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Everything posted by Jaydogrules

  1. I'm sorry I skipped breakfast you're right There would be 2000-3000, give or take. (thumbs u -J.
  2. Viking, there are actually 191, 9.8/9.9 of the regular cover on the census now, and 28, 9.8's of the variant. Those are beefy numbers for a book that's just a few months old. IntoAnother, a 1 to 25 is an easy variant for shops to get. With a nearly 55,000 print run of the main cover, there are likely 8,000-10,000 or even more of the variant out there. People are just selling it raw now, as there isn't a big difference in the raw and slabbed price at the moment, trying to cash in while the iron is still hot. -J.
  3. +1. Can we post other books besides the 1 and 8? Just curious! Great books guys. Yes! Please feel free to post any of your favourite covers from this ground breaking run.. Right jaja? -J.
  4. Copper is not in its own bubble, it's in the same bubble as the rest of the market. I agree the entire market is in a bubble. It just gets frothier the closer to the top you get, ie less bubbles at the bottom of the glass which would be GA, and most bubbly at the top, ie, CA and MA books. There are just far, far too many (high grade) copies out there and they are far, far too prone to ridiculous speculative activity, pumps, dumps and eBay shilling. -J.
  5. Damn. Suh-weet mother of candy. That's like winning the lottery. Even if it goes for half the first one he still made out like a frito bandito! -J.
  6. First to market premium perhaps ? That's why it's never a good idea to pay exorbitant premiums for "single highest graded" moderns. The issue is barely three months old and is being heavily submitted with nearly 170, 9.8's and 3, 9.9's already on the census. That's not even counting the variant. And those copies were the ones that were most likely fast tracked through CGC. I would expect to see hundreds more ultra high grade copies of this on the census within the next 90-120 days. -J.
  7. I agree with all of this. It once again makes me believe that we have a Copper/Modern Age bubble now. -J.
  8. http://www.ebay.com/sch/purczach/m.html?item=141546795507&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2562 Good catch. Your link was broken but I fixed it and re-posted it for you. You're right this guy is definitely shilling his own auctions with the a***c (5) "bidder" in all of them. His BA 12 auction is just one of them. But oh darn, we can only post scores and highlights in this thread and not blown field goal attempts and fumbles. -J.
  9. Yes that'll happen when the refs miss a bunch of blatant personal fouls. -J.
  10. Unfortunately the shilling is real too. ComicLink auctions are harder to shill though. As we have seen, bogus ebay sales are what largely spike GPA, and the market follows (for awhile at least). And speaking of shilled ebay auctions....same bidder running up both auctions here: How about you just come out and say the entire back issue market is driven by Shilling. That way it will save you the time of linking your suspicious auctions and everyone else won't have to wade through all your comments. Your entitled to your opinion, but its gotten to the point of exhaustion and its driving me away from the boards in a negative way. http://offer.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewBids&item=251801797684&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2565 http://offer.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewBids&item=141546795507&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2565 Buyer beware. -J. How about you just come out and say the entire back issue market is driven by Shilling. That way it will save you the time of linking your suspicious auctions and everyone else won't have to wade through all your comments. Your entitled to your opinion, but its gotten to the point of exhaustion and its driving me away from the boards in a negative way. Feel free to create your own thread about your suspicions. That way you don't thread *spoon* this one. Nothing remotely out of the ordinary here. This section reserved for cheerleading only. Got it. (thumbs u -J.
  11. Unfortunately the shilling is real too. ComicLink auctions are harder to shill though. As we have seen, bogus ebay sales are what largely spike GPA, and the market follows (for awhile at least). And speaking of shilled ebay auctions....same bidder running up both auctions here: http://offer.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewBids&item=251801797684&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2565 http://offer.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewBids&item=141546795507&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2565 Buyer beware. -J.
  12. Is that what happened ? Considering the tone and nature of the comments, the shoe fits. A heated debate I can handle. But there's never a good reason to make things personal around here. -J.
