based though, I'm sure a good deal of audience enjoyed it well enough, but there is a certain unique meme hype around this movie more than any other 'bad' Sony/MCU film released thus far)
  2. Morbius would need to have his own themed bat-creditcard in order to compete (or at the very least twice as many nipples)
  3. I posted these in the HA auctions thread, but figure it would serve others well to record them here as well. Recent auctions for raw copies of a few of the Doctor Fate covers have been seeing some crazy prices for otherwise incomplete / low grade copies. Basically, FULL HELMETS = EMPTY WALLETS
  4. Very jealous of how good that one looks for the grade, it's one of the few Spectre covers I've wanted to hunt down but never really works out for me or my wallet
  5. I'm issuing a warning to you all, you cannot post so much deli meat without considering sides. Please include an occasional side pickle or cheese accompaniment or else I'll have to get deli mods involved.
  6. My inability to wait for the next episode is becoming overwhelming. I need them to just hurry up and get to this reveal already, which is totally real and exactly what all of the MCU has been building towards.
  7. I honestly don't get what you are on about. I do think the movie turned out to be garbage, but I find the discussion around it being trash entertaining and something worthwhile that came out of it - a stance many people also agree with, have some fun and lighten up, Francis. Talking about horrible things is great, but you can still enjoy the mess if you like
  8. To expand on this meme-pump, I find the numbers behind those joking about the movie (and promoting it) to be very interesting when compared to the actual 'serious' discussion. Morbiussweep has a very comparable amount of mentions/interactions/shares/likes when you factor in the much smaller reach (this is obviously due to the #morbius tag being used by official news outlets for reviews and promotions, while the meme tag is only used by those in on the joke. Of course most people using the meme tag will also be using the prime tag as well, so you get both values pumped.) The dumber the discussion is around Morbius being a joke film (regardless of if you feel that is true of it or not) means much better numbers for the film overall. Or, to put it another way LLEEEEERROOOYYYY JENNNKINNNSSSS
  9. Also keep in mind the disconnect between ages. There are lots of younger people who might have reconsidered seeing this just because of how dumb the Morbius sweeps meme has been, being part of a relevant ongoing joke is amusing (especially if you are otherwise not sure what else to see or do that day, might as well go check out that car fire over there for the lols, more-so if you are already into superhero stuff anyways). Apes strong together, even in theatres.
  10. Eternals was an odd duck. I could sense a good movie somewhere in there under all the bloat (could have cut like 45 minutes and remove the entire deviant evolution plot without any impact to story). The visuals were there and it had some genuine good moments (for characters I never cared about) but it got so sloppy and unfocused. I love Morbius as a character much more than the others (Cpt. Marvel, Eternals, Black Widow, Hulk), so any enjoyment from this movie is just getting the chance to see him explored on screen - but putting that nerd bias aside I can't see it being anything more than barely mediocre movie when compared to other more competent films both in the same genre or outside of it (color grading, editing, --script, pacing, sound mixing etc) I feel the milage on Morbius is highly based on those wanting more Spider-Man stuff and happy to have any sort of exploration of that universe - regardless how it turns out. Fantastic Four never had the connections and fan drive anything Spider-Man adjacent has, so comparing box offices with those older failures seems a little mismatched.
  11. 90s Batman films are great for camp value, only hated by those who wanted gritty Batman and had a short memory for the Adam West era. Morbius wishes it could be half as memorable as a single Mr.Freeze line of dialogue. Green Lantern, hot mess but visually colourful and had some concepts that excite (OA) - still bad but I would rather have this to stare at over anything depicted in Morbius. Wonder Woman 1984 - Haven't seen it and have zero desire to watch it, so Morbius wins by default Incredible Hulk - You might have something there as my brain as literally scrubbed that movie from my mind so I'm going to assume it was worse than even I remember. Will not open that memory vault and let Morbius win this. Was this the movie with desert jellyfish floating around (which I recall being the only thing I enjoyed about it)? Captain Marvel / Black Widow / Eternals - Now I know you can't be serious, those were average at worst and all at least had something going for them combined with much better scripts and pacing (not to mention cinematography / visuals)
  12. You joke, but this is honestly something I would love. Give us an anthology series that follows some really bad, D list villains as they try to pull off the most mundane crimes before being embarrassed from either messing it up or being stopped by some other D list hero (and they can just recount their tales at the local crime bar over drinks after). It would make for a great comedy series that could introduce characters we would/should never have seen on screen The perfect name for this already exists in Marvel....GIVE US A LEGION OF LOSERS SHOW!!!
