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Posts posted by Cat

  1. On 1/7/2022 at 12:53 AM, @therealsilvermane said:

    Last Jedi was a movie. And it didn't really divide Star Wars fans that much. 

    Captain Marvel had no expectations for fans as she was a new character. The only expectation was that she would be the saviour of Endgame and she really wasn't. She contributed for sure, but she didn't ultimately save the day. Stark did that.

    MCU fans for the most part put Captain Marvel as a movie in the middle of the pack. Some like me have it at the top. Some have it at the bottom. The only reason the character is seen as divisive is because of the backlash against her by a horde of toxic male fans opposed to a woman taking over the MCU. To their credit, they were right to be afraid, because Captain Marvel will be taking over. The story that Marvel is setting up (beyond the magic stuff and the street level Disney+ stuff) will see to that.

    Captain Marvel and Last Jedi are not comparable.

    Are you crazy? Last Jedi didn't divide the SW fandom? Whuh??? 

    Your next part feels sleazy, the way you say Carol was a new character. New character on film, yes, but they generally retain some defining characteristics from their comics personalities and backstories. There were certainly some expectations, mostly be her existing comic fanbase. 

    Yep, they got us good. The End of Infinity War made it seem like Captain Marvel would be a big deal come Endgame, when really, she did bugger all. Well played Marvel, you made the solo movie hit the billion mark as a result, but it was a bit dirty. 

    I feel bad speaking for this 'most part' of the MCU. But I reckon they'd be placing it in the bottom quarter. And I'll let you enjoy your fanfic in peace. Don't forget to say hello to Chunky, your invisible monkey, when you're done. I heard you spanking him the other night. 

  2. Just watched both episodes. Bit of a mixed bag for me. The episodes are decent enough, I just didn't want a show that filled in the gaps about his time with the Sandpeople. I wanted Crime Lord Fett. Obviously it'll still happen, but we're already short on episodes as is. I'm sure it'll work out in the end, but for now it's left me a tad bored. I don't want feel-good Fett, I want badarse Fett. 

    Can someone please tell me, was the black Wookiee the same one that debuted in the second Marvel run, Black something (Chrysanthemum or something maybe, I can't remember his full name, but he was a black Wookiee bounty hunter). 

    And let's all cheer for those Gammoreans. Way to lose those kilos, boys! Looking good. 

  3. Well, we hit month 5 over the holidays, and even BBTS has had enough. They've issued me a full refund, albeit as store credit (not what I've have preferred, but it's better than nothing) and I still need to double check to ensure they refunded me the shipping, too. I just couldn't be bothered getting involved in it all tonight when I'm already in bed. Of course if the package does arrive, they asked me to reject it for return to them, which of course goes without saying. I doubt that scenario will happen, but hey, stranger things and all that. 

    The bad news is not everything is still in stock, as I already knew and they've informed me again, so I'm bitterly disappointed to have lost out on some neat items, but it is what it is. I'll replace what I can, and what I can't I'll see how badly I want it off the aftermarket. 

    Once again, thanks for everyone's assistance in guiding me on how to handle it. While I have at times been cursing BBTS' name, I do understand they've done nothing wrong, and I hope this doesn't impair our long and fruitful business relationship. They've treated me very well over the years. 

  4. About time us Xbox owners got to join the fun. I got my Series X at launch, ordered from Microsoft themselves, funnily enough. Went to order from Eb Games (Gamestop in Australia) but their site kept crashing, and they pushed it back for 12 hours. A friend then told me about the MS site, and sure enough, they still had units. Got it launch day, and had no problems, other than nothing new to play, just the same old games. Now Halo is finally out, but I'm happy to wait for them to actually finish it a bit more. I want to have a good experience with the campaign, and I'm not sure it's quite there, yet. The MP is fun, though, though I'm very out of practice. 

    I admit, I did buy the cat ears for my Spartan helmet, just to annoy those I kill. 

  5. On 1/5/2022 at 1:23 AM, @therealsilvermane said:

    Also, God, why are some folks so adamantly against super-heroes that aren't all straight white dudes? God, please soften their hearts and make them realize that it's okay for people of all types no matter their gender, race, or sexual orientation to sit at the super-hero table because it's a pretty big table that you have provided. God, please stop the hate. Amen.

    Hey, nah ah with that kind of , that's just being straight out antagonistic. You know that's not true. I dislike Brie as Captain Marvel because her performances I've seen have been IMO poorly acted, just not what I want from Carol. I'd love to recast her, and I don't care about her ethnicity or anything like that. I guess maybe now they may be trapped on what she looks like, otherwise I wouldn't be opposed if she were of a different ethnicity. Latina, maybe? 

    But now I've given you attention you don't deserve, so you've won again, but please refer to the first part of my point : be better. 

  6. Finally saw this today, and it was, well, it was alright. I actually liked Black Widow more, but my mother, who I watched both films with, preferred Shang-Chi, which I told her is the prevailing consensus. I spent half the film complaining in my head about the Ben Kingsley recast, only to get to the end credits and realise it actually was him! Whooops! I just didn't find enough characters to be compelling enough to keep my interest beside Shang, WenWu, Sister whose spelling I'll butcher right now (XiaLing?), and Katy. 

    It was nice seeing Wong again, always a treat. 

  7. On 1/3/2022 at 5:34 PM, Bo1983 said:

    I know Superman was the first superhero with heat vision but was cyclops the first superhero to utilize that power in comics?

    Cyclops' eye-blasts are concussive, so there is a difference. I also don't really understand the question.