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Everything posted by PKJ

  1. I know X1 has been the darling these past 3 months but I have thought all along if these really are new comers they will soon move to this book or AF15 if they don't have it. I dabble in several hobbies and all have the upper echelon items that new or less financially mature folks can grab as they come in. FF1, AF15 etc are those items in SA. FF1 just rarely trades in the open at the rate of the other books so I also felt the sample size was off, BUT I also really would like to upgrade my copy so deep down I sorta hoped all the chatter of X1 would allow an upgrade. Not likely now and GRR's will shoot up as in my experience the GRR FF1 is hardest to find.
  2. Was browsing ole Instagram and noticed a couple books we can buy on the boards for 2K more than if you buy on Instagram from the seller, glad to see the community getting a break.
  3. Surprised on selling prices of Batman 189, think I may be sending in some under copies of it and 227 to CGC now. Usually any book I have multiple copies of are cold when I finally decide to sell one.
  4. LOL. Man how many times in the past 10 years have I heard BB28 is a bargain, Most can still be bought within 15% of the sales prices of 2017. You can't even buy half the Marvel keys within 15% of 10 days ago...
  5. I think you are dead on, I am looking myself to finally lock one up and was hoping all the attention elsewhere would benefit the timing, but I am not the only one based on conversations with others looking. It was always a "would be nice to have" verses a "need to have" book for me.
  6. I have been very impressed with the offerings of late on Comiclink. Pretty great sales results and plenty to chose from, I have filled a few holes on some off the radar books, but. It really seems like this year they are further drawn out. I was looking at what I had left to close out on to see when I could close out and get a check on the road and I have bids on items still yet to close until 4-9. I know if it is not broken no need to fix it, but the window seems pretty long. I get the last week are not record breaking books, but if those were closing when no other house was running they would have more attention I would think. I have done well on those last couple days in the past, but this market has closed that gap quickly. If the book was for instance Xmen 4, why not let them all hit at the same time, then the energy the higher grades bring could bleed into the lower graded ones. Again, I know they have plenty of data and know what they are doing, just with no shows and the buying frenzy seems they would take advantage of all factors.
  7. I see a few people responding with knowledge of RH operations, I worked in that industry for a while and most of the retailers received product through a third party, meaning RH did not ship directly Wal Mart, Sam's, Target etc, companies like Levy (Now Readerlink Distribution Services) handled the pick pack to the retailers. So the Publisher shipped full cases and the 3rd party broke the shipments down to be shipped in to the retailers. My concerns would be at that stage, if breaking cases for single or below case qty orders are happening, preserving condition is not a strong suit of most Book Distributers due to them being fully returnable, paperbacks I believe still operate where credit is given when the covers are stripped and sent back to the publisher to save freight. I still have a few colleagues in that business so I will be asking for an invite on warehouse sales.
  8. I imagine, not all collectible sales are reported. I know some view some of these purchases different. If I invest 1k in something that gives me an enormous gain, say 1K in Bitcoin turns to 50K. If I buy a 25K comic, my initial capital outlay was $500. I am spending 2017 money and buying into the 2021 market. At least in my head that is how I justify buying certain high priced items and my wife tends to be more understanding when I start pulling out statements. I know my portfolio was on fire and has now been up and down of late, I could see folks grabbing some profits and shifting while the market settles back down.
  9. Anyone want to trade a Hulk 1 for a Ferrari? I don't even think I am joking at this point.
  10. What is it with all the current market commentary in sales threads lately? That used to be viewed in very bad taste but in the past 48 hours non buyers have been sharing their thoughts on price run ups, incorrect labels, market correction predictions etc. This used to be heavily frowned upon, did something change? The complaints that sales have slowed here certainly will hold true if the peanut gallery has to comment on every "hot" book being listed, better to just put on IG or ebay where comments are less common or not at all.
  11. That is what we are saying, they are speculating and hooked on only a few books. About the same time X1 took off DD1 jumped a bit and people where saying they are both about to go through the roof. X1 has done that, DD1 has lifted but not nearly like this book, guess the sports card collectors don't like Daredevil as much.
  12. Now that I have finally landed an Amazing Adventures #1, you guys can start pumping it up, I mean if a mcu speculator youtuber messes up Dr. Doom's name by one letter it will be worth 6 figures. In seriousness it is a book most folks do not realize the importance of. I was surprised that BB28 5.0 ended under 5k, I would have went after it but there are some personal favorites after it I want to jump on.
  13. And I agree, I had them both up on the phone, I swore that was ripped at the top.
  14. Hey now, Neither are beauties by no stretch, but (after seeing your scans) I thought the top of the cover was ripped and stained. The loss of color and nasty stain plus a ripped cover would be worse to me as well as how bad that wrap is, kids flip the book over if you want to see Iceman, looking at it again, you are right, So I will throw it back, why is it more right now? I know it may not hold but if it does why?
  15. If both are not equal presenting books yes, if you live on the grade no. For me a Non chipping 7 is worth more than a chipping 8. I centered 7 is worth more than a lopsided 8. I own lower grade books that imo look better than a point or two higher. I try to buy the book not the case. When those two XMen close on CL it will be a good reference point. The 3.0 is 800 cheaper than the 2.5. I retract my my comment on presenting better thanks to @Pantodude I was scanning from the phone and had a lapse in judgment
  16. I was around when he sold them, I had each of his POTf figures, I should be ashamed of what I sold them for 15 years later....
  17. As a SW collector, think of it like this. Would you rather have a Yellow Bubble POTF Luke Stormtrooper or a crystal clear Luke Stormtrooper, both say AFA80. The clear bubble will always bring a premium, when Jim Bull Dogatuna turned up all those clear bubble Luke Stormtrooper's in 2000-2001 they were all scooped up and later on sold for enormous prices at that time simply due to the bubble.
  18. Been suggested in multiple threads with no change.
  19. We had people in here last night that had been a member for 12 hours knowing the depth of every rule and process there is in this place...
  20. Dylanthekid: I will do no such thing and you better have a damn good explanation for disrespecting me. I'm a really nice guy but people who screw with me often regret it, because I do not give a f***. Where I am from that is a threat...
  21. Super secret market place you have to be invited to. Instagram, I just try to be like the cool kids and call it what they call it.
  22. Still Behind FF1. GPA really only tells part of the story, CL has had record prices on several top 5 SA keys lately as well as crazy sales prices on IG. I also have said this a few times, X1 sorta competes with GSX1 as some collectors lean towards GSX1, I personally went for a higher grade GSX1 due to what was the key book for us as kids. If all X-men collectors leaned in on X1 no doubt it would be ahead already. It is early but a 3.5 FF1 is already above what the 3.5 X1 sold for last month on CL although someone brought up that the restored copies hampered the hammer price on that 3.0, they certainly looked better. There was a 4.0 FF1 sell in February on CL for 20k Even though GPA does not record. https://www.comiclink.com/Auctions/item.asp?back=%2FComicTrack%2FAuctions%2Fbids.asp%3Freturning%3D1%26pg%3D2&id=1462675