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Everything posted by HighStakesComics

  1. I'll take $650 cost basis on 9.6 vs SPY for 24 months. Name the stakes. How about we each donate $100 to charity of the winners choice?
  2. I'll take $650 cost basis on 9.6 vs SPY for 24 months. Name the stakes.
  3. Put your money where your mouth is, windbag! Gauntlet thrown! where is the 9.8 blazer .? Nice hoard. I was asleep at the wheel a couple Comiclink auctions ago, my man, or else I would have one. I also tried to CPR a 9.2 I thought had a shot, but it came back lower than the original grade I've got maybe another 4 raws but the nicest is 9.0 at best. I really like the character. For his prominence in the DC universe Darkseid has yet to really go mainstream.
  4. I suggested spending money in better ways, you attacked me. I made a point on how I look at things. You getting upset and name calling on a message board suggests that I may have made a valid point. I am going to take this no further, so please continue to name call and chat on this matter. You will only be talking with yourself. Planning on going to Comic Con? We can meet and chat then if you would like? PS. My Metals went to all time high in 2011-2013 2013 was an awful year to be in metals, but I'm sure you meant you made money by buying put options on all of the precious metal ETFs. Look, I have no problem with stocks. But if you are going to come to a comic book chat forum and tell everyone how stupid they are for buying comics and how brilliant you are for buying stocks at least have the cajones to name one stock or one mutual fund that you think can outperform my stack of FP 1's.
  5. You have to admit it would be epic to go into a stock chat forum and tell everyone they are for not moving all their money into comics.
  6. Put your money where your mouth is, windbag! Gauntlet thrown! How fast can you sell that book? All I have to do is push a button on my computer and or walk into a metals dealer and I have instant money, Or call my broker! If I need cash I have it right now. if the economy tanks, I can sell precious metals. If the stock market is good, then I can sell my stocks. When the economy crashes. Who the heck is going to buy a comic book? If you have a daughter or son who needs medical attention and you have comic books to sell? You have to find a buyer... I can sell my metals, sell my mutual funds, sell my stock, take my money out of savings, faster then you can list that on comic connection. You want to toss a gauntlet? Call me a windbag? Do what I just did with thoes books In a critical situation? Go back to the economy 2008-2009 and sell thoes books! I made money on metals then when my mutual funds fell. And I bought in low on the market with mutual funds that year. I am one of these windbags that bought Ford stock when it was $1.43. I sold it at $17.00 last year. Buy low sell high. I never said comics are not a investment. I have books that are rare too. But I buy them for me. Have a good day So let me get this straight. You said: Yes market is high. But would put my mutual funds against what ever comic collection you have anyday. Let's see who gets money I respond with a picture of a small hoard of a book that I feel may appreciate more than any of your mutual funds. I may have also called you a windbag. You respond with: Stocks are more liquid and I made money on metals while stocks dipped in 2009 (Didnt the metals dip also?). You also bring up one example of Ford stock. I could also bring up the 7 bagger I have currently going in SPWR, but for that one home run I've also struck out several times. At this point we are cherry picking data. Here's my respsonse: You said your stocks will outperform my comics. This is a comic book chat forum. I'm not going to go on the Yahoo Ford stock chat board and tell everybody to buy GSX #1 or Forever People #1, but I might do it tomorrow if I'm feeling frisky. And I really don't care what you did with the metals in 2009 or how much money you made on Ford stock. I'd just like for you to name one investment now that will outperform my stack of Forever People #1's moving forward. In 6-12 months maybe we can reinvigorate this thread and you can tell me how brilliant you are and how big of a spoon I am.
  7. I can respect that. A very well worded response, as usual. You continue to impress me, Jaydog, with your prose as well as your collection.
  8. Put your money where your mouth is, windbag! Gauntlet thrown!
  9. Put your money where your mouth is, windbag!
  10. -J. 2 quick observations. 1.) That sig line is wicked. Cap 1 is a tremendous value when you look at it when compared to the other GA keys. You're going to do very well with that. 2.) I think BA 12 has gone up 50% since you attacked that book a couple months ago. And what did your boy here tell you? That there are more HQ cosplayers than copies of that book, right? I think it might surpass Walking Dead in 9.8 by year's end. My point? If you haven't already pick up a half dozen of these UF 4's what's the downside? $50-$60? The fact that you are repeatedly bashing it in a similar fashion to the BA 12 bodes well for the book's future pricing prospects.
