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Everything posted by Wall-Crawler

  1. I have no opinion on the matter, but I would have bet any amount of money on that. I don't want to derail it due to politics, but yes. Tons of "I Hate Hillary" type of stuff intermingled with "Who Is Your Best Friend" type of "quizzes' and Anime. It is not the posting of poltical things per se, it is the type of stuff he is posting that may give a potential employer/volunteer coordinator "pause'. Again, just wanted to clear that up. I haven't posted anything inappropriate and I do realize employers can look at that so I say let them I know plenty of successful people that post what they want and yes I'm not at that stage or close to it yet but if they don't hire me based on that then who cares? Your response here speaks volumes about your lack of maturity, attitude and not giving a about actually finding a job and being anything other than a mooch. Someone only working 20 hours at a minimum wage job and still livin with their parents should care. Enjoy your life of subsidy and poverty.
  2. I like quotes and yes I do realize I can't vote for Trump but I don't want politics messing with my journal. I'm getting help from a life coach and a psychiatrist and as for comics I just need to be smarter with what I do because I do learn from them whether you believe it or not I night make them two or three times but I do learn. Gabe since WHEN did you actually start seeing a life coach and/or psychiatrist? Funny just a few days ago you mentioned that would be a good idea and now all of a sudden you have both? Fact is you don't learn. You pay lip service to it. Keep on failing bud.
  3. Based on this journal do you really think Gabe has the skill set and experience at this point to do this??? The reputation? Where is Gabe going to get the capital to buy some if these books? If he cant buy them he has to rely on the generosity of the boardie? He could potentially put in HOURS of work for what? $50? Not everyone is going to give him a $700 finders fee. This may be good for someone with experience and a certain skill set but Gabe is nowhere near ready to handle and properly deal in this. All this will do is encourage Gabe to continue chasing an unrealistic dream instead of sorting his life out.
  4. Avengers #270 to #278: Under Siege! This one I always remember from my childhood, mostly because I remember as a kid I had to have a minor procedure and it was with the stack of comics my parents got me. I later tracked down the entire story line. I still have it. To me, this is comic book story telling at its best and it didn't need a mega event cross over with a thousand spin offs. Just great stuff.
  5. We take our wall books to our hotel or home, lids on our boxes and blankets on top. There's an unwritten code that dealers don't steal from other dealers but all it takes is one bad peach. I will take high end stuff back to my house (I live like a 5 minute drive from the venue!) Lids on, blanket on top sounds about right. Good advice for placing a blanket on top. Tks!
  6. Ok taking a break from the "My Road To Success" action and to ask a question... As stated above, I will be participating in my third local show this coming October. This will be my first 2 day show. As it is a two day show, they will be providing overnight security, likely some students from the local college, taking police foundations or something like that (I'd be surprised if it was a real security 'firm'). My question is, what do the pro's do for overnight? Obviously, you take the high end stuff back but do I roll the dice and just leave my set up as is, take it down/away or maybe just put the lids on? Stay out in the parking lot all night? Any advice appreciated. Thanks!
  7. I have no opinion on the matter, but I would have bet any amount of money on that. I don't want to derail it due to politics, but yes. Tons of "I Hate Hillary" type of stuff intermingled with "Who Is Your Best Friend" type of "quizzes' and Anime. It is not the posting of poltical things per se, it is the type of stuff he is posting that may give a potential employer/volunteer coordinator "pause'. Again, just wanted to clear that up.
