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Everything posted by MAY1979

  1. If the original cover artist is still alive apparently they can simply staple an acetate on the book and receive a CGC blue universal label
  2. Dealers seemed to think it was early to mid 2021 based on slab prices. I'm sure some did reel in a few rubes but I do wonder how many lost money on their tables - BTW even breaking is a loss. Price at FMV and you can do very well at a show but I guess that does not stoke the ego? As much as it pains me to say this I give Anthony credit on being a decent, make that good, businessman. While he does not do it with art, for comics he understands cash flow is paramount. Constant steady cash flow is called good business and to do it you need to have money coming in and for Comic Book dealers that means sell sell sell even if at a reduced profit margin. Was easy to be a dealer from March 2020-Feb 2022, required no intelligence to inflate show prices above even internet highs when those with even less intelligence were buying buying buying. Now we will see who has actually has some business acumen by who manages to remain in business the next 12-24 months. Understanding Cash Flow Cash flow is the amount of cash that comes in and goes out of a company. Businesses take in money from sales as revenues and spend money on expenses. They may also receive income from interest, investments, royalties, and licensing agreements and sell products on credit, expecting to actually receive the cash owed at a late date. Assessing the amounts, timing, and uncertainty of cash flows, along with where they originate and where they go, is one of the most important objectives of financial reporting. It is essential for assessing a company’s liquidity, flexibility, and overall financial performance. Positive cash flow indicates that a company's liquid assets are increasing, enabling it to cover obligations, reinvest in its business, return money to shareholders, pay expenses, and provide a buffer against future financial challenges. Companies with strong financial flexibility can take advantage of profitable investments. They also fare better in downturns, by avoiding the costs of financial distress. Cash flows can be analyzed using the cash flow statement, a standard financial statement that reports on a company's sources and usage of cash over a specified time period. Corporate management, analysts, and investors are able to use it to determine how well a company can earn cash to pay its debts and manage its operating expenses. The cash flow statement is one of the most important financial statements issued by a company, along with the balance sheet and income statement. - https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/cashflow.asp
  3. Every time I see the title of this thread I think of "Creem" and "Circus'
  4. No Surprise given the types who comprised the line. Sadly their ilk is far too representative of the hobby as a whole. It is amazing how many Reed-POP permits in ahead of the 10am show opening. Its high time they do something to actually govern Exhibitors, Exhibitor "helpers", alleged Press, Sellers, Artists "helpers", the way they do attendees. Its reached the point where anyone assisting in carrying a box before 10am for the factions I mentioned above is permitted early entry. One day I'll write up the 2022 sleazy greediness I saw at display (front of the counter not CGC folks) just in the 7-10 minutes I spent on the submission line at CGC. P.S. I've never heard of "Peach Momoko" but i'm out of touch with pretty much everything post copper age. Sounds like a great name for a cocktail.
  5. Signing events. Every time you get an email for new one, add an additional 10 business days to all economy orders sitting in queue.
  6. IMHO; Never assume a 9.8 when estimating value on the submission form. CGC can always up-charge if merited but there will never be a down charge.
  7. Folks it's very simple to protect your data, not supplying something is as easy as it gets.
  8. A decade or so before my time, but can appreciate that Nice Cardy cover. I'm lucky enough to have purchased the Oakland in 1998. Probably presses out to a 9.8 but I'm not looking to throw the funds at it even if my slab has small crack.
  9. You can always express or walk through as well but like fast track you must pay for it. Simply not worth it on books under $400 for most
  10. I do bet if the feds wanted to spend their time on collectible auction crimes they very well could use RICO. If so bunch of OA dealers whould be most ripe for indictment.
  11. -removed-- I'm in the minority but I prefer to purchase only books i can see in hand first or from sellers/dealers with no issues in taking returns. My fave Todd cover BTW
  12. Thanks - Vinny and Carbonaro acquired the collection July 1998. Myself and buddy went to Vinny's home (actually his parents) Mid Aug 1998. We were granted early access but others had been going through Vinny's portion of the collection for at least 7-10 days prior so all books that were keys in that era were gone. Still, I did pick up a pile of comics all of which at the time were difficult, specifically the DC's, to find in high grade. Good times! One day the Adventure 409 may even return to me? Was sent to CGC in a Mid Sept 2021 submission....
