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Everything posted by zhamlau

  1. I only own one DPS in my personal collection. Sword of Azrael 3, pgs 23-24. This ones unique because it stacks north south not east west (at least image wise). One of my favorite all time books and art.
  2. That DD is one of my favorite pieces.
  3. That huge Joker grin on De Niro, never noticed. Wonder if that's a nod to how much the Franklin character influenced him. As if that's where that huge cheek lifting smile he falls back on comes from.
  4. And that's fine to think that as well. People believe what they will.
  5. That’s not a good argument, but again it’s all fiction. I’m just basing my view on how it would normally work (or not work).
  6. The odds that a mentally unstable 20 year old single low income woman with apparently no external family to help support her, would be allowed to adopt a child in the 1940s would be exceptionally low...like approaching zero type low. Most social services and church organizations back then actively worked to encourage young single women like Penny to give up their children for the welfare of both mother and child...why Than would they let this poor mentally unstable 20ish single woman then come around to adopt one back? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baby_Scoop_Era I mean honestly this is all just speculation of an unknown based on a work of fiction that could go either way if there is a sequel. But if this occurred in the real world and she lived in say NYC 1948 not Gotham 1948, she just would not have been allowed to adopt the child on her own.
  7. I’m starting to think this was better than Dark Knight. They are probably tied right now for top but eventually Joker is gonna be considered the best.
  8. Again, A twenty year old (with mental illness) single woman is not going to be adopting a child in the 1940s. Things like that just didn’t happen, adoption would have gone through a married couple back than. That part alone seals the deal. Add in the photo note and the insanity of everyone connected to Wayne knowing the story of Fleck, it’s clear he was the father. Wayne wouldn’t be telling everyone she was sending him letters daily, why would they know what’s in his personal mail if he didn’t tell them and had NO motive to tell them. Also why would he never reply “you are wrong leave me alone or I’ll have my attorney contact you”? He gains nothing by ignoring unless he has something to hide or wants it to go away.
  9. I’d see a sequel gladly. That’s the beauty of making a piece of art out of something already known with a 1000 stories behind them, it’s not inappropriate to continue and explore it.
  10. Lot to unpack. Great movie first off. I think now that I’ve had some time to think about it. I will say I believe Thomas Wayne really was his father. The scandal of him having an affair and creating a child from it would have been devastating in the 40s to someone of Wayne’s standing and stature (putting fleck at 33 in 1981 means he was born in the 40s). I think that’s why some money was thrown at a bureaucrat to draw up some adoption papers to make it look like this 20 something single woman adopted a child. I mean think about, how many young beautiful women in their 20s adopted children...in the 1940s?! It just never happened. It screams of someone trying to avoid a scandal. Also Fleck confronted anyone associated with the Wayne’s they all knew in excruciating detail who Fleck was and the story behind it. And that photo, the TW, I don’t think that was delusion. The delusions I believe were only when he experienced anything remotely positive. That photo seems to seal it (oddly I didn’t even remember it til I read about it here, than it all clicked).
  11. Just saw it. The film was brutal, sad, vicious, grotesque....and it completely worked on every level. I also now get why so many folks were quasi-violently attacking this movie and trying to get people to not go. There is a pretty clear bit of social commentary going on. I don’t think much about celebrity award shows, but If they still mean anything this movie should walk away with many of them.
  12. I’m still not following the logic. Are we saying Marvel only wanted one “special space girl” movie so they forced reshoots as part of the acquisition from fox? why can’t you have two?
  13. Haha buy it for 1k, sell to me for 1200...quick 20% for ya
  14. On every level that would be amazing. It’s almost to smart/perfect...someone will find a way to ruin it like jamming Shaq or carrot top into a major role...
  15. That might be the most enticing review ive ever seen...Ok why not im going to this movie this weekend if possible. I never see movies opening, but anything that can generate that response has to be worth the price of admission.
  16. The message from the film media/main stream media seems pretty clear, they are trying to damage this film and its creators. Ive never seen this before, at least not for a main stream major studio production before. We are living in interesting times indeed.
  17. Film review as social/political commentary: Truly the greatest innovation of 21st century..... This film is all anyone into movies can talk about.How often does that hurt rather than help a film? This film should do well.
  18. Basically, if you are against this movie for its "problematic messaging" (Need to take a shower just for having said that phrase), you need to be consistent and call for the banning of all violent video games, movies, TV shows, News Coverage, and books. If you are, so be it I dont agree but at least its honest.
  19. Maybe cause you bought it all up already?
  20. Its a borderline 19th century tradition trying to stay relevant in the 21st century. Besides, no one really likes the shows that win anyway traditionally. Its just stuff were told is "powerful and brave". I'm shocked it wasn't halved. People are cool (if the market supports it) for these folks making 10x the lifetime earning of the average American for simply playing pretend for 6 months on set. However it seems most people in the world are losing interest in those same people then giving each other awards for said pretend-play. We watch movies for the characters they portray not for the people inhabiting them. Actually do you know you do if you want to make these award shows more interesting? Have the awards be for things like "favorite character" and have the actors appears in character costume, then give the acceptance speech as them. That show would do 20x the number....omg thats gonna happen some day i bet.
  21. In a sense, I think so. I think people are excited for the notion that "STAR WARS" is coming out...again...People it seems are mostly excited for the spectacle and the marketing that comes with a new Disney investment product being released on the market. At this point the product itself is pretty meaningless. People are excited for the shared cultural experience of it. Its sorta like how folks and the media get all worked up over new I-phone releases...everyone knows that I-phones technically are inferior to many other products(full disclosure I still use a 6), but its the shared cultural experience of the new release that gets folks amped up. TLJ was from a poorly made film. It had too-large-for-even-scifi plot holes , throw away scenes/acts, and basic scripting and overall logical failures that should have damned it box office wise not just among the viewing public...but the spectacle and cultural significance of the film completely overshadowed all of that. The marketing and side product releases buried the films actual failings. That will happen again here. It might lose 5-10 percent off the last film from negative fan reaction, but overall the vast majority of people who were going, just to share in experience of a new film, will go no matter what the actual story/film is. Excited for the big party coming up? Yeah they are. The film itself, probably not so much.
  22. As long as I get the requisite "Yur Mom" jokes, meaningless throw away complete acts, and impossibly OP Rey acts, Ill be satisfied with TJL 2.0!
  23. WTF the Emmys were TONIGHT?!?!?! Not making a joke, I had no idea they were on. Remember when these celebrity award shows were all anyone watched and talked about next day?
  24. God that is also really really good! I love the vanishing lined effect used on hawkwoman. This just "looks right", you know?