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Everything posted by zhamlau

  1. Seems she tried to get right by going on another interview rant. Fun times at Disney no doubt.
  2. I bid twice, under one and a “not really close” on the Darwyn. The McMJ Page I understand. It’s exceptional from a historic book, rules apply less and less to those pieces.
  3. Whoa whoa whoa there, Jr. Committee member, that’s coming awfully close to positive sentiment...be advised.
  4. I’m guessing it’s Boba Fett and that they will have him be a story arc leading right up to the “rise of skywalker”. They want to build up as much nostalgia love as possible via cross promotion and maybe offset some fan dislike of the next movie. Cynical yeah but sounds like something the mouse would do.
  5. I hope this is good. It feels like it might be but Hollywood has a way of ruining things in the most pointless fashion. Here’s to hoping.
  6. I’ve told the story before, I’ll try not to bore. Growing up I spent a lot of my life on an island with no power (or indoor plumbing for that matter) in a 450-ish square foot one bedroom house. There were no more than 5-10 people on the island at any given time, and no one usually for a quarter mile from us in any direction. You basically had to make your entertainment where you could. Catching pike and sunfish sucked after a while, same for chores. The best escape was reading, and my literature of choice was comic books. We would pick them up at the grocery store and gas stations, I grabbed any book I could. If it had a great cover I took it. I built up a collection of maybe 50-100 books this way. At night and other down times I would read and re-read those same issues over and over again. Every panel and line forever burned into my brain. A specific handful of them I would pick up nearly every night. One of those was this issue of DD that had Wolverine on the cover. It’s story was unlike any I had read before, a man killing mutant geniuses. No plot for world domination or alien armadas bent on destruction, just an evil man killing and torturing the defenseless or unique. The artwork was delicate and beautiful. The story nuanced and sad. Hell even the dialogue at times was clever (not always the case back then, let’s be honest). I chased art from this book for years, but in the end I always backed off. I wanted the cover, it was always back to the cover. It drew me in (so to speak), the fire and action as two heroes went at it. I had looked for over 20 years for it, but kept coming up empty. I think I even asked on this board a few years ago about it. No such luck. 2018...I woke up one night feeling sick. I couldn’t go back to sleep so I checked eBay on my phone...there it was. Someone had listed it at like 1am for a rather over market BIN price. On instinct alone I made an offer (trying to get the price back to a more reasonable range). Within seconds my brain kicked in and it started screaming at me...“WTF ARE YOU DOING YOU A - - HAT?!? ARE YOU GOING TO LOSE YOUR MAYBE SINGLE MOST WANTED PIECE OF ART OVER A COUPLE OF BUCKS?! I hit BIN. It’s been on my wall ever since. 30+ years of collecting art, this is one of only an handful of items in my personal collection. The rest are all either iconic known images, or artwork from that island collection. Every time I stop to look at it, a smile spreads across my face.
  7. It can all be traced back to one source...one average average source...
  8. It seems like beautifully directed fan fiction with middling action.
  9. Apparently it can not be discussed, so it means nothing.
  10. Why am I getting spammed with stories about Daisy Ridley not “acknowledging her privilege”? I’ve see like 5 different sources talking about this like it’s some sort of huge deal.
  11. I think as long as prices remain as high as they are, art collecting is always gonna be 30+. The simple fact is that those are the folks who generally have disposable income who aren’t always looking to spend all of it on “experiences”.
  12. Another thing to think about, if the art speculator crowd starts “taking us seriously”, none of us will ever be able to buy another piece we would actually wanted. This field is dumb enough price wise, no need to make matters worse.
  13. The thought of some sort of firm putting 20-40 million into comic art sounds dangerous. I can’t imagine someone would actually have the stones to do that.
  14. They probably would love it...those degenerate fools...
  15. A producer for Tron Legacy (among a host of other films and shows) is giving a class at Columbia about Star Wars: The Last Jedi. The class is specifically about how to avoid writing a terrible screenplay like TLJ. It apparently explains all of its failings as a screenplay like being emotional dead and completely disjointed. Found that sort of funny considering how many people swear this piece of poo is some great addition to the series. https://d-rezzed.clownfishtv.com/video/the-last-jedi-used-to-teach-bad-screenwriting-in-colleges/
  16. I don’t know, I like how Victor has an “antiquing in Vermont” look about him.
  17. Hmm the committee hasn’t decided if Keown is average enough to be considered. Hold off on that for now.
  18. Your loyalty to the party is noted.
  19. I would be shocked if this movie won any awards beyond costume or set design. This is a movie the infotainment industry didn’t want. It will be nominated for stuff to entice the little people to watch but it’s not gonna take anything major home, at least not anything voted on American media.
  20. Again I don’t love it or hate it. It feels bizarre for bizarres sake at times but for this it sort of works. The actual dialogue and story are sorta ham fisted at times but the directing and most of the acting is really on point. It took me a while also to realize it’s tied solely to the comic book and not the movie.
  21. Well I was thinking when we said “ASM” we meant Spider-Man in general since he has been called that before. But I’ve since been told that it was meant to only the actual ASM title. That’s why I had to adjust.