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Everything posted by joe_collector

  1. Or at the very least, make it like a prison sentence, and give him X years on the list. After his behavior and repeated problems/time on the list, removing him now would be a real joke.
  2. After looking your situation over, it's obviously this one: No spamming. Group your for sale items into as few threads as is reasonable. Attempts to take up front page real estate by creating multiple threads for no reason are not allowed. You create a new thread for every single book you sell.
  3. was supposedly the "personal problem" j Oh, so that was the secret problem? Yeah, his parents found out he was stealing money.
  4. was supposedly the "personal problem" I thought it was his grandfather, or am I behind in the every-changing soap opera of Cap Freak's life. If it's not cool to post, please PM me details.
  5. If anyone is actually out real money to this scam artist, then we need to keep track of it, and at least notify his parents of this theft. This is getting really ugly, and CapFreak has quickly turned from a scammer to an outright criminal. Getting your money back from a Paypal dispute is far different than being out $100 in stolen money.
  6. Yeah, he's a pencil-necked, deadbeat kiddie-loser who refuses to honor his financial commitments.
  7. But when you boil it down, those questions are inconsequential, and sound a lot like the "why did her mother bring her to the party when she knew he was there" idiocy on a recent HBO feature on Roman Polanski. It just doesn't matter to the case at hand. There was a contract to buy an expensive book, the buyer defaulted and his only reason for doing so is the old "We had a tiff, so I no longer am financially obligated" excuse, which holds no water. He can offer no better explanation, so it's case closed in my book. Everything else is just window dressing and innuendo.
  8. Divad, you do realize that he got the Avengers the next day, right? And are you *actually* trying to tell us that these two things are equivalent and that somehow TFL is going to escape "the list". This whole "he was mean to me, so now I don't have to pay" excuse would NEVER fly anywhere else - try that with a bank manager sometime. It's just bizarre equating the two, especially since TFL has the Avengers book and Filter is out $25K on the HT sale. If you have any personal dealings or friendship with TFL, I think you'd better state it now, or I think it's time to organize a coup.
  9. At least you are coming clean about having absolutely no intention of EVER paying for the HT book, before or after this happened. That's a good first step from a deadbeat.
  10. I think that in the face of outright lies and fraudulent claims, it's fair to post the REAL GPA data. It's no different than if someone claimed that ASM 195 was the First Black Cat, and you posted to correct the error.
  11. Come on, you sound like the loser in line at Furniture Warehouse, who has been givne 6 months to pay for his living room set, and then starts screaming that he's "not going to pay a cent because the salesperson was rude!". Who cares? Do you owe him money or not? Did you pay at the alloted times, and keep up payments? Any personality conflicts you have are TOTALLY INCONSEQUENTIAL to you keeping up your end of the obligation and PAYING for the book. Grow up, you stiffed Filter big-time, and are trying to pawn off some lameass excuse whereby your disagreement with him (where you still got the book) somehow abrogates you of any and all responsibility for the HT purchase? Wow, I'd just LOVE you to try that "the manager raised his voice so I'm not paying" or "the creditors keep calling me, so you'll never see a cent" deadbeat act against someone who will actually take you up on it, via legal means or the usual leg-breaker/repossession method.
  12. Agreed!! If Cap Freak doesn't qualify as a Hall of Shame member, then take them all off except Alleybat.
  13. I think there should be a category between Major Keys and Keys, for stuff like X-Men 266 and New Mutants 87.
  14. Yet another "let's appease the aging fanboys by dredging up more BA goodness" idea, which is exactly what Marvel has been doing for the past decade. To someone like Joe Q, a "new idea" means cribbing some What If's. Why don't these guys admit they have mined the What If vaults, killed off everyone they can, and retconned everything potentially interesting, and then close up shop.
  15. I'm actually liking it too, as my only foray into the CA/MA forum resulted in being subjected to this ultra-maroon: http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=3194424#Post3194424 The less of those newbie idjits I have to see, the better I feel.
  16. Kudos to that crazy hippy Roy, for yet another nice CGC Byrne X-Men added to the collection.
  17. Nope, as Arch has ruled this off-topic under threat of banning, and I only made the joke because I thought that BL was actually a DD shill.
  18. This is NOT the thread to be joking in, especially without a smiley or two.
  19. Really? Do the Mods know about the shill? We all know that Dad&SononWeekends has had multiple shills since being banned, but I didn't realize that DeeDee had skulked back in are her canning.
  20. The reason he's in the Hall of Shame is that this is his FOURTH trip to the Probation List.
  21. In the mail I think this is all we need to know about Cap Freak.
  22. I get a lot PO'd when some little kid tries to play the old "I have personal problems" card. Get it through your thick skull, EVERYONE is dealing with , every single day - some have cancer, or are otherwise sick or dealing with ill relatives, some have kids with terminal or chronic illness, while many have and will lose family members. Look at the week Nerf has had - I sincerely doubt your's can compare to that, so don't even try, and I don't see him scamming money and defaulting on deals, while acting like a major tool to his buyers. Unless you're DEAD, buck up and fulfill your responsibilities, either through quick-and-easy refunds or sending the books.