  8. OPEN LETTER TO UCHIHA101 TO GET YOUR mess TOGETHER Dear Gabe, You are (nearly) 24 years old. Time to grow up. This comic thing is not working for you. That's a fact. You lack basic life skills and currently have little hope of becoming a responsible and independent adult based on your current trajectory. You have a bad habit of making superficial acknowledgements of your own failures. You always have plenty of excuses and seem to quit anything that is not “fun” (example: “don’t give many any of that hard work bull”) or feel you are not “respected”. This needs to change. With your employment track record and only having high school (one year of a two year video game art diploma program means squat) and no trade skills and/or other skill sets to draw from, what kind of work do you hope to get? To make a million dollars selling “bomics” is not realistic for you. The fact is it is not realistic for most people to make a comfortable living selling comics. You are $1100 in the hole after nearly 3 years of doing this and you would be even worse off had it not been for that generous boardie giving you a sweet “finder’s fee. You are now onto your next blunder, throwing good money after another bad decsion (ASM #129) that you will be lucky to break even on. Imagine if you had to maintain a roof over your own head, pay your own rent (yes, I know you pay rent now) but also utilities, groceries, transportation and everything else that comes with being independent? You simply could not in your current situation. Your parents are “subsidizing” you and you do not have a viable plan for the future. This is not a good path to success. I highly recommend that you seek out professional help. As some have suggested, a professional life coach/mentor or and possibly other therapist, like a psychologist or even psychiatrist to help you address your learning and other issues. You need professional help and you need to listen and act on that advice. I believe you are in the Niagara area. Try contacting the Learning Disabilities Association of Niagara Region. Apparently they also provide support to adults. At the very least it would be a starting point. If you are not in Niagara area, there is going to be something similar in nearly every region. Actively seek out help and resources. They are out there and no one is saying it will be easy, but you have to at least try. You don’t have to leap tall buildings in a single bound. Start small. Focus on the basics of things you can change within yourself. Work on your attitude. Hygiene. Resilience. Work Ethic. Finally, genuinely look for other real work. There is absolutely no reason a relatively healthy young man can’t work a 40 hour week. Leave that chip on your shoulder at home. If finding regular work is not going well, look into volunteering somewhere to make contacts and show employers you can stick to something and hopefully gain a positive reference. Volunteering may even lead to paid work. Sidebar: You need to clean up your digital footprint. Not to get “political” but your constant postings of right-wing pro Trump memes/propaganda (you do realize you are Canadian and can’t vote for Trump right?) and anime heavy posts on Facebook should be scaled back. Your YouTube is a bit of a joke. There is a video where you can verbally hear you scoffing at a family member. Change the name of Your YouTube channel as someone else has suggested. Delete the voice acting . Also, fix up or take down your LinkedIn profile. It is a mess. Many employers and even volunteer administrators “Google” those who submit an application and you would likely get a big fat “pass” based on what they can easily find out about you online. You flat out lack the experience, skill set and resources at this time to buy and sell comics successfully (barring some “miracle” ) so just stop before “dealing” in comics buries you. You can still collect, buy the odd smaller book, enjoy comics for the fun of it but genuinely focus on something that is real and achievable for you. Please don’t squander all the good advice you have received - You have received far more than you deserve to be honest – Or I fear that you are going to end up just another “lost soul”. I know I have given you a hard time. I know I am probably coming across as a sanctimonious person_who_is_obnoxiously_self-impressed, but I do hope you listen and act on the advice here and from any professional advice you may receive, but you probably won't so I leave you with a quote. Godspeed.
