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Everything posted by Doktor

  1. I broke down & bought one of the color/b&w sets of the EXM & UXM #1 variants. Dammit. I just really needed them for my stupid completism.
  2. I'm hoping that that "arrogant" character is Orson Randall. He was a serious . Partially because making that Steel Serpent would make Lei Kung white too, since Davos is Lei Kung's kid and an exiled native of K'un Lun.
  3. Modern Slow Track - 10 books Dropped off at WW Pittsburgh 9/12/15 Received 9/17/15 Verified 11/17/15 Scheduled For Grading 11/19/15 Graded 12/15/15 Now for the encapsulation bottleneck. Fun fun fun. I guess I'm gonna see this right after New Year, with any luck.
  4. COOKIE!! She's still Detective Joss Carter for me.
  5. Jesus... $85 for the set of both colors & both B&W covers (4 books - unsigned) is a little pricey as well. Or maybe I'm just being a little cheap. I want to, but I don't want to... if that makes sense? But it's for the EXM & for the UXM variant connecting set. So I'm kinda right on the borderline of buying.
  6. Question just is "when?" since issue 2 is already on the stands. Seems a little pointless to do a store exclusive of an old issue now. Would have made more sense to do it when all the other versions were being released.
  7. Look at the bottom of the cover... it looks like it's a store exclusive. It looks like it's his own store's exclusive, but I can't tell. Whatever it is... I want one too, so if you find out where I can get it, let me know. EDIT - I sent a message on their "contact us" link to ask about it. I'll post something if I get a reply. Are you referring to the Magik cover? No, I'm referring to the cover shown in that image that has Magik front & center, but also shows Logan. Just above the Marvel logo at the bottom, it has the J. Scott Campbell store logo. I know that the just-Magik cover with the fire background was one of the ratio variants for EXM 1
  8. Print run is WAY HIGH BRO. Long enough to see this on Midtown's shelf when I travel there, once every 2 years. Very few Midtown variants have risen in value. Uncanny X-Force #1 Campbell sells for $5.00 over original price. But at the same time, the exact same cover without the Midtown stamp sells for closer to $50. (or at least was a few months ago... haven't checked in a while) I don't know if there's a significant difference in print run, as the non-Midtown version was a ratio variant, but either way... exact same cover, one that's got the Midtown stamp & one without it and with the Marvel box moved to a different corner sells for substantially different prices.
  9. Look at the bottom of the cover... it looks like it's a store exclusive. It looks like it's his own store's exclusive, but I can't tell. Whatever it is... I want one too, so if you find out where I can get it, let me know. EDIT - I sent a message on their "contact us" link to ask about it. I'll post something if I get a reply.
  10. It gives it a very CLEAN look. Not cluttered. Not gaudy. Not even really kitschy or anything. Just clean. like a gallery look. Like it could be comic art or it could be a piece of "high art" painting or something and it would still look clean.
  11. I have an affinity for exposed brick walls. I have an even greater affinity for framed comic art hanging on exposed brick walls. It looks stunning.
  12. stop after season 5 and pretend the rest never happened +1 I either lost interest and didn't watch enough episodes or have forgotten exactly what happened, but didn't they end up explaining Mulder's sister's disappearance as her being the victim of a serial killer? I vividly recall one episode painting that picture, but I can't rule out subsequent episodes reversing that idea. She was abducted by the aliens, returned (but returned to the Spender's) and then a few years later, she was snatched by a serial killer & died that way. It was the show's way of kinda concluding the "where is she?" question without needing to ever actually put her on screen as an adult & having her tell her story to her brother. Right, but that's if you don't count the multitude of clones they showed on screen of her... I think the turning point for me, was the Luke WIlson vampire episode. It was the first episode I found to be truly bad, instead of boring like the occasional boring episode prior. I don't recall if they ever proved that the clones were her. They claimed it, but I don't think there was ever any real proof beyond their claims. Additionally, a clone is not really different than a long-lost twin raised by different parents. Same genetic material, not necessarily any of the same personality traits or things that make you... you. If that makes any sense?
