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Everything posted by HighStakesComics

  1. Some absolutely breathtaking books on here for sure. 2 of my all time favorites
  2. I've been saying it for a couple months now. I hope you guys were listening (reading). http://www.ebay.com/itm/X-Factor-19-CGC-9-8-White-Pages-1st-Horsemen-of-the-Apocalypse-Cover-/111612664784?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item19fca21bd0 Probably time to ship your 9.8 candidates to Sarasota. I believe the label on this will likely change as well. It's the first full appearance of the Horsemen. Only headshots in #15.
  3. Your determination is inspirational, Sir. Good luck with your comic book adventures (thumbs u
  4. I'm holding onto my copies until the graders see more of them and get a feel for what would qualify as "manufacturing defects". Once a 100 or so more hit the census I'll send up my 4 or 5 best.
  5. Casey grades well, ships quickly, gives great deals, and packs books with skill and precision. Can't go wrong here!
  6. The contrarian in me thinks that all the the GSX 1 is taking now means I should buy multiple 9.0's immediately. I don't think the book has taken this much heat since the day it hit the shelves.
  7. With an X-Men movie coming out next year I would not sell the GSX 1 short just yet. I love the X-Men, but some of the movies, even DOFP, have really let me down. X-Factor 24 & 25 were two of my favorite books growing up. I'm hoping this next flick is the ultimate payoff. I just hope I don't walk away feeling like Charlie Brown trying to kick field goals with Lucy.
  8. Star Wars #1 will and should get a pop into the new set of movies. I believe it was RMA who predicted that originally roughly 7 or 8 months ago. Still has a ways to go to catch GSX #1 in terms of demand and value though. Recently you could get a decent $.30 SW 1 for $50. GSX 1 in 6.0 or better hasn't been that cheap since the 80's.
  9. Thank you, Sir. I was using the recent Comiclink 6.0 sale of 23k and comparing to the 11/2014 6.0 Cap 1 sale (CROW). The ratio is higher on lower grade Hulks for sure (thumbs u
  10. Terrific seller. Fast, accurate and courteous. Highly recommended.
  11. Out of curiousity, what is your deterant - the slowing growth curve or upfront required investment? You deal in books so you clearly have an investment model. What makes AF 15 better or worse than a Hulk 1 or BB 28 (or pick another book if you like)? Is it a profit margin or profit dollars thing? Books like Avengers 1 and JIM 83 are fairly cheap versus their counterparts and have plenty of room to climb - are they good choices? Interested in a more detailed perspective. Hamlet made a good point earlier when he stated stocks can be measured by earnings in terms of value. I'm of the belief that the value of comics can be measured using a combination of price, demand and scarcity. For example, there are roughly 750 Universal Hulk 1's on the census and around 70 Captain America Comics #1's. Assuming demand is roughly equal for both books one could expect the CAC 1 to be 10 X more valuable than the Hulk 1, but this is not the case. It's around 4 X more valuable in mid grade so something has to give. Either the Hulk 1 is too expensive or the CAC 1 is too cheap. I would also imagine the odds of finding a Hulk 1 in the wild are significantly greater than that of a Cap 1. Having said all that I'm not that big of a baller to dive into either book at the $20k-$100k range. My sweet spot is $200-$1500. I don't have the capital to pile that much dough into 1 book. My wife would beat me within an inch of my life. Theoretically, I do believe the model I used in the previous paragraph is sensible though.
  12. I admire the confidence, but at $25k I'm in search of greener pastures and cooler waters.
  13. Outside of the $.35 variants & Hulk 181, GSX 1 is as blue chip a book that exists in Marvel's Bronze Age lineup. And you would honestly shell out 25 dimes for a 6.0 Hulk 1 right now? That's double what they sold for 7-8 months ago The data will most likely back up your argument, but past performance is not indicative of future results.
  14. Captain America 162. 1st definitive appearance and origin of Peggy Carter. Plenty of inexpensive copies on EBay. I believe there is potential . Probably worth a peek through a longbox or two.
  15. Journey Into Mystery 83 is slow and steady. 4.0's did a little better, but up around 5% in most grades last year. It's a good book to own. 85 has sold off a bit, but that will get some heat before the next movie. It's like that with most of the big villain books. 103 is going haywire. I might not be a buyer of AF 15 here, but it's hard to bet against it. Metropolis will snatch those up if it looks like a soft auction.
  16. Hey, it's all in fun. Some great church, temple, or charity is going to get $200 and someone will walk away with bragging rights. There are no losers. Only winners. Besides, we need at least one case study to counter the stocks > comics crowd. They can both go up and they can both go down. I do love the stock market, but you have to respect the guy who keeps 30%+ of his assets in comics. What can I say? I admire the chutzpah. If it wasn't for Mrs Blazincomics and Blazincomics Jr I might be one of those guys. Aside from a movie pop I also like the cost basis I got of $650. There was an FP 1 9.8 that went for $1000 a few auctions ago on Comiclink which is low. For some reason that book performs poorly at their auctions. It's a great EBay book and the Twin Cities 9.8 that sold on Heritage is the all time GPA high. Comiclink gets some great prices at their auctions, just not with this book. The timing may work in my favor. Two years from now we will be in the heart of DC's new movie lineup. We also have a Presidential election in 2016. Im not sure how well markets perform the first year or two of new leadership, especially when the markets are priced high already.
  17. Winner decided by closing price/12 month avg % gain on 3/1/17. All proceeds go to charity of winners choice. As of 3/1/15 Forever People #1 9.6-$650 SPY-$210.66
  18. I'm not sure I'd bet against Sean, Kav. He's pretty sharp. I do love me some Walking Dead though. And it's nice that Carl finally got laid. As for my wager with Hamlet, I'm going to cut out of this thread and start a new thread for it. That way I can update it periodically with stats, rants and what not. Anyone with any thoughts, opinions, insults, etc is welcome to chime in.
  19. You know what? The heck with it. 12 month gpa average is fine. You, Sir, have a deal.
  20. Probably just buyers remorse. It happens. Don't sweat it. Once Outkast previews pop up on Skinamax you will sell it for more.
  21. Since its for charity I'm down with whatever, and you are correct. I meant the median sale. It's been a while since 8th grade. But for arguments sake, why don't we just do the most recent gpa sale of the book prior to 3/1/17? That's the most similar calculation to the closing price of SPY on 3/1/17. Both prices are based on the closest data to the end of the contest.
  22. It's $100 for charity, man. I'd do mean, 12 month GPA sale (the sale closest to the middle of the range in 9.6, higher of the 2 middle sales in the event of an even number of sales) as of 3/1/17.
  23. That's why after I win I'm going to either pick my local church or NORML.