  13. -J. judging by the current news of secret wars, i'd say there is quite a chance she does become a regular rather Spider character rather then from an alternate universe character... I suggest you read up on how its going to work son.... You were wrong then and you're still wrong. Alternate universe characters possibly crossing paths with the real characters from 616 in a Secret Wars crossover doesn't mean jack. You are seriously overestimating the "potential" of this barely three month old re-hashed, gimmicky character. Son. -J. well Junior..... im quite sure we will see her as this new reboot comes around... while im not a gwen fanatic, im quite sure the female collectors and some male collectors want to see this last. If it was just a " Gimmick" as you said why is her first appearance going for high amounts all across ebay since it first came out?? don't give me that BS you think this is one of those titles that'll be here today gone tomorrow... you don't know jack. I guess it depends on what you consider "high amounts", and a "gimmicky" character to be. Clearly we disagree, which is fine, the market will ultimately decide. History being the guide that it is however, I daresay that I am more likely to be right than you. But.... Although I actually do like the ones you have there, I really think you should at least get some big boy books in your sig line before you start going around calling grown men whom you do not know "son" and "junior". Just a suggestion. (thumbs u -J.
  14. ...so the high "sale" that triggered these outlandish asking prices and excessive ebay shilling in the first place turned out to be bogus after all.... kudos to MCS for working with GPA to screen out that sort of thing. Wonder what would have happened if that reporting error was caught sooner.... -J.
  15. Someone "claimed" to do that. I believe the consensus at the time was that no one believed him. -J.
  16. That was a mycomicshop "sale" and they are notorious for listing books on ebay as being "sold" (usually Copper Age books or thereabouts) at a full price that is very often significantly higher than multiple other listings on ebay. GPA still picks it up and records the sale but it almost always stands out as an outlier sale. There are recent sales of ASM 300 and 361, as well as NM 87 where they have done the same thing. -J. What do you mean exactly? MCS They are notorious. You make them sound shady. Is Comic connect notorious for selling Action Comics #1s? Just a poor choice of words or have you gone from bashing BA12 to now bashing sellers of as well? Who's "bashing" anything ? Maybe you should check your own choice of words and save the hyperbole. Marking books as "sold" on ebay at prices they did not actually sell for is what mycomicshop does, usually when the book actually sold directly from their site at a lower price. The sheer volume of their sales almost guarantees some bad sales slip through. Pointing this out with regards to this (and other books) does not constitute "bashing". -J. This statement is not correct: If a buyer clicks the eBay Buy It Now button, eBay marks the listing as sold. If a book sells on mycomicshop.com, then we tell ebay to end the eBay listing, and the listing should show as ended, not sold. Your language makes it sound like we are actively involved in creating false sales data, and that's not the case. The effect you are observing is a buyer clicking the Buy It Now on eBay and GPA collecting the sales data despite the sale not actually completing. We have no involvement in that process other than creating the initial eBay listing. For sales that take place on eBay, GPA collects that data themselves. We are not involved in reporting those sales or confirming whether a sale did or did not actually take place. If you have a concern about any sales of NM 87, ASM 361, or anything else, please PM me with the sale you're concerned about, I'll confirm if the sale completed or not, and if not I will let GPA know to remove it. For sales that take place on mycomicshop.com, we provide sales data to GPA, and we don't report sales until the book is paid for and shipped. I've PM'd George at GPA to ask if it would be possible for us to switch to reporting our own eBay sales, rather than GPA collecting them, so that we can report only the purchases that were successfully paid for and shipped. Regarding the BA12 CGC 9.8 sale: Oct-29-2014 $1690 0235918008 The ebay user never completed their purchase, so we never received an order from eBay. The item would have been automatically relisted on MCS and ebay after enough time had passed without payment. However, that same item did sell a couple months later December 30, through mycomicshop.com, for $1495.95, and that sale really happened and shipped to the buyer. Thank you for clearing that up. By the way I was never attempting to imply that MCS was actively doing anything nefarious, I was merely stating that due to your high volume of transactions "bad sales" will inevitably slip through on ebay, potentially queer the market, as did happen with that particular copy of BA 12. (thumbs u Removal of that $1690 sale from GPA will make a dent in the book's 90 day average. -J.
