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Everything posted by Doktor

  1. Hey Doktor, As Publication dates they were scheduled to be released today. So they should be out as of 1/6/16. I am sure you will hear something very soon from your supplier. Carl Yeah, didn't realize UXM didn't come out until today. Makes sense that they have to wait until release date to ship. I don't pay attention to release dates anymore since I always preorder & get deliveries monthly from my regular supplier.
  2. so YOU'RE the reason for the slow turn around times. Now I know who to blame.
  3. Doom does not look pleased at being inside your plexiglass cell. Beware of a caged Doom.
  4. that makes sense. OK. Didn't realize UXM didn't get released yet (I pre-order everything & only get monthly deliveries, so I don't even know which month most books come out during)
  5. I've been kinda sitting on my hands about this variant for a while. I probably should have picked it up at $40 or so, but I'll probably just wait at this point until I see one at a stupid low price on an auction that ends at like 4am or something. But on another issue: has anyone actually gotten their UXM/EXM Campbell store exclusive variant 4-packs yet (sketch & color)? I ordered mine like the 2nd day it was available & it hasn't even shipped yet (though I have seen some of them popping up on ebay with non-stock photos)
  6. Has anyone actually received their orders not that UXM/EXM color & sketch variant 4-pack yet? I'm still just waiting for mine to ship & I bought it the 2nd or 3rd day they were available.
  7. Kinda got my room almost done (for now) & took some new panoramics of it. What do you guys think? (new curtains will be done tomorrow or the next day & still need to recover the cushions on the couch to match the red/black theme of the room)
  8. Which begs the question, does the quality of the show significantly impact post hype speculation? I don't really know. I know that sucktastic shows will likely negatively impact post-hype speculation. Because the show will get canned quickly OR even if it doesn't, it doesn't have the kind of viewership that extends into the comic world (especially for something like the Strain, which if it created any real hype, would have been directed to the books mores than at the comics) that can drive any significant sales. Common sense would dictate that good shows have a greater chance of success than bad shows (except on FOX or if they're poorly scheduled for their target demo), and therefore a greater chance of longevity, keeping interest higher for longer. But whether this is accurate when it comes to something as often nonsensical as speculator hype? That's a good question. In fairness a show that sucks to one doesn't to another. I myself think the Strain is a fun summer show to kick back with the family and watch because it simply is fun to watch and more importantly doesn't take itself as seriously as say idk Marvel Agents of Shield does. Chances are there is a market for these books if fans like the characters and if the show stays on a network great and if not that is cool too. Eh, I hate-watch the Strain personally. Mostly as an excuse to throw something at my tv for every time someone does something stupid during the summer (I'm lucky I still have my Bad Call Brick made of foam to throw. After getting up to pick it back up after about the 45th time I've thrown it at the tv each episode, it almost becomes a warmup to a workout.) Most of it is nonsensical (plot, character motivations & decisions, etc) but mindless nonsensical summer junk. About on par with Under the Dumb & whatever that god awful Halle Berry show was. I personally found it to take itself very seriously. Just poorly executed & riddled with gaping plot holes & character inconsistencies the size of Texas. It also has a lower bar for what defines "success" than a network show. Cable shows generally do. And Fox needs to find some way to fill up airtime of original content on FX now that it's split the network into FX & FXX. But poor taste aside, my point was a show like the Strain would likely create more interest to the books than the comics, if it creates interest at all. The same way that movie hype every time the Dark Tower gets talked about doesn't create hype for the comic adaptations that Marvel did, but just gets a few more people to pick up the books that haven't read them yet.
  9. Which begs the question, does the quality of the show significantly impact post hype speculation? I don't really know. I know that sucktastic shows will likely negatively impact post-hype speculation. Because the show will get canned quickly OR even if it doesn't, it doesn't have the kind of viewership that extends into the comic world (especially for something like the Strain, which if it created any real hype, would have been directed to the books mores than at the comics) that can drive any significant sales. Common sense would dictate that good shows have a greater chance of success than bad shows (except on FOX or if they're poorly scheduled for their target demo), and therefore a greater chance of longevity, keeping interest higher for longer. But whether this is accurate when it comes to something as often nonsensical as speculator hype? That's a good question.
  10. The pilot was pretty bad. So you might be right.... It's Castle redux, but with a nightclub owner/Devil instead of a writer. And without the chemistry of Castle/Beckett. The only time those types of shows are successful (Castle, S1 & 3 of Sleepy Hollow) are when the leads have amazing chemistry.
  11. in fairnesss tho, The Strain (tv show) is completely awful.
