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Everything posted by awe4one

  1. We had a non-CGC slabbed book on here last week that was removed when seller read a polite PM that was sent to him, so it does work in some cases. Some, not most, of the times it works. Not a good enough percentage to say the current approach is working... Jim
  2. (thumbs u This whole situation kinda pizzes me off. The Marketplace is a nice place to sell comics...and some of us tend to have the money to pay nice prices for comics. But if this place becomes known as a "hike your price" marketplace when comics don't sell elsewhere then god forbid how long it remains a good place to buy. The Marketplace has already become much too crowded by drive-by sellers and it seems the number of cross advertised comics have increased as a result. Personally, the ignorance excuse doesn't cut it anymore and if sellers can't take the time to read the rules then I don't have time to play nice with them once they violate them...personal PMs or kind reminders don't seem to be working and if I see it, I'm calling them out publically and tact be damned from here on out... Jim
  3. I understand your rational but as a result of no one saying anything a Board member is now out money they could have saved had they known of the CL sale...or at the very least wouldn't have hit the BIN had they known it was posted elsewhere for less... Jim
  4. (thumbs u Though resolved, the actions of the supposed buyer won't go unnoticed... Jim
  5. According to this timeline, there was never an issue to b1tch about. The question I have now is why did Penny state the comic was his when he was clearly told beforehand it was sold? Jim I can answer that for you. pennymike stated it was "his" b/c his take on the whole thing was the trumps and he didn't see another in the thread. Even though I told him a buyer was in place, he went ahead anyway and then sent me a hurried pm stating "I just hit the BIN". Followed by another PM of "what's your paypal address". Meanwhile I am trying to explain to him what happened and he's put the cart before the horse and rode off with this based on what he felt was the way it should go, neglecting anything I had told him to that point. You know what, I don't even like doing this. I have dealt with pennymike before and considered him a friend. At least as close as you can be to someone you've never met. I don't feel right about bashing him or throwing him under the bus but by God I will not stand idly by and let my good name be run through the mud. pennymike is understandably upset about missing out on the book. I get that and I sympathize. But that doesn't change anything. It's an underhanded way to try to force you to sell him the comic. And possibly try to gain Forum support to push the sale. Not cool...not cool at all... Jim
  6. You're missing alot then...or maybe not... Jim
  7. According to this timeline, there was never an issue to b1tch about. The question I have now is why did Penny state the comic was his when he was clearly told beforehand it was sold? Jim
  8. As if Megacon wasn't enough these just came in the mail from BronzeBruce... And these were added as freebies... Jim
  9. You're right...a very tough issue to find in HG. In fact, your's is the nicest I've seen... Jim
  10. True...and to be completely honest there was more than ample evidence, and warnings, of Comicsupply's cycle of not meeting buyers orders before the current problems arose. While I can sympathize with anyone who is out money when making purchases in this hobby...I don't have much sympathy in this case since their money was at risk the minute they made their order... Jim
  11. Anything 9.4 and less is very very reasonable. Even Dracs are reasonable (now) in 9.6 as more 9.8s have surfaced. Except for the early issues of TOD (1-9) even the 9.8s are reasonable. Werewolf by Night, for some strange reason, have been commanding more than what I believe to be FMV in recent years. I'm howling with laughter over this, as TOD was clearly the best of the "classic monster" series Marvel put out in the bronze age, and outlived the others by an order of magnitude. In order of preference: Tomb of Dracula Werewolf by Night Frankenstein Supernatural Thrillers "Mummy" Some issues that get overlooked when talking Marvel horror are the first issues of Crypt, Chamber, Supernatural Thrillers (before Mummy), Journey into Mystery, and other horror/sci-fi issues that contained original content. The fact these issues pretty quickly went to reprints, with the exception of ST, leaves collectors with the impression the whole run was the same. There was some good stuff in those early issues... Jim
  12. Flight of the Comic Geek Lemme tell ya I see greggy checkin' out my trunks I see greggy checkin' out the front of my trunks I see greggy checkin' out my junk, then checkin' out my rump, then back to my sugarlumps When I post them, I shake it all up greggy thinks my pants have the mumps It's just my sugarlumps bump ba bump They look so good, that's why I keep 'em in the front Greggy's checkin' out my sugarlumps They drive him crazy greggy's checkin' out my britches Put him in a trance when I wear short-shorts My dungarees make him hun-ga-ree Greggy's over the moon when I don pantaloon OK...get a room or start posting comics... Jim
  13. A follow-up to my Joker-fish transaction... Received my package today...and let me say I'm quite pleased. He threw in more than a couple extra issues into the deal. All with MJ inserts. Happy is an understatement... (thumbs u Jim
  14. I thought he was on the list too and also checked beforehand. When I didn't see his name, I assumed I was wrong so went ahead and dealt with him... Jim
  15. The majority of Russ' problems have originated from transactions on this Board. You know...from an outside observer, you sure seem to making excuses for the guy lately... Jim
  16. Good luck with that Beau. uh-oh, not again . . . exactly what i was thinking, i had an expensive order with him recently with no problems at all beau I've already gotten a PM from someone else who purchased from the same thread, they haven't gotten their books yet either. Any chance you still have JF's contact info, Green? Make that three...but I'm not going to worry until the 30-day point... Jim
  17. Very overdue kudos to the following: Skinny White Boy - for a plethora of nice Bronze Comicseekers - Some nice Atlas Seaboards Beyonder - Various comics but especially for helping finish off my Space: 1999 run Flaming Telepath - Some sweet grade perfect HG MJ Marvels and SA DC War Namisgr - A couple of sweet slabs Nik - A handful of very nice, tightly graded BA and a couple slabs Jim
  18. I agree. But then again, I've already identified the sellers who have repeatedly specialized in SS Moderns and don't bother looking at their selling threads...regardless of what they're selling or what they have in the title... Jim