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Everything posted by Doktor

  1. Ah, OK, I guess I missed that part. Must have been changing the baby when that happened and not paying full attention. :doh: Lincoln is still a lame, whiny character, though. I won't miss him if he goes. Oh, don't get me wrong, I hate the character. he's as boring as a beige wall. But I just have a feeling that it's going to swerve.
  2. Given that they're explicitly promo-ing "Who Will Die?" in both the TV ads and even an ASM #121-homage cover, someone is definitely going to die, unless they want a huge fan backlash. Not that fans are hoping that someone dies, but you don't mess with people like that and get away with it, not in the era of instant social media backlash. I voted for Lincoln. He doesn't have an immune system anymore and is a lame character anyway. According to this week's episode, Simmons & Fitz were talking about how Lincoln was fine now and they were just keeping him in isolation more as punishment but lying about his test results.
  3. Nobody. Since Daisy is obviously there too (it's from her POV and we saw from the previous flash that she was shown, that the scene she sees is from her POV), but since they know it's going to happen, there'll be a 2nd ship up there to act as the backup to Daisy's ship & swoop in to save them. And since we don't see them actually die, just some fire stuff starting, then there's still a chance of them being saved. And I don't plan to speculate on who the 2nd person is on her ship. I hate that they've foreshadowed Mack though with YoYo giving him the crucifix.
  4. Mine was sent in a brown paper bag, then with a cardboard sandwich. Then inside of a comic mailer & wrapped to hell with tape too. Mine came in minty fresh.
  5. 3-5X as much. It's a rare occasion to find one for under $150. I grabbed mine for $50 because I got super lucky and the guy didn't know what he had (and had posted it on OfferUp like 30 minutes before I contacted him) but every other one I had seen in the 6 months prior that I was looking was at least $150 and some upwards of $300. Mine was all intact & in good shape (except for a little bit of dirt & rust on the base, which was fixed with a half hour of sanding & a few coats of primer & matte black spray paint)
  6. Oh wow that sounds like and adventure of a room haha. Yes they are in the room on the top floor/against the roof side. We also dug out the foundation and did the drainage tiles a couple years ago and membrane on the foundation so the house settled a bit more/differently because of that but seems to have stabilized Gutting that room is my next project for this year after fencing in the yard & finishing some landscaping/minimalizing-of-outdoor-work. It's a relatively cheap project. Couple hundred in supplies & paying a few friends with beer & pizza & it's done in a weekend. Nice to see tho that everything is holding up. I was a little concerned that it was a superficial fix & that there had maybe been some underlying structural cause. Good work though. Looks awesome.
  7. I feel you. Mine is 80+ years old. And still has lath & plaster walls in some rooms (and one, that I call "the ugly room' that inexplicably has particle-board walls, not plaster or drywall, literally like pressed particle board that is so thin that leaning up against it, a normal sized person's will go right thru it if they aren't against a stud). So good to hear that the repairs are holding up. the 2 big cracks were concerning. Are they in an upper room/along the pitch of the roof?
  8. Was that true in the comics as well? I never read X-Factor, so I don't really know. If that's his back story in the film, it certainly makes sense for him to sport a costume that's reminiscent of Egyptian gods than that dumb costume from the comics with the big "A" for a belt buckle. Yes. He's always been born in ancient Egypt. His immortality & mutant powers were augmented with Celestial tech however. So he's a got that mix of mutant, ancient Egyptian & Celestial tech all mixed together. I'm guessing they went for the more Egyptian look because they obviously can't mention the Celestial stuff.
  9. I have some concerns about the ceiling in that room from all the cracks & stuff, but that's mostly me just being overly concerned about the wellbeing of an awesomely constructed room & some amazing looking collectibles! LOVE IT!
  10. If he has been around longer than humans, what exactly is he a mutant of? I meant to say human civilization, not humans. In the comics they say he's a few thousand years old, whereas the current oldest known sapiens fossil is about 160,000 years old. He was a slave born in Egypt at the time of the Pharaohs. They're not even the oldest KNOWN civilization. They're only about 5-8,000 years old. So while yes, he's very very old & nigh immortal, he's not older than human civilization by any stretch either. He's older than western civilization, sure. But there are other civilizations that are even centuries older than the ancient Egyptians.
  11. That's Rocky Bleier. A true American hero! +1 Of course the first thing all us yinzers notice is the Steelers picture.
  12. I would quite possibly trade a kidney for that UXM 19 cover art.
  13. Hayley is in a pilot for a series that has a pretty good chance of getting picked up. She would have had time to do both series due to the scheduling of Agent Carter, but it's unlikely she'll have time to do spots on other shows more than a guest appearance during regular shooting schedule.
  14. I'm very curious about this bargain as well. Give us all hope for someone giving us a great deal on a modern grail! I'll offer a bit of my liver (what's left of it, that is) in exchange.
  15. Yeah. If you don't sell often, they basically hold your money to make sure you're not a scammer or whatever in case there's a problem with the sale. I had the same thing happen to me on my first half-dozen or so sales.
  16. Ordered mine from the website & got shipping notification on Friday. However, it said that I would be receiving a tracking email shortly, which I still haven't received. EDIT: sent a message this morning & they forwarded me the tracking info. It's in the states but not yet delivered.
  17. I use my singles on another pitcher of beer or the G-string of the dancers. I generally don't think to stick them in a change machine & break them down into quarters for video game or pinball machines.
  18. So my $40 or $50 (or whatever it was) pickup looks even better today.
  19. It's Coming now that there's a deal for it.
  20. Book is on fire. Be interesting to see if a Daken rumor/confirmation would affect WO #10 the same way especially considering the multiple versions. Hard not to imagine the RRP 3rd Claw variant making a similar jump as NYX #3 in price-for-grade, but the affect on the standard cover vs. variant cover pricing would make for compelling debate. NYX had a much smaller print run. 40k vs 97k for W:O 10 which might account for a little bit. Then again, not like scarcity really impacts these things these days.
  21. Got the shipping notification from Pulp's overnight. So at least I know it's on its way.
  22. My theater didn't have that reaction. But at that point, I think they were all captivated by the fight right before this. How did your crowd react to the Lex Luthor metahuman videos and Wonder Woman combat appearance? They enjoyed the Wonder Woman bits. But the cameos didn't really illicit ANY reaction at all. They didn't even really seem to be all that interested in the "Wonder Woman was alive in WW 1!" swerve/reveal. They were just kinda like "ok, so?" In fact, the biggest reaction was for Chris Pine being in the picture. No real excitement for much of it beyond the Wonder Woman fight scene. But as I said, it was a small crowd & maybe we were jaded. Nobody was really captivated by the fight scene going on either. Neither the Batman/Superman fight nor the Doomsday fight, except for the Wonder Woman bits.
  23. Gotta ask again since nobody answered the first time: Has anyone gotten a shipping notice for their Gwenpool Paris Con exclusives if they ordered through Pulp's store (not ebay)?
  24. The "Martha" thing made just about the entire audience at my showing groan audibly. Maybe we're jaded? But it was pretty groan inducing for the showing I was at. Granted, it was only about 12 people in the theater though.