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Everything posted by zhamlau

  1. It really was a great show. I wasn’t sure if I liked this season at first but it’s grown on me.
  2. “The Nameless One” has not been spoken on this thread in 48 hours, The committee will allow this affront to pass.
  3. Boy, I’d kinda like an Empress Palpatine versus reformed Jedi master Ben Solo....
  4. I thought I recognized his name. That’s a guy who bought himself some more convention love.
  5. Didn’t Terry Austin pull a Simonson and keep almost all of his returned art?
  6. I’m trying to get into this but I just can’t. Might be one of those gapfiller shows this winter when nothing’s going on.
  7. Eh I don’t know by redirecting the blast back, she basically did strike him down. She took a positive step to kill him in battle and she was clearly angry when she did it. Again this movie had so many holes this is just one more.
  8. A. Palpatine said that he needs Rey to end his life so he can inhabit her and live on as all Sith Lords do in the current living Master. B. Rey kills him as Palpatine ordered. C. So now he and all who came before him live in her as she is Rey Skywalker: Sith Lord. Anyone else notice that? Didn’t say how he had to die just she needed to kill him and she would assume his role and legacy. All hail the new Empress I guess.
  9. Sir we only like hot takes and conflict here. None of your “thoughtful even handed” nonsense!
  10. God wouldn’t it be great to actually get this 36 year long predicted collapse?! Imagine all the great pieces that could had for prices most non-millionaires could afford ?!
  11. Fair enough. I sometimes wonder after the Solo firing debacle if really the issue is KK and the consistently bad decisions that seem to be made on her watch. Really other than Rogue One what’s gone smoothly under her watch at Disney? These should be autopilot victory movies, just minimum effort and a little marketing and you will make billions on name brand alone. Disney has squandered so much potential in terms of revenue and fan support with this endless flow of crappy decisions. Just look at Mandalorian. When you really think about it, just being quality is enough to send the fans into a frenzy of love and support. It’s fawned over for just being fully competent and generally good. Even the one actually bad episode was enjoyable and quickly forgotten. It proves how much Star Wars fans will get behind and support the brand if they would just give us the chance. We want this to like this stuff. The bar has been set so low, just not cr- - ping the bed is good enough to launch a millions memes and positive tweets. We are signing up in droves for their services just on the sheer hope there is something not toxic or stupid coming from Lucasfilm in the near future. Just quit kicking fans in the junk, show the property and history a little respect, and give us something that does all that while being passably entertaining and we flock to you. We buy even your garbage products as this new trilogy as shown, now imagine what you could get from us with consistent competent quality?!?
  12. Just saw the movie...sigh... Just to level set, The Last Jedi was an abomination...it basically destroyed huge parts of Star Wars lore and mythology, as well as being a badly written illogical poorly acted placeholder cash grab of a movie. “Rise of the Skywalker” was so badly hamstrung by that garbage movie, it’s almost unfair to judge its failings without understanding what a bad spot Rian and KK put them in. Having said all that, J.J. did himself and the audience absolutely no favors in this new film. He could have recovered the core in so many ways, instead he created a chaotic meandering video game of a movie. Rey is still an overpowered no personality ultra mega superhero. Kylo is somewhat interesting but mostly irrelevant foil. The rest of the characters are plug and play interchangeable. This movie is just never ending mission runs and throw away dialogue. When I heard the emperor laugh in the ads then saw him in the trailers, I knew no one at Disney actually loved or cared about Star Wars or it’s fans. They had no respect for the characters and their importance to fans over many generations. They just care about CYA and grabbing as many short term nickels as possible. This is a bad movie that could have been more but decided against it. The only thing good it does is completely all over Rian Johnson and “The Last Jedi”. That felt good to see. Bring on Baby Yoda. Disney should be falling at Jon Favreau’s feet thanking him for (so far) saving them.
  13. You could have him draw a half Brodie half Tim Tebow face. I’d rather have that.
  14. Not offhand, no. No problem. I'm curious now, I was pretty sure SB when you add up all the MTU/MTIO/ASM/Web/SSM/Random issues penciled or inked Spider-man the most of any artist and was hoping someone had done the numbers specifically. Bagley is the only person who can even be in the conversation (Mooney is up there though as should be Sauvik). You would think with as wide spread as the Spidey-fans are, that someone would have run the numbers.
  15. Sal's for $92...even I'm "in" then! War is Peace! Freedom is Slavery! Buscema is Perlin!
  16. The Sal transfer won’t be too jarring once we get new “Average Artist Allowable Assessment” (from now on known as “4A”) put in place. This will hard cap his prices to a committee acceptable level commensurate with the prices committee members have already invested into their own portfolios (made up of “committee approved” artists of course). Basically we add up all the REAL art and the lowly “nekkid Wonder Woman” tracings on CAF. Than take those totals and divide by the hypotenuse of the GDP of Bolivia squared by the number of oily six-packs on the average Boris cover and voila... You come up with an average of 91.75 (before sales tax). Going forward that is the committee’s established value for all of “The Average” pages. It will be the hard bidding cap allowed when his pieces go to auction on a go forward basis. Problem solved!
  17. I figured he was close but that since he was all pencils no inks he wouldn’t be 1st. Do you know where I can see the numbers on that?
  18. I would imagine Sal has pencilled or inked Spider-Man more than anyone. Then Mark Bagley, then Jim Mooney.