  17. I have not said anything "unkind" about the book. Just the shillers. They are fair game my friend. (thumbs u -J.
  18. Just be mindful, two of the sales you think went in the '$1600 range' did not. This one: http://www.ebay.com/itm/151546971810 Which shows as ending at $1600 was actually sold at a best offer of $1400 And this one: http://www.ebay.com/itm/141466670430 Which shows as ending at $1650 was actually sold at a best offer of $1300 The only sale to reach over $1600 was in October: http://www.ebay.com/itm/311150248804 Thanks, that's what I get for using a "smart" phone to double check my numbers... That still leave us with an outlier sale of $1690 for a 9.8, back in October, which is before (I believe) the news on her officially being casted in the Suicide Squad movie was released. That was a mycomicshop "sale" and they are notorious for listing books on ebay as being "sold" (usually Copper Age books or thereabouts) at a full price that is very often significantly higher than multiple other listings on ebay. GPA still picks it up and records the sale but it almost always stands out as an outlier sale. There are recent sales of ASM 300 and 361, as well as NM 87 where they have done the same thing. -J. What do you mean exactly? MCS They are notorious. You make them sound shady. Is Comic connect notorious for selling Action Comics #1s? Just a poor choice of words or have you gone from bashing BA12 to now bashing sellers of as well? Who's "bashing" anything ? Maybe you should check your own choice of words and save the hyperbole. Marking books as "sold" on ebay at prices they did not actually sell for is what mycomicshop does, usually when the book actually sold directly from their site at a lower price. The sheer volume of their sales almost guarantees some bad sales slip through. Pointing this out with regards to this (and other books) does not constitute "bashing". -J. I'm pretty sure most people are aware that you can actually buy the book and save a little bit going direct through MCS. Some buyers may elect to paymore and go through ebay and earn the ebay buck and often enough 4x ebay bucks. You can also use paypal on ebay. you can not on MCS. You must add 3% to a consigned book on the MCS site. Also I don't see how they would be able to show the sale was actually on ebay unless the sale was actually on ebay. Does it say the listing has ended or does it show sold and the price is in green. How is it possible without paying fees? why would they care to pay fees? I don't sell comic books, so all I can do is throw a hypothetical question right back at you: would YOU pay $600 more for the an identical book just for the privilege of buying from MCS? On ebay, no less, not even direct ? Probably not. MCS is a very high volume seller on ebay no one knows what kind of arrangement they have as a result. But it is clearly unique. -J. if you've been tracking MCS sales for a certain length of time and had some hard facts to base the "Notorious" labeling, then I say you got something. However you select the hottest book today and undoubtably the largest comic book seller on eBay single sale to make your statement. We all know you missed the boat on BA12 and this thread is riddled with posts from you with nothing positive about it. Now you want to drag MCS down because one of their consigners sold a BA12 for a big price. What does MCS have to do with it? They don't set the price. The consigners do. MCS get 3% of the sale from the buyer and 8% from the seller. Sure they can have a special negotiated arrangement with ebay but that's all part of business, a the power to them if they earned that perk, but Imfamous rather than notorious is the adjective I'd be using. Junk, you have an odd way of making assumptions about my collection and only regarding selective points from my posts. I'm pretty sure I mentioned three other "Copper Age" books that I have seen MCS mark listing as "sold" at exorbitant prices that are way out of whack with multiple other listing that are readily viewable on ebay. This has nothing to do with "missing the boat" on what you call "the hottest book" (it's not, you should really venture out from the CA and MA sections by the way), and everything to do with pointing out the obvious shilling and pumping that's going on with this book. -J.
  19. Just be mindful, two of the sales you think went in the '$1600 range' did not. This one: http://www.ebay.com/itm/151546971810 Which shows as ending at $1600 was actually sold at a best offer of $1400 And this one: http://www.ebay.com/itm/141466670430 Which shows as ending at $1650 was actually sold at a best offer of $1300 The only sale to reach over $1600 was in October: http://www.ebay.com/itm/311150248804 Thanks, that's what I get for using a "smart" phone to double check my numbers... That still leave us with an outlier sale of $1690 for a 9.8, back in October, which is before (I believe) the news on her officially being casted in the Suicide Squad movie was released. That was a mycomicshop "sale" and they are notorious for listing books on ebay as being "sold" (usually Copper Age books or thereabouts) at a full price that is very often significantly higher than multiple other listings on ebay. GPA still picks it up and records the sale but it almost always stands out as an outlier sale. There are recent sales of ASM 300 and 361, as well as NM 87 where they have done the same thing. -J. What do you mean exactly? MCS They are notorious. You make them sound shady. Is Comic connect notorious for selling Action Comics #1s? Just a poor choice of words or have you gone from bashing BA12 to now bashing sellers of as well? Who's "bashing" anything ? Maybe you should check your own choice of words and save the hyperbole. Marking books as "sold" on ebay at prices they did not actually sell for is what mycomicshop does, usually when the book actually sold directly from their site at a lower price. The sheer volume of their sales almost guarantees some bad sales slip through. Pointing this out with regards to this (and other books) does not constitute "bashing". -J. I'm pretty sure most people are aware that you can actually buy the book and save a little bit going direct through MCS. Some buyers may elect to paymore and go through ebay and earn the ebay buck and often enough 4x ebay bucks. You can also use paypal on ebay. you can not on MCS. You must add 3% to a consigned book on the MCS site. Also I don't see how they would be able to show the sale was actually on ebay unless the sale was actually on ebay. Does it say the listing has ended or does it show sold and the price is in green. How is it possible without paying fees? why would they care to pay fees? I don't sell comic books, so all I can do is throw a hypothetical question right back at you: would YOU pay $600 more for the an identical book just for the privilege of buying from MCS? On ebay, no less, not even direct ? Probably not. MCS is a very high volume seller on ebay no one knows what kind of arrangement they have as a result. But it is clearly unique. -J.