  11. I couldn't disagree more - the problem with those last two movies, especially the most recent one, is that they were terrible. That has nothing to do with interest waning in Peter Parker as Spider-man... I don't even know how you would arrive at that conclusion. Well since you asked. Let's start off with some critics reviews of the last Spidey movie. There's a reoccurring theme here:
  12. Ethnicity aside, would children and young teens relate better to an awkward 18 year old Peter Parker, or his younger counterpart, Miles Morales? This would be a tactical move on the part of Disney. The last Spidey movie showed that some interest has waned in Peter Parker as Spider-Man, at least on the big screen. There's also the possibility Disney has a universe with both Peter and Miles co-existing. Either way, we are talking $15-$20 a copy here, guys. You two are honestly arguing that is too steep?
  13. I've bought books that have worked out and Ive bought books that haven't. I'll be at peace with whatever outcome awaits. As far as recent sales of the book, let's not forget the lessons of the past. Green Lantern and the X-Men, both almost cancelled at one time, went on to become two of the most heralded runs of the Bronze Age once the Denny O'Neil and Chris Claremont were handed the reigns. We all love our comics but movies are the new medium of choice. What's Disney's bigger moneymaker? Comics or superhero movies? Do not underestimate the power of Hollywood, Good Sir. One good Spider-Man movie featuring Miles Morales could prove to be a game changer. The fact that the print runs on the early Miles books are reasonable for the medium makes them all the more collectible if he attains box office success.
  14. So your argument is buy low and sell high, then you go on to suggest buying mutual funds while the stock market is at an all time high?
  15. It's speculation, Jay, but it's comics and it's fun. I think it's close to a coin flip as to which direction the character goes. Both sides can be argued effectively. AF 15 will always be a key, if not the key SA book because whatever happens here, Disney will insure that Spidey always gets top billing.
  16. I've always agreed that the character is solid, and he is here to stay. I think the book was undervalued too... current explosion is crazy though, it'll be a $75 slab when it settles probably. Unless something movie wise does happen... which I've been very negative on from a possibility perspective. Time will tell. If you look at it from the perspective of a bunch of 30-60 year old comic guys, Peter Parker is the man. Heck, I grew up on the guy and along with the X-Men (we will forget about Captain Carrot for street cred purposes) his stories were my favorite read. Some might be making the mistake of believing we are the ones these movies are geared toward appeasing. We are dealing with a media company (Disney) that has a core business based on theme parks, family friendly cartoons, toys and movies. I know Sony has the rights but Marvel (Disney) is now steering the ship. I believe if you look at the target audience the younger Miles Morales makes sense to Disney's long term financial interests. If you are looking for a $15-$20 speculative book you could certainly do worse. I've got 10 of the first prints at an average price point of $12 and change. 3 or 4 are 9.8 candidates. Having said that I'd agree the $330 9.8 price point most likely will not stick unless we get some news. $75 may be a little harsh. I could see the price settling closer to $150-$175 for a nice 9.8 slab.
  17. That is silly. Those are almost ALL GPA highs and not by a little... I'm thinking 67 has legs.
  18. Practice! Practice! Practice! You, Sir, have a way with words. Your writing is some of the best on these boards, and this is coming from a guy with a degree in English Lit (full disclosure: took me 5 1/2 years ). It's probably a little intimadating to be staring down those carefully worded prose on the opposing side of a discussion. Bullying? Nah! Sometimes you just have to know when you're outmatched and move onto a different thread. Unless you know you're in the right. That's when you bust out the bourbon and dig in the trenches.
  19. rfoii also sees bullying where nobody else does. Isn't that kind of the point though? To some extent, isn't the most important thing how I feel about the situation (at least to me)? Or do my feelings not matter at all? Side note - I am not sure "nobody" else does. How you feel is valid to you but perspective is important. If you are used to feeling a certain way every time a certain word is used or a physical action is repeated but nobody else feels that way, that doesn't make how you feel any less valid but it does question whether or not those people are doing it to be personal or not. Personally, I don't think CG was bullying. I just think he was internet debating. Just look at some of the back and forth in other threads between people - same sort of thing. Some people are just long winded and methodical and enjoy debating. It's not personal. No fing kidding. +1 And somehow the glory of GSX 1 got lost in the shuffle. Therein lies the tragedy.
  20. Perhaps he feels the use of sentence deconstruction (the method where these guys single out each sentence and respond to it) or his lack of having an ability to do so puts him at a tactical disadvantage when it comes to chat board disagreements? It's not easy to pull off, especially from a mobile device. I've tried it a few times and after half an hour I eventually just decided to go with an emoticon instead.