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Everything posted by Doktor

  1. I think she took over RUNNING the Weapon X program in order to use it for her own ends. The same way she turned the Brotherhood into the Freedom Force & made it part of the government for her own ends. She looks as programs like Weapon X not necessarily as bad by their nature, but more used for bad ends. She intends to infiltrate & use them for her own ends instead. It was kind of the evolution of Mystique from being the assassin into a bit of a shadow operator.
  2. This show kinda replaced Sleepy Hollow as my go-to "batcrap crazy dose of complete supernatural nonsense" favorite show after that show fell apart in season 2 & was unable to recapture its awesome nonsensical insanity factor in season 3.
  3. I still want to know why Feige didn't trade the X-Men television rights for the FF movie rights. That sounds like a win-win for Fox given that they've proven repeatedly they can't do anything with FF. So what DID Marvel get for those X-Men television rights? I haven't heard of anything at all yet. To the best of my knowledge, nothing as of yet in return for the X-Men tv approval. But to the best of my knowledge, Marvel didn't give the rights, just the approval for Fox's 2 planned tv shows, which is all they needed to do. Neither Fox nor Marvel can make an X-Men tv show without the approval from the other. I don't believe that Marvel gave up its veto power to Fox with this deal, but I don't think they got any thing in return either.
  4. Don't get me wrong. This is my #1/#2 Marvel Studios film. But if that cutting torch was so low-power, how did it cut through car metal, street tar, gravel underneath and then the ground below to allow Nick Fury a tunnel to escape? Oh, and he did that in under two minutes with that low-power torch. See, even the great movies have something that comes across odd. So why carp all over the Batman v Superman movie? Because it is easy with Zack Snyder and plenty of content squeezed into 2.3 hours? I didn't say low-powered. I said "short-lasting". As in, "it runs out of power/accelerant quickly". It might be super powerful but just doesn't last very long (since it would run out of whatever is powering it quickly based on its size vs the amount of energy it was releasing)
  5. Car crashes and train wrecks always garner much attention. -Terry And so does the greatest Superhero movie ever made... This is the Winter Soldier thread? I love the Winter Soldier movie. Even with some of its flaws (Nick Fury has a laser in his jacket so powerful, he cuts through the roof of his SUV and the street below to escape - but doesn't use it on Winter Soldier). But even that received a 7.8/10.0 on IMDb from 462,640 user votes. So I guess not everyone liked it consistently enough. Which surprised me. It wasn't a laser. It was essentially a very compact & short-lasting cutting torch. It "melted" thru those things (physics be damned) virtually instantly but also only had a flame/cutting area of a few inches long. It would have essentially been like trying to fight Winter Soldier (with a busted arm & a bunch of internal injuries) with a pocket knife. Think of it as a pocket sized light saber with a "blade" of only a few inches long. They used a prototype version of it on AoS right around the same time & we got a better look at it in-use/being worked on.
  6. Anyone even get shipping info yet on their Gwenpool Paris variants?
  7. Scott Derrickson. He directed Sinister & The Exorcism of Emily Rose & a few other horror movies. He's got an eye towards the mind-screwy & horror type movies.
  8. Non-blue Archangel makes me sad. But I guess they've already got like 4 blue people in this movie. Wait, was that racist? I really actually don't even know.
  9. This already feels like I'm going to walk in & watch a 2 hour acid trip. Which is EXACTLY what I want. Looks amazing.
  10. I think the Black Sky is essentially a classification of a group of people with some special trait that they all share. Basically they're all the same eye color or they all share a common ancestor or they all have the same bowling average or golf handicap or something else. And I think whatever that trait is, allows them to be a vessel for something more supernatural. Possibly The Beast?
  11. Finally saw this this weekend and... well... I was entertained? But I also didn't think it was any good. If you look at it as Crazy Steve vs Space Jesus, it wasn't too bad. But I just didn't think it was all that good. Very disjointed & suffered a lot from Iron Man 2-itis. Spending far too much time playing with "set up other movies" than telling its own story. The theater was also empty. And I mean dead. The group of 4 of us that went were half of the audience. There was 8 total people for a Friday night at 9 showing.
  12. I kinda wanna see it but I feel like I should take some motion sickness medicine before going into the theater.
  13. I come back to be like "oh, so I found one of those Ultimate Thor covers for cover price yesterday so I picked it up" only to see DScott is just making us all feel terribly inadequate again. Dude, I'm just in awe. Amazing. I really feel like I need to get a sketch op from JSC at some point in the future. So instead, here's my horribly inadequate cheap variant follow up.
  14. You can limit the number of transactions from a single buyer. No, I get the point in theory, but I'm just saying that if a newb buys & the seller doesn't bother to leave feedback, that would leave him at zero feedback but with more than zero transactions. Even after almost 15 years buying there, I still buy stuff that I never get any feedback on. And if that was my first transaction, I'd be at least partially screwed under that kind of system.
  15. That would then leave people's ability to buy beyond their first transaction at the whim of a seller that might be too busy to/ lazy to/ doesn't care about leaving feedback for said buyer.
  16. Be Stan Lee. That's essentially what he gets paid for doing all the time these days. Just Be Stan Lee.
  17. I grabbed one just for the personal collection cause I love his art. Though I am thinking about selling my X-Infernus now considering how much they're going for all of a sudden.
  18. Oddly enough, it's cheaper to buy them (if you're only buying 1) including shipping to the states, if you buy via their ebay page. Pulp's Comics Ebay
  19. 1.1x + 1.04x + 1.02x + 1.013x + 1.01x + 1.005x = Total print run (from 1:10 to 1:200. Just scratch out whichever ones are unnecessary) At least that's how I figure it out. But maybe that's bad math. I don't know. I put that equation together in about 30 seconds.
  20. I know, right? 2 of the characters that really turned the show around... bummed.
  21. Man, those were the 2 best characters on AoS. I'm actually probably going to dig this show more than AoS going forward at this rate. After how they did the "split", I don't see a way that those 2 stay on AoS in any capacity short of the occasional cameo, so it really is a full spin-off.
  22. Nice pull. Lots of little spine tics but still a great book & one of my favorite Campbell covers of all time. Thankfully, I picked mine up about a month before they got stupid expensive for high NM-or-better. Still paid about $50 or so for it, but well worth it at today's prices.
  23. You make a good point. This is a poster artist stating she is doing work for Marvel. It's like article writers commenting on the Deadpool movie being another Marvel Studios home run. + 1 Exactly. The Marvel name gets tossed out for Fox and Sony productions as well. For all we know, Captain Britain is going to be showing up in the Hellfire club TV show.
  24. It is confusing but Marvel would never use the character if they didn't own the rights. Unless this is a duel ownership like Quicksilver & Scarlet Witch. I get that logic, but I'm still missing where in there it says it's marvel STUDIOS. There's multiple references to Marvel, but the Marvel name gets bandied about every time any of their characters are coming to a screen. Even when it's a FOX (or Sony) production. I don't see anywhere here where it actually says that the character is owned by Fox or Marvel. Simply that's it's a Marvel character.