  9. First off I don't smiled if I don't like something I don't fake my feelings. I was always there about 30 minutes early, my hygiene was so-so when I came to facial hair, I was eager to help others and I had a good attitude until you pissed me off. Everything was so busy there's not really anytime for anything else. Smiling isn't a feeling. It's a physical expression. You can not like something and still smile. It's a skill, and a useful one if you want to move up in any job/career. I can't think of a single job out there where you're not going to have to put up with something/someone you don't especially like. It doesn't mean you have to grimace your way through it. If nothing else, consider it a form of training for voice acting. Your character's emotion won't always match up with your personal emotion. Despite what you're feeling inside, you need to be able to convey a positive outward appearance. And having a good attitude "until you pissed me off"? Give me a break. A while back in this thread, before you found your current job, people were telling you that in an entry-level position you don't have the luxury of being "pissed off" if you want to succeed. You take your lumps and use your dissatisfaction with the job as motivation to improve to eventually EARN your way to a better position. Remember that bosses don't give more hours/promotions/raises...employees EARN them. When you stop trying to blame your boss and realize that you hold all the cards when it comes to improving yourself, you will vastly improve your station. As far as it being so busy that you don't have time for anything else, make time! Go above and beyond. Tell yourself "I'm going to wash these dishes so fast that I'll have 10 minutes at the end of the night to deep scrub that pot until I can see myself in it". Wow your boss. And if your hygiene was only "so-so" in any area and you work in a restaurant, that needs to be addressed IMMEDIATELY. In my experience, customers will give you a second chance if the service is bad or the food isn't perfect, but they will never come back if they think the restaurant or the people who worked it were dirty. Re-read what I bulleted in my previous post. These aren't things where you can do them part-way. You're either doing them or you're not. Comics won't break the cycle of poverty you claim to be in, but your job might. It will take a lot of effort on your part, though. Voice acting is something that I haven't fully done yet. Well my hygiene was really my fingers nail and facial hair and yeah that needs to improve. I had a couple times where I finished before I was supposed to and that felt good and I did that a few times and I tried to ask my boss for different hours and she cut them that was a nice thanks I got. Dude you are as bad at voice acting as you are at selling comics. https://www.voices.com/talents/search?search_submit=Search&keyword=gabriel+kawa Get with reality and grow up. I don't want to have to support you when this all cones crashing down... That was over two years ago and I stopped because I wasn't good I was told that I have potential but it's really rough and I don't know why you say you'd have to support me you have nothing to do with me. You mentioned wanting to take voice lessons not that long ago. By support I mean myself and fellow Canadians supporting you because you refuse to take any real steps to support yourself.
  10. First off I don't smiled if I don't like something I don't fake my feelings. I was always there about 30 minutes early, my hygiene was so-so when I came to facial hair, I was eager to help others and I had a good attitude until you pissed me off. Everything was so busy there's not really anytime for anything else. Smiling isn't a feeling. It's a physical expression. You can not like something and still smile. It's a skill, and a useful one if you want to move up in any job/career. I can't think of a single job out there where you're not going to have to put up with something/someone you don't especially like. It doesn't mean you have to grimace your way through it. If nothing else, consider it a form of training for voice acting. Your character's emotion won't always match up with your personal emotion. Despite what you're feeling inside, you need to be able to convey a positive outward appearance. And having a good attitude "until you pissed me off"? Give me a break. A while back in this thread, before you found your current job, people were telling you that in an entry-level position you don't have the luxury of being "pissed off" if you want to succeed. You take your lumps and use your dissatisfaction with the job as motivation to improve to eventually EARN your way to a better position. Remember that bosses don't give more hours/promotions/raises...employees EARN them. When you stop trying to blame your boss and realize that you hold all the cards when it comes to improving yourself, you will vastly improve your station. As far as it being so busy that you don't have time for anything else, make time! Go above and beyond. Tell yourself "I'm going to wash these dishes so fast that I'll have 10 minutes at the end of the night to deep scrub that pot until I can see myself in it". Wow your boss. And if your hygiene was only "so-so" in any area and you work in a restaurant, that needs to be addressed IMMEDIATELY. In my experience, customers will give you a second chance if the service is bad or the food isn't perfect, but they will never come back if they think the restaurant or the people who worked it were dirty. Re-read what I bulleted in my previous post. These aren't things where you can do them part-way. You're either doing them or you're not. Comics won't break the cycle of poverty you claim to be in, but your job might. It will take a lot of effort on your part, though. Voice acting is something that I haven't fully done yet. Well my hygiene was really my fingers nail and facial hair and yeah that needs to improve. I had a couple times where I finished before I was supposed to and that felt good and I did that a few times and I tried to ask my boss for different hours and she cut them that was a nice thanks I got. Dude you are as bad at voice acting as you are at selling comics. https://www.voices.com/talents/search?search_submit=Search&keyword=gabriel+kawa Get with reality and grow up. I don't want to have to support you when this all comes crashing down...
