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Everything posted by joe_collector

  1. I think people should stop whining and at least give Arch some kudos for doing this.
  2. Yep, that didn't take long and it seems we do have an "undercover cop" keeping the streets clean of slime like this.
  3. As a test of the "faster Mod response times", let's see how long this multiple-selling retardo's thread stays online: http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=3087644&fpart=1
  4. I find that people want to believe, right up until the point where your advice is costing them "sucker money".
  5. Of course not, as their main audience is not children and pre-teens. When adults are the primary market, you can be absolutely sure that "it" will never be a collectible in the future.
  6. I think I'll always keep my raw 35-centers, as these remind me of better, simpler times - searching EBay, talking over variants with some email contacts, comparing notes, etc. It was a lot of fun, and times I'll remember forever. EBay must have really gone downhill fast if I'm nostalgic for 2000-2003.
  7. Here's a similar one I sold awhile back - not noted by CGC on the label, and I've owned two others like this and seen quite a few more. These 35-centers are easy to miss, and CGC has on a few occasions.
  8. I'm remembering that it was earlier than GPA and one of those "not noted by CGC on the label/Census" deals, although it wasn't hidden, as the seller openly promoted it as a 35-cent variant in the auction title and text. It was definitely a CGC 9.4 copy, just not included in the Census, along with many slabbed 35-cent variants.
  9. Why? He wasn't even going after the 30-centers.
  10. Actually, a CGC 9.4 copy sold for around $150 on EBay awhile back - I'm sure around 2001-2003 (I have it recorded in an old Auction Magic file). Bizarre sale, before the whole "35-cent rarity" deal was fully established. EDIT: Is that book still on the Census or was it pressed into a 9.6?
  11. The Copper Age was long dead before Spawn #1 came along, and I think these Modernites are just living in denial.
  12. Could anyone even imagine what would happen if Danny ever really got sent up the river, and admitted that he was the seller of these books?
  13. Yeah, name the names, or send them to me and I'll certainly out the conscience-less devils.
  14. Because the Forum-Only Marketplace was designed as a member-to-member transaction system, with exclusive board deals and no BS like listing a comic everywhere but the public washrooms and then spamming it on here too. If you want to promote your books that are listed elsewhere, there is a SPECIFIC forum created for you.
  15. They are tough in any grade. I didn't think they existed in that grade. Yes, most imPRESSive.
  16. ... potentially the worst attempt at humor ever? Seriously, if this wasn't directed at me, you'd get a lot of , and from the forum faithful for such an ultra-lame post, but call me a pooh-pooh-head and the house comes down.
  17. I was given that link and bookmarked it - absolutely classic.
  18. The same reason I DON'T hang out on the Lost, Heroes, BSG, Buffy, Alias, Star Trek, Star Wars, Dr Who, Chuck, or MythBusters forums - I *just* collect BA comics. Best comment ever: "Geeks will watch just about anything if it’s on television, no matter how awful it may be. And they’ll happily buy whatever merchandise for the show you’d like to sell, they’ll happily quote lines from it, they’ll call it “the best show on television” and they’ll happily write fan fiction about it. But if you really want them to show their interest in and devotion to a show, all you have to do is cancel it. That’s when the geek truly shines. Sure, they’ll moan and complain and create petitions and mail food to TV companies, but deep in their hearts they are delighted and proud that their beloved show is canceled. This is because geek programs are only canceled for one reason: they were too good for TV. Having his show be canceled validates the geek’s idea that his tastes are far above that of the ignorant, sheep-like masses. Having a show canceled also has another upside for the geek. If it’s no longer in production, all those meddling writers, producers, actors, and studios can’t “mess it up” for him by having things happen on the show that blatantly contradict the obvious “right way” things would happen, were the geek in charge. It saves him the later trouble of having to declare he’s going to boycott the show (he won’t) because someone on the show did something that was “totally out of character”. It puts the show into a little snowglobe the geek can cradle and protect from the cruel outside world. The geek and his friends now own and control it and it is finally where it belongs, in the hands of the “true fans”."
  19. Jesus man, and you wonder why no one likes you... Hey, lots of people like me, it's just me and nerds that don't get along. Never have, never will and I don't see any way of changing nature.
  20. When I first saw that, I thought someone was giving away FREE BOOKS, like some others have done using the same type of thread title - they have some extras laying around, so just pay shipping and it's yours!! What else does FREE BOOKS mean? Free: complimentary: costing nothing Books: a work or composition that has been published Put those two words together and you get "published works that cost nothing". I believe you're getting mixed up with the ever-popular "FREE BOOKS WITH PURCHASE" tag
  21. I do not think those two words mean what you think they mean.
  22. Now there's an idea - I see so many POS Modern SS books that I'm starting to have nightmares about them. And just to be clear, I don't care WHAT you sell, just create a DESCRIPTIVE THREAD TITLE. Like "Modern Age SS Slabs!!". (thumbs u "Lotsa Books!" just doesn't cut it in 2009.