  20. Just be mindful, two of the sales you think went in the '$1600 range' did not. This one: http://www.ebay.com/itm/151546971810 Which shows as ending at $1600 was actually sold at a best offer of $1400 And this one: http://www.ebay.com/itm/141466670430 Which shows as ending at $1650 was actually sold at a best offer of $1300 The only sale to reach over $1600 was in October: http://www.ebay.com/itm/311150248804 Thanks, that's what I get for using a "smart" phone to double check my numbers... That still leave us with an outlier sale of $1690 for a 9.8, back in October, which is before (I believe) the news on her officially being casted in the Suicide Squad movie was released. That was a mycomicshop "sale" and they are notorious for listing books on ebay as being "sold" (usually Copper Age books or thereabouts) at a full price that is very often significantly higher than multiple other listings on ebay. GPA still picks it up and records the sale but it almost always stands out as an outlier sale. There are recent sales of ASM 300 and 361, as well as NM 87 where they have done the same thing. -J. What do you mean exactly? MCS They are notorious. You make them sound shady. Is Comic connect notorious for selling Action Comics #1s? Just a poor choice of words or have you gone from bashing BA12 to now bashing sellers of as well? Who's "bashing" anything ? Maybe you should check your own choice of words and save the hyperbole. Marking books as "sold" on ebay at prices they did not actually sell for is what mycomicshop does, usually when the book actually sold directly from their site at a lower price. The sheer volume of their sales almost guarantees some bad sales slip through. Pointing this out with regards to this (and other books) does not constitute "bashing". -J.
  21. Just be mindful, two of the sales you think went in the '$1600 range' did not. This one: http://www.ebay.com/itm/151546971810 Which shows as ending at $1600 was actually sold at a best offer of $1400 And this one: http://www.ebay.com/itm/141466670430 Which shows as ending at $1650 was actually sold at a best offer of $1300 The only sale to reach over $1600 was in October: http://www.ebay.com/itm/311150248804 Thanks, that's what I get for using a "smart" phone to double check my numbers... That still leave us with an outlier sale of $1690 for a 9.8, back in October, which is before (I believe) the news on her officially being casted in the Suicide Squad movie was released. That was a mycomicshop "sale" and they are notorious for listing books on ebay as being "sold" (usually Copper Age books or thereabouts) at a full price that is very often significantly higher than multiple other listings on ebay. GPA still picks it up and records the sale but it almost always stands out as an outlier sale. There are recent sales of ASM 300 and 361, as well as NM 87 where they have done the same thing. -J.
  22. -J. judging by the current news of secret wars, i'd say there is quite a chance she does become a regular rather Spider character rather then from an alternate universe character... I suggest you read up on how its going to work son.... You were wrong then and you're still wrong. Alternate universe characters possibly crossing paths with the real characters from 616 in a Secret Wars crossover doesn't mean jack. You are seriously overestimating the "potential" of this barely three month old re-hashed, gimmicky character. Son. -J. From the press release they're making it out to be a compression of the different universes, so at the end of it there will be one universe only, with a blend of characters that survive the event filling it out. It's certainly not a stretch to expect Spider-Gwen to be one of the characters that gets a ticket to the new marvel singular universe. There are too many "Spider-women" already in the main universe and the Gwen Stacy character comes with too much baggage. Such a move would likely evoke severe derision from many, many fans and I would hope marvel knows that. Whether or not they care is another story. But expect her to stay on the edge of the spider-verse IMO. Miles Morales would have a much better shot, as an actually original character with years of fan goodwill already under his belt. (thumbs u -J.