  13. Hi, Nope. Last Premier 2 9.8 sold for $500 and if it had been a 9.6 it would have been $250 or less. The most recent sale of Fury 98 9.8 I can find was from 2018 for $114. The way the comics market is now be it plus or minus if there no comp in the last 1-2 weeks anything older is probably not valid. Which nowadays likely means drop in FMV not an increase. I base all my values when submitting as 9.6 or lower, assuming a 9.8 exceeds my hubris. Although I did send my Nova 1 one Modern and it came back as 9.8 2 weeks back with no up-charge. Least they can do after holding on to it for 13 months (there was a C&P) Thing is by letter of the law the upcharge can be for insurance but not for service level that was not provided. As I understand a lawsuit was filed against PSA as they were up-charging for express service levels when the bubble was in effect. I'm now unable though to find the info on that as a few hours after it was detailed on the PSA Collectors forums the entire thread disappeared into the ether.
  14. Finally back after 12+ months, from a NO press Economy Order. Not pressed. While I do think a press might make it present a bit nicer in person the main reason for the 9.6 won't be helped by one. Besides not going to pump any more dough into a OW paged book. Still it's very nice looking for a $5 purchase made back in 1995. It was the now classic Ploog cover that reeled me in back then .
  15. Back in 2010 may have been when the 2 Zone issues started to slowly gather a head of steam? https://www.comicbookdaily.com/collecting-community/undervalued/undervalued-spotlight-58/
  16. YOU ARE WRONG. I have not said they are fake! But since you brought it up then PROVE IT IS LEGIT by supplying evidence. You also have not said why you think the dedication on p1 is so important. The dedication is meaningless in respect both the validity and provenance of the item. If you know so much about this item to tell others here they are wrong then why did you post here to begin with since you are such an expert? Or was this some sort of phishing scheme in hope you would be pm'd to sell it?
  17. Thurs at 10:25AM it was 5 minutes At least if you had your paperwork prepared in advance. While I have a self-imposed ban on submitting since Nov 2021 due to lack of QC at CGC, I did drop off a small order of oddballs.
  18. Back after a 12 month No press Econ sojourn. The WF and Superman were hammered by CGC. Both were 9.4's. Based on graders notes my feeling is with a good press they will be 9.6 if not 9.8 however the value of those books is such that throwing pressing fees and more grading fees after them is not worth it as I do not sell comics. The HOM 195 also might bump up to 9.8 with a press but the expense and always present handling risk with current day CGC means I'll be keeping it as it. As true with the Oakland Pedigree approx only 1/5 are WP. Likely due to the way the original owner stored. (IIRC Vinny told me back in 1998 it was in an attic).
  19. to the original poster mess with TWD at your own peril.
  20. Seriously dude? That is Not anywhere close to the same thing.... Look at MPAA and RIAA actions over counterfeits/pirating/bootlegs etc, that is the analogy to reference not what you mentioned. While they cant go after everybody it's not worth the potential trouble for the original poster over the item.
  21. Appears you lack knowledge on what 1st Sale Doctrine actually is, it has to do with copyright infringement. Does not matter if you are 1st seller or 500th it has to do with copyright law. https://www.justice.gov/archives/jm/criminal-resource-manual-1854-copyright-infringement-first-sale-doctrine https://libguides.ala.org/copyright/firstsale TWD has a huge in house legal department staffed with well paid attorneys, tread carefully especially if you contact TWD or their subsidiaries.. If they decide to play hardball to make an example you will need hundreds of thousands of dollars to pay for lawyers just to defend yourself.
  22. You did not answer the question of why you keep referring to the dedication as if that has meaning? Do you not understand there nothing unique about it the page you showed and that it's simply a direct copy of issue #1 page 1 I've also not said anything about you trying to sell it only informing you of the possibility that if you attempt to sell it publicly and it's not legit that TWD can legally come after you as first sale doctrine will not apply.