  11. Supposedly, the OP says he "wants" another income, but apparently just not - ya' know... a JOB. Jobs get in the way of his super-valuable sleep/game/money-losing-comic-addiction time. Maybe he does want a second job (like everyone's been telling him to get) but he doesn't want a job nearly as much as he wants to regularly pay full-market-value for comicbooks that cost more than his monthly rent. He kinda sorta a little bit wants to work (not really though, work is hard n'stuff), and he really doesn't want a SECOND job (ya' know - another income stream) - so instead he just wants buy nearly thousand-dollar books that he doesn't even know what he's buying. So OP..... what's your next great comic money-pit you're looking at hitching on to? We all know you're nowhere near done buying big yet, and you're clearly still not completely out of money yet ,and we all know you're probably already got an idea of your next "big score", so.... do tell. It's most interesting. A second job is not something I'm comfortable with managing and please don't give me this "hard work n stuff" bull. I worked hard for my previous job lifting groceries for other people in all kinds of weather some things over 50 pounds and do you know what my boss told me when I said I couldn't handle lifting anymore? Go find another job. So that was the thanks I got for working my off for him? Never again. ....Always the victim eh Gabe?
  12. No I don't like man thing at all and where all you getting all your time evaluations? The way I would send it would be about a month's time but I'll count it since I'm curious. Also yes my plan is to sell the comic as quickly as I can if not I'll have it pressed, cleaned and regarded. What you are NOT acknowledging is that there has NOT been a sale of an ASM #129 CGC 8.0 over $1000.00 - You paid $956 by the time you account for taxes and shipping to you. The HIGHEST sale of a 8.0 was $943. Your costs are already over the highest amount paid for this book to date. What you are not answering is HOW do you think you are going to get $1100 or $1200 for this book? Are you counting on setting the next GPA high? There are PLENTY of sellers offering this book and many who also offer time payments without a buyer having to pay a "premium" for the privilege of time payments. Now, if you pay to send it to CGC to get pressed and graded, provided you don't pay for fast track (which costs more) you are either going to A) have your money tied up for a long time or B) spend more to get it back sooner. Say to ship the slab to CCS is what, $15 USD to ship to USA properly insured. To have it have it pressed is another $25 USD (Value?). So say roughly another $40. Then another $35 USD for Economy grading tier. Then another what, $40 to $50 to have it FedEx back? So roughly another $100 MINIMUM to have ship it out, pressed, graded, shipped back. You would be looking at a total investment hovering around $1,100.00 USD or so. Here is the $1,100 question...What if after all this time and extra expenses it DOES NOT get a grade bump? Did you even LOOK at the book using the scan feature on the site to check for imperfections? I did. Did you not see the staple tear? The spine ticks? What do the graders notes say? What makes you so certain that it will get a bump? Even if it gets a .5 bump you will likely still be in the hole after selling fees. BIG, poorly conceived and irresponsible purchase.
  13. Yeah, but he is getting some type of government subsidy payments. If I were Canadian, I would be pissed. If I got money every month for doing nothing, I would probably kick it in someone's basement, too. I think he is off of welfare now, but was on it less than a year ago. And yes Canadians should be mad Can someone explain how a 20-21 ( I thought he was mid 20's ) year old living at home can be eligible for welfare in the first place? I'm sure the laws are different in Canada, but this just seems odd to me. In Ontario, there are two "streams" of income support. Ontario Works and the Ontario Disability Support Program. Ontario Works helps people who are supposed to be in financial need. The Ontario Disability Support Program helps people who have disabilities with income and employment supports. Both have their own separate eligibility requirements. I believe the minimum age requirement for these programs is 18 years of age but I am not 100% as it might be dependent upon the situation. Receiving such services, in and of itself, is not a bad thing. Only if it is abused, but as Gabe said, he is no longer receiving any such assistance so I guess we need to take him at his word. There are LOTS of younger people staying at home for longer...I don't think that is wrong in and of itself, so long as they are actively working, looking for work, going to school, saving for a house or any other proactive activity that is leading them to independence. The example of allowing a brother-in-law to stay rent free while going to school but still having to be responsible for his own car, etc. is a great example of how it SHOULD work. Gabe on the other hand, well, he has Peter Pan syndrome. I know he has learning challenges, but he only wants to do stuff he likes and not "put up with any bs", he has admitted to not having any patience and to being unmotivated to work. He deflects blame that either a) others don't want to help him or b) he minimizes his actions and lack of actions with "I'm learning", when in reality, he is not learning anything. He fancies about voice acting and selling a million dollars worth of comics when he can't even see that buying a ASM #129 CGC 8.0 (that he thought was an 8.5) at over FMV is not a good business decision if he wants to flip it. Bottom line, he needs get his mess together and put the funnybook dream on hold.