  13. I believe the common idea is that the movie needs to earn back twice its production budget to break even (in order to account for marketing and other costs) so at this point it sits in the dud category but its still too early to call it. The numbers are what Sony reported just before the weekend after word started to get out about the film after the embargo lifted and people started to take issue with the quality and lack of Spider-Man connections (or any other Sony property connections from the trailers being absent), but that just feels like Sony moved the box-office goal posts closer so it would make for better press (as then outlets can report it made its target numbers for that weekend - a positive spin)
  14. Finally had a chance to discuss it with a few comic friends last night. This might be the first MCU release outside of big event films (like Infinity War/Endgame) where everyone was positive about it overall (with various minor quibbles here that are too be expected of every release). I think I liked it more than most, nostalgic Moon Knight bias of course, but structurally felt like one of the more solid offerings (some questionable CGI and odd music cues, but otherwise the bones were solid and pacing was good so that any surface level aesthetic issues felt minor)
  15. Yeah everybody, why are we posting memes when we could be posting images of the good scenes from this movie! I'll start:
  16. I've asked around, both CGC directly and other restoration/conservation pros, and honestly its all been different uncertain answers. I have a few books with various levels of conservation work done on them that I've submitted as a test, one uses document repair tape, so I can at least personally gauge where CGCs stance is right now (so sometime in the next few months I'll have a solid answer one way or another)
  17. I second this missing out motion, but not for BvS (which I do think was a steamer) but rather the aforementioned Punisher: War Zone. It's a decent example of a so-bad-its-good comic film in retrospect (those watching it for the first time can be forgiven in throwing their popcorn at the screen in anger though), especially when you can appreciate the making-of stories behind it and the bonkers attention to comic-style that they aimed for. Man, was it ever bad...but I won't ever forget rocket launchers against annoying parkour thugs or trying to replicate panels from the books as literal as possible. Moments like these are what was missing from Morbius IMO.
  18. I've no problem with movies referencing other classic films, but if you are going to make such an effort to really do an non-subtle callback to another classic film so explicitly then you better make sure you do it justice or put a new spin on it - otherwise it just makes your film seem clearly worse when the audience makes a direct comparison to a superior experience (in this case The Fly).
  19. Which is one of the weirdest stances in my opinion; as someone using document repair tape (safer and far less damaging than scotch tape) would get hit with restoration even when the intent behind both is the exact same
  20. You are doing the world a service, continue antagonizing those fools trying to rip a seller off Don't give up on the hunt through, Sandman was the one series I also hoped to find in the wild and actually managed it! It wasn't this variant but rather the color error edition of #18. I ended up finding a mid grade raw copy hanging high up on a wall of a very small comic shop while visiting another town - where it was obviously hanging for years, as it was dusty and sun bleached save for whatever parts were covered by an old price sticker and other wall comics overlapping it (I ended up bleaching the rest of it so everything matched - looks so much better now and goes well with the interior ink error)
  21. That video made me shudder - that is a good deal amount of low quality tape (I don't care the guys calls it 'archival' tape, it isn't - that scotch tape might be 'acid-free' but it is nowhere close to archival) but I not too surprised with the final grade. It does present very well and so long as they noted the extensive tape on the label I'm fine with it (though would have been happier this being marked Restored. Nowhere close to being Conserved)
  22. Yup, it was a deleted alternate ending. He appears in the distance during the day (you don't get a close look at him, but everyone knew who it was supposed to be and production meant for it to spin off with him in future movies - I'm not sure why they couldn't use him or what happened afterwards). But being a comic fan and just knowing it was supposed to be Morbius was enough to get us excited for the sequel possibilities. The Ghost Rider films are a good example of trash that can be entertaining once you accept 'the joke'. I personally think Spirits of Vengeance has aged surprisingly well (it had a decent pacing and an okay -script structure that was at least followed, regardless of quality).
  23. Yup, I think the funny moment that sticks out to most is how they edited out echolocation for bat-radar. Something so minor and dumb that wouldn't have otherwise been news if anything else in the trailer was actually interesting and got the community talking. I was hoping the movie would be at least shlock/campy bad (the trailers gave me a 2000s heavy CGI throwaway summer movie vibe so there was potential for some fun), but at the end of the day it suffered from the worst thing IMO a movie could do; being bland and utterly forgettable. Horrible movies I can get behind (I just rewatched The Island of Doctor Moreau - now THAT is a bad Hollywood flick, but is a great rewatch that can be appreciated for different reasons if you first watch the Lost Souls doc), but Morbius was not bad enough to be good nor good enough to be bad. Solid 3-4 / 10 (mostly for starting fairly well and Jared Harris). Is it the worst superhero movie ever? No, not even close, but if that is the bar people are already talking about you know it ain't a good thing. To me, the first movie appearance of Morbius back when the first Blade movie came out on DVD was far more memorable of an appearance for him that actually had more impact and left us with excitement for future films. I'm fine with films not re-inventing the wheel every time, or exploring crazy new ideas or techniques in each film, but if you are going to be unoriginal and by-the-numbers...at least get that right and make it interesting as I shovel down popcorn (or in this case tea and cake since I didn't watch it a theatre with a concession booth - I miss those).
  24. Alas, they show the rest of that box / logo in the episode and it doesn't say Von Doom.