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Everything posted by grapeape

  1. That’s exactly right. Talking head pieces are ok but Tradd obviously hit his stride with the fluid SSB work. Love to see what else he does especially the next five years or so.
  2. I’ve heard from Felix twice. He’s been absolutely great about it. He’s very professional. 🍇 + 🦍
  3. That’s always a consideration when you chase “hot” artwork. For me the acid test will come when a page(s) come up for sale the first time on Heritage Auctions. The same 200 interested and motivated devotees of Tradd Moore clash with unknown interested parties(investors, dealers). No getting shut out 5 seconds after a “drop.” Whoever makes the last bid wins. These pages could achieve staggering financial results. They may also sell close to what Felix sold them for and would be considered a flop. As we digest the results of that first auction, the next test is when those same pages sold show up on Romitaman or another dealer site with a higher price tag. Or the pages come back again for a second go round at HA or Comiclink. If the money realized is F + U money will that draw out the remaining pages held privately at this time? Felix is the driving engine in these drops. However there is no doubt the fuel running this thing comes from collectors and their organic desire to own at least one page from the five books. Thanks Vodou, Always thoughtful and wise commentary when it comes to evaluating the ebb and flow of the comic art market. How much you spend and on what is always important. There almost always comes a day when you will have to consider reselling a page. Will the market be right for you when you want (need) to sell in five years? Ten? Theses Tradd Moore pages are lovely though. Whenever I look at a page that strikes my fancy I think, “there’s something special taking place here.” I think many of those 200 souls on July 25, 2020(I suspect more) have strong visceral reactions to this artwork. A lot may depend on what happens in Tradd’s career. Will he produce more work this beloved. Will Tradd in twenty years be considered one of the great comic artists? Or is SSB his one time masterpiece? Ive said enough. I’ve said too much. Thanks all this was an exciting weekend. I’m still waiting to hear from anyone lucky enough to have snagged a page, DPS or the cover.......
  4. Your presentation Last year of SSB 3 and how you lovingly put it together the way you did ⬆️ was the highlight of the year for me. Check it out folks some of the loveliest and mind blowing pages of art you’ll see. wow 🍇 + 🦍
  5. ⬆️ gumbydarnit makes excellent points. I understand the sticker shock. Especially if it’s outside the norm of what you spend for art. There comes a time when every collector is tempted to go beyond their comfort level. Don’t regret it based on future investment potential. This hobby is humbling enough without adding our own self excoriating soul beat downs. It was exciting to try for these pieces. That’s the journey and of course acquisition then appreciation is the mountain top! Still waiting for a post from a Tradd Moore SSB 2 winner.....
  6. Bunch a lazy bones on here myself included—-thanks again for the link—that’s a magnificent work of art. L💀 ZY 🍇 + 🦍. B 💀 N E S
  7. I agree with everything you said here. The drop of course feels manipulative but the appreciation and desire for this art is organic and palpable. I congratulate you again on your special piece from # 5....if you guys missed it scroll ⬆️ up....
  8. Yes as a Surfer fan that page with Surfer in each panel stood out: every single page was gorgeous though. My opinion on these pages, don’t worry about future value. There is something really special about these 5 books of art. Thanks for posting the pics it helps to see what we’re all pursuing.
  9. I’m sorry for you as well. Somebody’s happy today but it’s not me.
  10. Oh celestial space ways truly an exotic genesis expression. I said it. I don’t know what it means. But I said it. Extraordinary piece of art. I’m sorry for you and I hope we all get a shot to “own” a piece if only for a little while. Do you ever really own a piece of art? Or does it own you?
  11. No doubt he’s a force of nature! Got folks lining up to buy what he’s selling.
  12. Honestly John E. I pointed a finger at my computer screen today!
  13. Bummer I know. Still hoping to hear from a lucky winner in the Felix lottery!
  14. Not only will I allow it, I will drool with envy. Gorgeous.
  15. How is this possible? Felix acquired 16 pages back from a collector including the cover from # 2. They dropped at 9 a.m PST this morning. I’d love to brag about the page I got but not a chance in hell. They were gone in seconds. Never had a chance. I’m jealous. Ok confession time over. Did anyone grab a page today? Would you like to brag? How did you do it?
  16. In the recent HA auction I considered winning the back cover to the Marvel Treasury Edition Superman Spider-Man by Ross Andru. Iconic image of Superman and Spider-Man standing shoulder to shoulder. It went well below my guesstimate so I think I had a realistic shot to win it. OK Lots to like Two main crossover characters with no other distractions, published, iconic. As an investment a slam dunk. I rarely make investment my # 1 reason for chasing a piece of art though. What ultimately inhibited me going for it is my knowledge of the interior pages. Many excellent fluid pages and DPS in that book. If I spend $$$ it would be on an interior page or DPS with great action. In the end after watching that back cover for two months I knew I wasn’t in love with the piece. I don’t think it’s the best example I could get from that book. Others would disagree and say, “short of the front cover what more do you want?” I totally get that !! Don’t get me wrong. I’d be proud to own it. I simply realized that other factors like investment potential were overshadowing any personal desire to own it. I’m not a dealer looking to flip so I moved on. The art I have in my collection at this point in my life is art I bought or acquired out of pure love for the art. That approach is not likely to change at this point in my life. Now that I said that, again art appreciation is subjective. And collectors break their own rules all the time. A portrait of Dr. Doom for example might be sedentary or mundane to action lovers. To me the Mad Monarch of Latveria is the quintessential portrait subject. So while action, fluidity, are important to me I can discard that instantly for a “stagnant” portrait of a simmering Doom sitting on his throne. I’ve said enough. I’ve said too much. I sure love this hobby (thing of ours). 🍇 + 🦍
  17. If Chris Hansen appears out of nowhere in your life you’re probably guilty of something.
  18. There is wisdom in that observation. Seeing an artists work ignite with confidence and self expression vs. the work of an artist painstakingly following the style of the consensus look of a character(s). Identifying an artists best work and spending my dollars on that work seems the prudent action to take. Still for a myriad of reasons collectors will buy what they like regardless.
  19. I’m a legend in my own mind! Now poor fellow I’ve infected your brain as well. I’m pretty sure all Radiohead fans are connected via the OK Computer preparing us for the alien(s) Poor Johnny Depp the shines come off a bit huh? Donnie Brasco introduces 🍇 + 🦍 Fuhgedabout it !!!
  20. “Why don’t you take a seat over here.” II
  21. We’d have to ask the bidder who paid more for the “less interesting” cover if nostalgia played a part in how far he bid to win. Otherwise I agree with your reasoning. That’s what’s so cool about art. We might have a general sense of what is good, bad, great art and what it should cost. However art appreciation is subjective so that’s why we will constantly marvel over art that “went too high” or sold “ridiculously low.” Such a great hobby (way of life honestly) collecting and admiring art.