  13. stop after season 5 and pretend the rest never happened +1 I either lost interest and didn't watch enough episodes or have forgotten exactly what happened, but didn't they end up explaining Mulder's sister's disappearance as her being the victim of a serial killer? I vividly recall one episode painting that picture, but I can't rule out subsequent episodes reversing that idea. She was abducted by the aliens, returned (but returned to the Spender's) and then a few years later, she was snatched by a serial killer & died that way. It was the show's way of kinda concluding the "where is she?" question without needing to ever actually put her on screen as an adult & having her tell her story to her brother.
  14. based on some of these, I'm estimating any day now that my submission moves from "scheduled for grading" to "Graded"
  15. It stopped being dark around season 7 or so because filming moved from Vancouver to California. Mostly because David Duchovny was tired of being in Vancouver & it was the only way he'd stay even for 1/2 seasons at a time.
  16. I'm still crossing my fingers that Kilgrave told Jessica "you will think you killed me & are free from my control" and slipped away, knowing that it was only a matter of time that she would be unable to be controlled even with his enhanced powers sooner or later, and that we saw this as from Jessica's perspective of him having convinced everyone that she killed him & was free from him sneaking back up on her anytime soon. Of course, he will be the puppetmaster to some other villains in Season 2 but be smarter to hide his control this time.
  17. I read one speculation that while Ward has a lot of similarities to the backstory of Grim Reaper, this new "It" is very similar to the Space Phantoms, and that this is almost a Space Phantom possessed Grim Reaper mash-up. It essentially "infects" people & semi-overpowers their personality, since they obviously have some access to the host body's memories, giving us hope that real-Ward is still inside there somewhere. This would allow for the potential for real-Ward to come back (albeit enhanced & potentially more Grim Reaper-ish) but also allowing it to get transferred into someone else, potentially adding a 2nd main antagonist for SHIELD. I still want Ward to become Taskmaster though, so anything that prevents this is unacceptable to me.
  18. That was pretty awesome. I remember when I wanted to thro Ward off a bridge because of how boring he was. Now I love how much I want to throw him off a bridge & see how long it takes for him to drag himself back up after somehow miraculously catching himself on a truss half way down or something.
  19. It was a semi-reasonable price on a 9.8. And if somebody used a codeword or something, it might have made it more reasonable. Even if it is just a modern variant.
  20. As long as there is a flashback scene at some point with him punching a dragon in the heart, I'm totally in. I want all the crazy mystic stuff too. K'un Lun, Lei Kung the Thunderer, Davos, and all that stuff as well. And I want the old lady from Daredevil to definitely be from there too.
  21. I had a boardie turn did a book they really wanted for less than $2. I called them "cheap" on the boards and got a strike. Which boardie turn didded you? The last thing this place needs is more turn didders Turn down No... Turnt Up! I'm absolutely far too old to use that term in anything but an ironic way.
  22. Yeah. Season 1 was pretty awful for most of it & fairly groan-inducing for over half of it. But as it inched towards the end, it went from bad to watchable to OK. Season 2 went from OK to good to really good. And Season 3 pretty much hit the ground running & went from really good to straight up great.
  23. FWIW, Feige has little to no control over the MCU on the TV side. That's all Jeph Loeb & Ike. When both Feige & Loeb were under Ike's control, Feige was working more in conjunction with Loeb (kinda like semi-equals, even though Feige's dominion was obviously much bigger, they were both the bosses of their own divisions) and worked moderately closely with Loeb & the TV side. Since the split though, we have little knowledge of the amount of actual collaboration occurs between the TV and movie divisions. They're essentially a split studio now, since Loeb still works under Ike but Feige doesn't. At this point, I don't know if Feige or Loeb are the ones to necessarily ask about the plans for the future, but Disney themselves, since that's essentially where the 2 divisions meet now (instead of them having mutual bosses in Ike like before)
  24. This is the most rational & reasonable thing I've read on here in a long time. I think I should stop looking at the boards for the night just so that I conclude my night with reason & rationality.