  14. That would be correct although it's irrelevant since I would have done the same thing anyway That "irrelevant" .5 difference is "only" about a $400 difference in value, which I guess for a rich big-spender like you is clearly "not that big a deal". You are far far more ignorant than you've been letting on. And we've clearly been giving you far more credit than you deserve. Don't be surprised if, instead of like the last 20 pages which were mostly filled with incredibly valuable, insightful, earnest and expert advice, the next 20 pages might be filled with mostly mockery and well-earned ridicule. You're a fool and the fact that you keep falling backwards into stupid money-mistakes like this only proves it - a fool and his money are soon parted - and however the hell you and money have ever even met in the first place is itself inexplicable. I know what the gpa of the 8.5 is a the difference in value I was saying what I was doing would remain the same. How I got my money? simple I saved it. Yeah I admit it was a stupid mistake but I do know how to get out of this one. Enlighten me, what was the "thought process" that went into buying this particular book for the purpose of flipping?
  15. Did Gabe not also say his laptop got fried? Perhaps he has to wait to use his parents or siblings computer to get online now? My laptop did get fried so I have to use my brothers late at night. I'm a
  16. Did Gabe not also say his laptop got fried? Perhaps he has to wait to use his parents or siblings computer to get online now?
  17. How does it "turn out" to be an 8.0 when it is a graded book bought on an auction site that CLEARLY shows it is an 8.0? I'm going to assume that it was $956 after the price of the book and shipping and possibly a 'buyers premium'? Ok, so now your plan is, after paying near full GPA (or more after shipping and other fees), that you are going to pump even more money into the book to have it sent away, pressed, regraded and shipped back in the HOPES it gets a grade bump? This will cost you even MORE money and time. Where is the money in this for you? You are going to need like a full point grade bump after pressing to not lose money on this "deal". Keep digging my friend, keep digging...
  18. Can we see a scan of the ASM #129? I'm curious as to why you would 'gamble' on it being able to pull in the higher end of GPA, surely more than just "it is a hot book"? You paid just under 90 Day GPA for the book, about $120 less. To sell it at $1300, that would be the second highest amount paid per GPA I believe. Risky. I'm curious to see if maybe you considered it an "exceptional" copy for the grade? As Iceman stated, you profit margins are pretty thin, so much so, that by the time you account for any selling fees, particularly if you sell it on eBay, you NEED to sell it at the high water mark just to make a little cheese. How long are you content to have the book sit waiting for the right buyer? But hey, you could get lucky and find the right buyer to bail you out...
  19. Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn every once in a while ...Especially when they only work 20-25 hours a week and LOTS of free time to troll the internet because they don't have any real responsibility or motivation to get out on their own... You make it sound like I try to people off but anyway I do have free time and it's better to look for deals and sleep then party and do drugs. Would it not be better to spend your time actively doing something to better yourself, find more stable employment and figure your mess out than "looking for deals and sleeping"? How much sleeping do you do? Did you just seriously cite "sleeping" as a positive? Man, this thread makes me and at the same time...
  20. A lot of us also wish we had access to as much advice as Gabe is getting, or had listened to, when we were younger. If he put forth the effort and energy towards his life that he does in finding deals then maybe he would be in a better spot in life and in a position to flip books and games. That would be true but I don't ignore all the advice I get here and my case worker doesn't know what to do with me because I don't know what I want career wise even though I said I'm willing to do as many tests as it takes. Case worker? Are you still receiving government/social assistance?
  21. Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn every once in a while ...Especially when they only work 20-25 hours a week and LOTS of free time to troll the internet because they don't have any real responsibility or motivation to get out on their own...