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Everything posted by Doktor

  1. Emphasis on the bolded text Yeah but given the two scenarios below, you're not paying more either way Asking price = $1,030 Asking price = $1,000 + 3% I get it that people don't like it rubbed in their face but at the end of the day, you're paying the exact same amount. Being accepting of paying the extra if it's built in as opposed to the 3% add on has always seemed a little irrational to me. It's like saying that I don't mind paying more as long as it's invisible. Huh? Again, ignorance is bliss I guess. I don't know about you guys but I don't like paying more regardless of whether I know it or not. I don't know... I don't really think about it that much. Just something about it bugs me & I think to myself "Nope. Next?" as a result. I can't exactly explain it. Just something about it bugs me. Maybe it's the "seeing the sausage being made" or something. I don't can't really explain it. Just like my initial gut reactions is negative to seeing it be spelled out explicitly, that I pass right then & there rather than buy it and not feel as good about the price, if that makes any sense? Even if it's a good price with all those fees included. my initial negative feeling on seeing it spelled out is going to stick with me every time I look at that book. And I don't really want to associate a book that I really wanted & like having with a negative experience or a "well, look at the silver lining, it was still a pretty good deal" .. it's still gonna have that little bit of "dude wanted me to pay his freaking paypal fees" negative feeling muddying my otherwise enjoyment of having that book in my collection. Does that make sense? I mean, I don't expect you to agree or anything. Just wanted to see if you could understand what I mean. I don't really understand that. However, you certainly don't need to justify it to me, or anyone. If you don't want to deal with sellers who do this, that's your choice. Most of us probably have been rubbed the wrong way about a seller at some time in our lives. Yeah. It's a silly emotional reaction. But were I going to resell it? It probably wouldn't bug me as much. But seeing it in my collection & having that negative initial emotion (before I even see the actual price) is going to bug me.
  2. The boardie was selling a book And thought he had quite a good hook. He added a fee A percent of just three But no one would give it a look. WIN
  3. Emphasis on the bolded text Yeah but given the two scenarios below, you're not paying more either way Asking price = $1,030 Asking price = $1,000 + 3% I get it that people don't like it rubbed in their face but at the end of the day, you're paying the exact same amount. Being accepting of paying the extra if it's built in as opposed to the 3% add on has always seemed a little irrational to me. It's like saying that I don't mind paying more as long as it's invisible. Huh? Again, ignorance is bliss I guess. I don't know about you guys but I don't like paying more regardless of whether I know it or not. I don't know... I don't really think about it that much. Just something about it bugs me & I think to myself "Nope. Next?" as a result. I can't exactly explain it. Just something about it bugs me. Maybe it's the "seeing the sausage being made" or something. I don't can't really explain it. Just like my initial gut reactions is negative to seeing it be spelled out explicitly, that I pass right then & there rather than buy it and not feel as good about the price, if that makes any sense? Even if it's a good price with all those fees included. my initial negative feeling on seeing it spelled out is going to stick with me every time I look at that book. And I don't really want to associate a book that I really wanted & like having with a negative experience or a "well, look at the silver lining, it was still a pretty good deal" .. it's still gonna have that little bit of "dude wanted me to pay his freaking paypal fees" negative feeling muddying my otherwise enjoyment of having that book in my collection. Does that make sense? I mean, I don't expect you to agree or anything. Just wanted to see if you could understand what I mean.
  4. On the 3% issue? I won't buy in a sales thread that requires me to pay extra for using a certain form of payment. The same way that I would actively avoid gas stations that used to charge extra or have a different price for credit card payments (that's still a thing some places). I don't mind if it's built into the price, since I'm not paying in any other way than paypal to anyone (unless I'm buying in-person). I realize that credit card processing fees are built into the cost of everything from a candy bar to the 65" flat screen at Best Buy these days. I just don't like it being rubbed in my face that "I'm going to charge you more because you're paying with this for of payment instead of this other form of payment"
  5. I think it's because it hasn't been announced as actually getting green-lit yet, nor does it have a single actor attached to it & we don't even know if the writer is going to get hired to direct it, even though he wants to. There's literally nothing to get excited about. It's not like Deadpool where we could get psyched about Ryan Reynolds pushing hard for it on Twitter or a leaked animatic or something. It's not like X-Men Apocalypse where it was already definitely happening from the post-credits scene of DoFP. This movie is just a concept & a writer pushing hard to both get geek cred from the internet while also trying to get FOX to both greenlight the movie/his -script & hire him to direct. All we really know right now is that Fox hired a dude to write a -script for a movie they have been developing for years. Whether that -script is any good or filmable and whether there's any actors interested in doing the movie or if the studio thinks that -script fits into the rest of their sorta-maybe-expanding X-universe is all up in the air.
  6. I have run across 3 raw SW37's in the past month & none of them are better than F/VF. It's like anything with less than 3 color breaking creases on the spine is a freaking unicorn. This book vexes me.