  12. I absolutely can't wait for this.
  13. Nice, which print if you dont mind sharing. It was essentially this print (minus the text) Or the link here since the picture doesn't seem to be showing up? So basic semi-cheesecake-y slightly sexy elf chick. Nothing terribly inappropriate by any stretch. *edit* for some reason, it's not actually showing up on my end. Just copy/paste that link if necessary. That print isn't even CLOSE to being inappropriate. Most girls who don't like stuff like that just have an inferiority complex because they don't look that good themselves. I can understand why you don't like her. Well, she is fat. And short. And kinda has only-child-syndrome. And is pretty much one of the worst people I've ever known. I kinda hope she gets hit by a bus. (Only half-joking here) I'm kinda happy that his brother ended up with that print AND the Guardians of the Galaxy framed print that I got for them (it's his wife's favorite movie & he's also a big fan)
  14. Rob, good plan. I hate to be a copycat, but I think I'll match your standing bounty offer of $200 for a 9.8 #37 (with you getting the first crack at the first one available) Though I guess this post should just go in a WTB thread.
  15. Nice, which print if you dont mind sharing. It was essentially this print (minus the text) Or the link here since the picture doesn't seem to be showing up? So basic semi-cheesecake-y slightly sexy elf chick. Nothing terribly inappropriate by any stretch. *edit* for some reason, it's not actually showing up on my end. Just copy/paste that link if necessary.
  16. That looks so freaking cool. I absolutely love the Warpath-in-an-Eagle-graphic-tee-shirt idea too. That's perfect. Fox NEEDS Cable too. Especially with the forthcoming retirement from the Wolverine role of Hugh (and the likely rest that they'll give the character for a few years before recasting). And with Fox already burning 5-7 years of prime Reynolds Deadpool time (where he could have been the replacement Wolverine insert badass character), getting Cable cast & introduced would be an awesome way to have that new mega badass for the X-franchise.
  17. Here's a funny little story: So my recent purchase from JSC's store came with a free limited holiday print (every year, he offers a new holiday print) and this year, kind of struggling to find gifts for a buddy of mine that digs all my comic art, I framed it & gave it to him for Christmas. It's typical JSC. Sexy elf. Semi-cheesecake-y. But not entirely inappropriate for a little holiday print. When I gave it to him, his girlfriend's response was "I don't think that's appropriate for MY household". I told it was a good thing that I wasn't a gift for her household & it was a gift for my buddy. I went on to point out her hypocrisy of a slightly cheesecake-y 8.5x11 art print being "inappropriate" (assumedly because she has a kid? I don't know. I stopped trying to figure out this girl a long time ago & just kinda openly hate her) but smoking pot in front of her kid was totally not inappropriate. But the good news? In the end, his brother (and his brother's wife) are in town & though they got their own gift, they loved the print enough to say "ok, fine. We'll take that one too if you're gonna [female dog] about it". So a nice print ended up in the hands of a couple that would appreciate it.
  18. Ah... my paid membership expired overnight, soooooo I'm done being able to track without bugging them by calling every few days. I'll probably call Monday & bug them then.
  19. That Tarantino quote just proves something I've been talking about for a long time about how Marvel does things: There's a LOT of Alan Moore-types in Hollywood that don't want any part of any sort of limitations being put on THEIR movie/show/whatever "art" and Marvel is having success from finding people that are willing to work within constraints of something like not being the sole person responsible for casting choices or fitting in with an existing narrative. Because had his issue not been about making sure that Luke actually looks something like Luke (eg. not fat), then it would have been "but I don't care about what the world that Daredevil lives in looks like. I don't want to be constrained into fitting into that world. I want to create my own world for them" or something else that even slightly limited the story he could have told.
  20. Modern Slow Track - 10 books Dropped off at WW Pittsburgh 9/12/15 Received 9/17/15 Verified 11/17/15 Scheduled For Grading 11/19/15 Graded 12/15/15 Grading/Quality Control 12/22/15 So MAYBE I'll get these back sometime next week? Was hoping to make it a Christmas present to myself, but I guess it'll just have to be a New Years present.
  21. There is almost no chance of a season 2 before Defenders. They're already well into Luke Cage & getting started on Iron Fist. And planning to jump straight from there into Defenders. I still expect for there to not be a solo 2nd season, but rather that Iron Fist, Luke Cage & Jessica Jones get folded into a Heroes for Hire series post-Defenders. It makes a lot of sense with the connections already there, and it keeps Marvel TV's production stuff free to expand with other series (Punisher, Moon Knight, whatever series they expand to next) since they obviously don't have an unlimited budget or Netflix "air-time" to produce an unlimited number of series and I expect them to stick with the ~4 series that they're currently doing & keep the release schedule similar to the current one.
  22. Dammit... I misread your post at first & now I have a mental image of someone "making it rain" with slabbed copies of NM 98.
  23. Do we count all the JMS-era Amazing Spider-Man covers? If so, then I've got a pretty good start on JSC Marvel covers.