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Everything posted by Tnexus

  1. Out of curiosity, does the load begin to lighten after April or did the influx just keep coming?
  2. Because an employee would have to admit they potentially damaged thousands of dollars of property. For the sake of their job, it's probably better for them if they just play dumb.
  3. I have a question regarding signature witnessing and the dates on the slab. So I'm a fan of Radiant Black by Kyle Higgins and ordered some of the exclusive signed copies of issue #1 of the foil versions in January of this year from ComicSketchArt. These were limited to 50 copies. I noticed on Kyle Higgins' Instagram that he signed these on Feb 27th. However, one of these for sale on Ebay shows on the slab that the signature date was 05/02/2021. (I'm still waiting for my copies.) I can understand 1-2 days of discrepancy maybe, but 63 days is a huge red flag to me. The signature looks the same to me on the slab and the photo, but obviously this was never witnessed if the dates are that far apart. Below are the two links in question. https://www.instagram.com/p/CLznEpUh59A/ https://www.ebay.com/itm/154594885356 I don't do Signature Series books that open, so is this normal?
  4. Just gonna leave this here. Grab those KOTOR 8s, 9s, 14s, 22s, 31s, 42s, and Tales 23 while you can.
  5. You must have got the only 9.8 copy of the Montes then. I'm still waiting for my shipping notification. How long ago did you receive your set?
  6. While he sounds grumpy, Ebay doesn't always refund fees even if it's the buyers fault. So he may be stuck paying for your mistake. Frankly just move on. It's not worth it.
  7. Probably best to ask this in the Ask CGC forum for their answer.
  8. This is what I ended up with. Surprisingly none of my local art stores had it. Was forced to give money to Amazon for it. Thanks everyone for the suggestions/help!
  9. Doubt it. Shattered Empire spec was pretty DOA early on it seemed.
  10. Did you get both or just the Finch?
  11. New Avengers 53 I feel like is bad spec for 1st Sorcerer Supreme. 54 is when he's actually named as it.
  12. Hi guys, I'm looking for a display portfolio suggestion for comic pages. The caveat is that a bunch of my pages are from Dark Horse which have 11x17.25 sized pages so your standard 11x17 ones won't fit. Seems like the next size up is 13x19 which is just too big for me.
  13. Well at least that insurance claim would be an easy one to make.
  14. Seriously. No one once thought, "Huh, this is weird, maybe this is a customer's package?". Also, why would you destroy the box that's custom sized for the product?
  15. No brainer, yes. Just know you won't get it back for a year with pressing/grading.
  16. So full disclosure, this video below is primarily about Heritage Auctions and WATA Games and some very sketch market manipulation they appear to be involved in. However, there is one section that talks about how allegedly the owner of HA, Jim Halperin shill bids his own comic auctions on the website to boost the price. The video, done by Karl Jobst who is a well respected video game Youtuber is fantastic in its own right. It's a long watch, but absolutely worth watching as I think a lot of it relates to the comic market as well. With CGC entering the video game market, I'm curious to see what's going to happen.
  17. Latest issue was good I thought. Definitely has a MMPR feel right now. Hoping he focuses on the personal aspect a bit more than the superhero arc right now though. Also that Blacklight variant for issue 10 is $$.
  18. 157 days is definitely crazy, however everyone is backed up like mad right now. I think CFP is about 5+ months wait right now and Avery is about 4+, but he sends stuff in which will add another month to get to received.
  19. It looks like whatever it is extends just a fraction into the green on top.
  20. Those are nice! What are the full dimensions of those?
  21. So here's what I can tell so far. July 27th CGC updates their data to show 25 copies of Finch's Foil A (100 variant) and 22 new copies of "F Variant" (50 variant) August 3rd adds an additional 26 Foil A's, 5 Montes' F Variants, and 17 Foil Edition B's Guy who hoards half the stock complains to Higgins and gets placated by Higgins by getting numerous AP copies. We know some APs and some signed copies of the Finch arrived at the same time by July 30th, so it's safe to say at least in the first batch not all were AP copies. Here's the other interesting bit On the back of a non-signed Montes foil, it states it's limited to 375 copies. On the back of a non-signed Finch foil, it states it's limited to 275 copies. If you double the amount of signed foils (because of the comp copies), you get 475 of each. So that's 25 copies unaccounted for. Could be for damage or could be AP copies. It's also curious that they have these limited to numbers when the whole reason was because they were selling additional copies in the first place. It's almost like they were preparing to give out the comp copies before people made a stink about it. Or maybe I'm just reading way more into this than I should.
  22. I have not received either my 100 or 50 foil nor have a I received a shipping notice
  23. I must have missed that part, which brothers were those?
  24. So here's some interesting data. There's two listings for AP versions of the Montes signed foils on Ebay right now. One is a sold listing for $650, and the other is a guy who supposedly has two copies and two have been sold already (though I can't find anything in his history showing prior sales.) Dude also claims to have a CBCS signed copy although that was never offered by ComicSketchArt. Both are graded copies and CGC 9.8s. His username is vetcomix. We have a JoeNavy from earlier in this thread who said he bought half of the stock when these came out. Also interestingly enough, these APs are listed as the "Variant Cover F", not the "Foil Edition B" variant. Signed dates all show 5/2/2021 so it's likely these all were from the ComicSketchArt batch. Same seller also 6 copies of the other foil variant that he claims are Kyle Higgins's personal copies and are labeled as APs, yet his picture shows issue 48/100. Two things things stand out here. So yeah. Does this mean ComicSketchArt oversold its claimed 50 and is sold the APs? Does this mean that vetcomix (and perhaps JoeNavy) is Kyle Higgins? Likely not, but it's very weird. Also, the Census lists 28 SS copies for "Variant Cover F", 24 of which are 9.8s. "Foil Edition B" has 17 graded SS copies, yet only one of which is 9.8. "Variant Cover F" also has a ton of non-SS graded copies, so it's definitely supposed to be the 1:50 variant, but it looks like CGC screwed up. Foil Edition B just popped up on the census, so it's 99% likely these are the Montez foils. On a final note, I don't have a problem with AP copies, but CGC SS grading them leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Maybe that's just me though.