  7. Here's one that I don't recall ever seeing in the wild... Hulk: The End Maybe as a squarebound, it's less common or maybe it was the low-ish print run on it.
  8. Seems like 2 people fighting over 1 book that doesn't pop up for sale very often to me, but also shouldn't really command that kind of price. But hey, I guess that means I should be looking out for more of them.
  9. Deadpool (most recent volume) #35. For some reason, I can't find this stupid book. There's nothing special about it at all. But every shop I go into, they have multitudes of mid-20's-34 & then 36-45. But no copies of 35 for some unknown reason.
  10. Good article on Ellis/Hitch's Stormwatch & Authority (as well as Millar's work & his continuation onto the Ultimates & eventually Civil War) that I just found: Authority/Stormwatch, Widescreen Comics & the influence on the modern cinema
  11. Sadly, I understand the desire to neither force the costume onto the primary X-series or to confuse the casual moviegoer. Had there been more in there than just that (like some sort of information or something? I don't know. The movie didn't really set up any sort of mystery or anything to be solved in the future), it might have worked. But to make what was ostensibly an easter egg into a big reveal would confuse the out of so much of the general public, it wasn't worth it.
  12. Seems pretty clear it drew most of its inspiration from Ultimate Fantastic Four, but yea, many elements I've seen from trailers or heard described in reviews or this thread also sound quite different from any comic. I wouldn't refer to UFF as the "wrong" source comics though, Marvel has been suggesting elements from the Ultimate line since the 2000 X-Men film. Story? Yes. Characters? No. I still think this was Rockslide, Inferno, Randall Dowling, (maybe?) Sue Storm & the love-child of a DoomBot having sex with the Jamie Foxx Electro from ASM 2 , complete with all the logic one would expect of the offspring of a father that hated spider-man & became a super-villain because Spidey didn't come to his birthday party.
  13. I believe it was quoted that no-one used the comics as source material for this movie. That was for the actors. I don't think that the writers/director had any such constraints. That edict from the director probably happened after everyone realized that the writers were given the wrong source comics to read & wrote a -script with 5 entirely unrelated characters. "Oh , if they read even 1 page of an actual FF comic, they're gonna realize how much we borked this whole thing up" Yes, this is all wild speculation but at least then, it could be excused as an egregious mistake in the research/creative phase instead of "did you really read anything in those like 600 issues of the FF comic that would make you think that the garbage you wrote for this movie could even be mistaken for a 'modern/dark interpretation' of the actual FF?"
  14. Well, it's better than what Renee George had been putting together for the past few years since her husband got locked up for that murder charge.
  15. What money spent? This movie lost more money for Fox than the oil market slide did for Venezuela.
  16. I think I figured out the problem with this movie. Somewhere along the line, someone gave the writers/director the wrong comic books to use as source material & by the time they realized it, the movie was starting production. Then, being too late for a re-write, they made up a story about how it was a whole new take on the characters instead of "oh , we totally screwed the pooch in writing this story & wrote the wrong characters": It was Rockslide from New X-Men instead of the Thing. Inferno from the Inhumans instead of Human Torch I think they might have kinda sorta got Sue Storm right. Except it was based on some cold war era soviet knock-off version of the FF Randall Dowling from Planetary instead of Reed And they either confused DoomBots for actual Doom or they were convinced that that guy from Nip/Tuck that was in the Tim Story movies actually didn't do too bad of a job.
  17. My brother (who is not really a comics guy, but generally enjoys comic movies) watched this the other night on HBO & sent me a txt as soon as it was over: "You were right - fantastic four was awful. I just wasted an hour and 40 minutes on it. Thankfully I'm going to bed early tonight so the nonsense I dream about will make up for how bad that was to watch. " So it's not just comic geeks that hated it even for free on HBO.
  18. Don't recall if I posted these before. $8 pickup of some barstools that needed some love. Reupholstered them to this
  19. Picked these up for about $20 total today. Nothing special, but not bad either.
  20. Yeah, if it wasn't for how many bad reviews I've read about ComicXposure, I'd consider ordering
  21. If they whole team were borderline functioning alcoholics, this movie would have made more sense. Like if they were just drunk for the WHOLE thing.
  22. Translation: "There's no way in hell that we're letting Marvel get the rights back like they did with Daredevil and make us look like even more bumbling incompetants than we already do for making this cluster-frack of a movie. We don't care if we lose a billion dollars making one & pay people to go see it just to say 'we had 50 million tickets used!', we're going to keep making these movies until everyone that's made one is dead & it doesn't matter how awful & dumb we look"
  23. Hope this means Hunter & Bobbi back on AoS.
  24. Found this at the goodwill. Cool & weird enough to grab. I think they're for Lego Mini-Fig display? For $2 total? Why not.