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Everything posted by Hudson

  1. Mine just switched to "Grading/QC" as well, Todd. I am hoping that means they actually are getting "close" as you say, however, I am not sure. I mean, I mailed the books in August for a reholder. You wouldn't think it would take this long. I know they hit my credit card the other day, so at least they have what they want out of the deal.
  2. Does anyone else dislike that the turn around times are listed in "working days"? For example the books I sent in August 2021 for a simple reholdering, which is listed as 113 days. If I do the math and assume no holidays (which there were holidays), then I divide 113 by 5 and times by 7 to get more than 158 days. Adding in numerous holidays and the 113 days creeps way into the 160(s). Also, I am assuming the "turn around" clock begins once they actually scan the package (maybe more than a month after it is received). Please correct me if this is not the case. This means the 113 day "turn around" time could easliy be closer to 200 days. I suppose this is just the "cost of doing business", however, it is definately a strong factor in why I don't submit a lot of books for grading. I have a ton of books that I would like to grade, however, my impatient nature (and the sick feeling I get in my stomach whenever I hand my treasures over to the USPS, knowing I will not see them again for who knows how long), cause me to refrain from submitting (unless absolutely neccesary. Am I alone in these feelings???
  3. You have great taste. This is my favorite cover of the run as well.
  4. Thank you, KAV. Due to a family situation, I have not been on the boards and I missed this. I appreciate you thinking of me.
  5. Here are some things I opened this Christmas. I believe Santa needs to fire whichever elf keeps the books on who is naughty and who is nice as I believe my name was mistakenly included on the "nice list".
  6. Merry Christmas to all. I wanted to provide you all with an update. Although the original book was forever tragically lost, my wife did manage to still make it a nice Christmas. Apparently, after receiving the book or half a book (shown in the OP), another copy came up for auction. I opened it today. My photography skills are lacking and the book looks much better in person. Merry Christmas....
  7. Thank you, Sir. Your kind words are a blessing and a great gift. Thank you!
  8. You are correct. Comics bring me joy as I think of childhoosd, however, no material item in the world is more important than loved ones. The things of this world will all pass away (some perhaps sooner than we expected - as was this case). I have been married, however, for many years and am thankful for a wife who still loves (and tolerates) me after so many years togehter. May this season bring you many joys, sir.
  9. I feel the same way, Jack. No matter how well I package them up, I still cringe and my stomach is in knots as I hand my treasures over to the USPS for transport.
  10. Yes. I would have been very happy with this book (in its condition prior to shipping). I agree, it was very cool of my wife to buy this book.
  11. It is that time of year again when every true comic collector waits in hope that Santa (or their significant other) will leave them that special package under the tree; inside that package a special comic that will be treasured by the new owner and placed safely into his/her collection. These are the things that dreams are made of; dreams of that special loved one, that special day, and that specail book. Every year I have this dream and occasionally (perhaps if I am fortunate enough to make it onto the "nice" list, due to some clerical error) the dream comes true. This year, my wife decided she was going to try and make it just such a special year . She found a book on eBay that she thought I might like, made an offer to the seller, and purchased the book. Although she probably overpaid for the book, she was content knowing that I would have that special gift to open on Christmas morning. All was well in the world. Then something happen; something almost too terrible to tell; too terrible to even think about. The seller decided that it was a good idea to place this really nice conditioned book into a thin cardboard envelope (with only a thin backing board on each side for protection). I cringe to write more, but I cannot leave you without finishing the tale. The seller then mailed the thin cardboard envelope via first class mail (no insurance). Now I do not want to poke fun at our USPS, but if what happened to my package was "first class", I would hate to know what is done to anything less than fist class. Do they just light those packages on fire. A few days after the seller mailed the envelope it arrived (or at least part of it did). My wife was horrified and almost in tears as the mailperson handed her what was left of the package (envelope). I will say that the seller (who has numerous other comics listed for sale) did refund my wife's money in full and apologized for the incident, so I hold no grudge against him. I am just saddened that a beautiful piece of American history is now forever lost; lost because of the way it was packaged and lost because of the way it was handled. May you all have a Merry Christmas and may Santa (or your significant other) manage to find you that perfect book and safely ensure its arrival under the tree!
  12. Very happy! Kav has a way of drawing things that make you want to look at them and then look again and again. One example is the way he can draw hair. It is more life like than many other artist. I appreciate his work.
  13. @MAR1979 Thank you. In answer to your question.... The framed work was done by our very own board member @kav The CGC graded book, on the other hand, is all original.
  14. I really like how you recap everything on Page 1. That makes things a lot easier. GLWTS and keep them coming.
  15. I was saying that the "customer service" is crazy. The fact that you have to pay that much and wait that long is crazy!!! This is unacceptable!!!!! I don't think you are exaggerating at all. (my apologies if it came off that way). I am in FULL agreement with you!