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Everything posted by zhamlau

  1. Didn’t Ramos draw the most issues of ASM of all time?
  2. Spoke to the only person I know who went to the premier, said film wasn’t very good regardless of how you look at it...yay...
  3. Wouldn’t ya know, always the last place.
  4. That’s actually a really good repro someone made about 15 years ago.
  5. Critics seem to have been committed to TLJ in defending and building up the choices made in it. This film by all accounts was working overtime to try and correct the damage from that film and a lot of critics Didnt seem to like that. Disney probably knew that if they gave us another TLJ the franchise would be a critics darling that fans would have no interest in. But due to the outright carnage of TLJ there was no easy way back so they had to resurrect Palpatine to try and come up with something fans would like to remind them of the good times. The problem is bringing him back makes RoTJ meaningless. They made Rey way to overpowered and borderline Marysue perfect. They killed Luke after making him a dishonorable emo whiny brat. Carrie died IRL so the planned “make it all about Leia and Rey” was lost to them. Han was there just to die. Kylo is sort of interesting but they kept making him look weak and gullible to its hard to get all ramped up for him. The rest of the characters are paper thin and poorly written...where can you go from there?!
  6. Yeah I know someone who dealt in comic book art from 1970-1990 who saw it inperson. Long story. No idea where it is now.
  7. For what it’s worth the action 1 cover is out there too.
  8. You get invited to the mouses premiere, you are excepted to perform and gush on command...for some reason a few folks aren’t following the -script...
  9. The movie based on the 1993 comic series? Not really sure that’s a huge deal and it is sorta based on an older product.
  10. Looks like reactions are all over the place. Again I’m shocked we are seeing anything south of “tHiS mOvIe Am BeSt EvAh” this early in the game. You don’t bring folks who are critical to your epic tent pole movie who are gonna do anything but fall at your feet. It’s been odd seeing folks trying to justify their reactions while not being allowed to give much more. I noticed Lucas wasn’t there, that could be telling. Also there is one strong theme I’m seeing: this movie is designed to outright murder “The Last Jedi” and put it in the ground. Clearly Disney had an agenda and that was to make TLJ get wiped off the map and pushed down into the memory hole. Guess it’s now permissible to admit that was a very bad movie that killed a lot of the franchise. https://www.msn.com/en-us/movies/news/star-wars-rise-of-skywalker-first-reactions-are-mixed-not-the-best-finale/ar-BBY4KdG?ocid=st
  11. First reactions are in. Normally for big Disney spectacles premier reactions I’ve seen amount to “(movie x) is the greatest thing since sliced bread. I can now die happy!” ...this one is getting a lot of “hmm” type Reactions already and that floors me. What really surprised me is John Campea who gets called the ultimate shill for Disney actually said he didn’t like it...I have no idea what to make of that but to say wow.
  12. How sad is it that the only movies anyone’s excited for are all either remakes or sequels? Every movie people seem to get excited for are movies that have their origins in something before 2008. So few original fully created properties have been released in the last 12 years, at least one folks are excited for.
  13. If palatine is really still alive and running things, it makes Vader’s sacrifice meaningless and Luke’s victory a sham. It’s like finding yet another way for Disney and KK to sign off on destroying the mythology and significance of SW to the people who truly grew up with it.
  14. Just a solid show with good writing and directing. I do wish however they committed to actually killing some of the hijackers, put some consequences into it. Not putting them down felt like a pointless risk and time waste. I don’t think that decision made sense and that sorta bothered me. Other than that great episode. To date one bad episode, one flawed, and the rest have been great.
  15. 2049 doesn’t get the respect it’s due. It changes gears a lot story and pacing wise but it never feels forced.
  16. It still felt like well directed fan fiction. In the end I didn’t love it or hate it. Parts were awesome, parts were poorly written or a little silly.
  17. Was that for Halloween? Or some costume event?
  18. I think in the end It was a low tier marvel movie that was tied to the marvel grand finale “Endgame” so it did very well in the box office. It was better than Ironman2, Thor 2, and Norton Hulk. It was below everything else to date in all phases. Like all Marvel movies, it was fun and diverting. Some people loved it, some hated it. It’s the first or second lowest professionally reviewed MCU film. It seems fans were just lukewarm to it content wise but still liked it because it was MCU.
  19. Just saw this thread now, and yeah it looks legit.
  20. The Swedish film board confirmed two of the big rumors (can look up if interested). Add the way finder into the mix and I’d say a lot of the major points have been confirmed...ughh...this just looks so bad...
  21. Haha I think I sold that page on HA originally. Thought it looked familiar
  22. ::takes off artsoc anti-buscema hat:: Actually I don’t think anyone’s really engaged in downplaying Chic Stone. I think for a lot of us he is our preferred vintage inker on Kirby. A lot of people will say Sinnott or Ayers or get smart and say Syd, but I bet for a large percentage Chic is their favorite. Ayers folks probably are saying it because those are the most valuable, and Sinnott is just so overpowering it makes everything look like Sinnott using (insert artists name here) as layouts. Ok that’s all, Going back into downplay mode. ::hat repositioned:: Very good, your words do the committee proud!