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Everything posted by Jaydogrules

  1. Of course not. But a first appearance of a character with a rapidly growing fanbase in the core ASM run is about as bulletproof as you can get. Prices will ebb and flow no but what's the long term trend looking like. -J.
  2. The 3800 is a low outlier, as the immediate subsequent two sales demonstrate. Book has been trending up for months now. -J.
  3. The other 9.8 is at auction with a "start bid" that's a couple hundred more. https://www.ebay.com/itm/334210684034?hash=item4dd0825482:g:MJ8AAOSwAtlcn48Z -J.
  4. Another one of my personal favorites just a new high in a 9.8. ASM 678 VenoMJ- https://www.ebay.com/itm/193190672643?hash=item2cfb0fb903:g:mnMAAOSwYOxdvupo#vi__app-cvip-panel -J.
  5. The front cover ONLY went for nearly $5k?? -J.
  6. That's when you know a book has legitimately caught fire, when all grades spike , not just the 9.8's. -J.
  7. This book is still going strong with prices now surpassing the $5k mark in a 9.8. https://www.ebay.com/itm/255209236203?hash=item3b6ba7e6eb:g:YdsAAOSwkcNhQT-n#vi__app-cvip-panel Perhaps that little Easter Egg in the morbius trailer has something to do with it. -J.
  8. None of the MCU movies released this year have made any money theatrically with their massive production and P&A costs. Understanding that the paradigm shifted (temporarily?) since covid and they were already in the can. Ironically, the only one that might have actually "under-performed" somewhat was Black Widow. Frankly I think the numbers we are seeing for shang-chi and eternals would have been close to these with or without covid. Phase 4 was never going to be gangbusters. -J.
  9. Maybe they should have released this on home video at the same time again like they did with Black Widow so they could say that it made an "extra." $150MM there too. -J.
  10. You mean "the guys" who also didn't say anything different than what everyone already knew? Yeah. Okay. Hey, maybe try just getting the right book so you don't have to constantly make a (weak) case for the consolation book with the non-substantive, one panel cameo at the end of a wendigo story ? -J.
  11. Hulk 180- Non-substantive one panel cameo at the end of a wendigo story, nobody disputes that. Action 23- "Date stamps" aren't definitive , but this is (what the publisher says controls, remember? I guess that only applies to whatever comic you're trying to redeem/bolster at the time). You will never be right about this my dude no matter how much cloud fist punping you do. https://www.dccomics.com/characters/lex-luthor -J.
  12. This is a solicit for the FAX EDITION of 180 (and yeah, it's still just a one panel, non-substantive cameo at the end of a wendigo story). Notably published AFTER the 181 fax edition. Let's take a look at the description for the actual issue for hulk 181 according to Marvel now. O the humanity! https://www.marvel.com/comics/issue/17198/incredible_hulk_1962_181 -J.
  13. Oh and you're that guy that likes to ignore what the actual publisher says about its own product. My recollection of the conversation also includes absurdist speculation from comic blogs and wikis, unsupported by ANY actual comic book authority. Funny how you try to defer to what the publisher asserts with hulk 180 (more on that below) but choose to ignore that with Action 23. But yeah.... "history". -J.
  14. That was already in the pipe. God forbid they cancel it and she sues them again. -J.
  15. Hold on a second. Black widow cost AT LEAST 400 million to make and market. Only made 376 million WORLDWIDE, of which Disney only got back about 190. And you think because Disney told you that it made another ~$100 million on home video that it somehow was "successful" and turned a profit? We won't even get into the additional millions in "go away forever" money they gave to scarlet. You're funny. I got two words for you on this one buddy -"Write Down". -J.
  16. Lol if value wasn't the point, these conversations would never happen. You hulk 180 people would just accept you have the less desirable, and as such , less valuable book and leave it at that. -J.
  17. 181 skyrocketed. 180 has always drafted off of that. Oh and 180 still sells for about the same 75% discount to 181 as it always has in most grades. 😉 -J.
  18. Straw man. At this point you are simply disagreeing with what someone's interpretation of the definition of "cameo". And I certainly disagree with yours because you are , quite wrongly, reading waaaaaay more into it than what is actually there. Is Wolverine "distinguished"? Yes. Was it a small , non-substantive one panel teaser appearance at the end of 180? Yes. Definition - Cameo. Which brings us full circle to 181 still being the BY FAR most important, more valuable, and more sought after book, for reasons so obvious and well known they do not even require being mentioned or debated in the first place at all. Funny how that is. -J.
  19. Okay well how about this and I play your semantic game with you for a moment. Nowhere in that dictionary definition is the term "cameo" isolated to the "distinguished" person being "distinguished" AT THE TIME THEY MAKE THE APPEARANCE only. i.e., there is nothing that says that a person who later becomes "distinguished" cannot have an earlier, non-substantive one frame appearance be called a "cameo" in the earlier role. As such, Wolverine, as a "distinguished" character, has a non-substantive one panel CAMEO at the end of 180. -J.
  20. Nope. You're still not getting it. Even using your weak semantic argument, one could say that when the non-substantive, one panel appearance at the end of 180 occurred it wasn't a "cameo" THEN. But he is known NOW, and the one panel appearance at the end of 180 is just as non-substantive as it ever was, except now he is known, therefore, "cameo". And no, none of this helps or makes your copies of 180 any cooler, more important or more valuable. It is still the same wendigo story with the terrible cover that it has always been. Lol -J.
  21. 🙄 This is why semantic arguments are always so weak. I didn't say that he cameo'd after the fact. I said his non -substantive one panel teaser appearance at the end of hulk 180 is properly called a cameo because he is well known NOW. -J.