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Everything posted by Hepcat

  1. ...The fellow in blue tights might take issue with you. I'll grant you that they do make themselves painfully difficult to ignore (especially so that other one), but let me assure you that I'll continue to strive valiantly to do precisely that. The other Timelys in my collection such as this one may help in that regard:
  2. Now you're talking my language! (thumbs u Timely did, however, publish a much broader range of titles than the focus of the collectors on this board would seem to indicate.
  3. Do Timelys absolutely positively have to equate to men in tights battling Nazis and Japs?
  4. I'd say the classic Wyatt Earp was portrayed on the covers of #10 and #12.
  5. Here is a scan from my collection of a pre Doom Patrol My Greatest Adventure:
  6. Wow! Those are really nice for books cover dated early 1967. They're also nicer than some of my Mohawk Valley books from the sixties. (thumbs u
  7. It's the Vince Colletta background inks that make the cover, for sure. I think it's Rags Rabbit myself.
  8. I really like your #5! I need to upgrade my #2 and I need 1, 5, 7, 12, 14 and 16 outright.
  9. Hey! How come there's so little love being shown for Capt. Storm in this thread? His was one of the few war comics I bought regularly as a kid. Here are scans of some of the ones I have these days:
  10. I'm no longer impressed. I can recognize a Silver Age title when I see one.
  11. Now I'm impressed. Did you ever ask the Borden company why Elsie didn't have absolutely enormous milkers though?
  12. Here are scans of three Atlas western books from my collection:
  13. Surely I'm the only one on this board nutty about this title:
  14. Here are scans of my Brave & the Bold Cave Carsons: The #32 is the Mohawk Valley copy. I'd like to upgrade it though since it's not as nice as my other Cave Carsons.
  15. I have very mixed feelings about that cover. I always loved the Captain and the Kids newspaper strip - but Fritzi Ritzi and Nancy just bored me. The combination of those characters together is just bizarre. And you know the Captain's battle axe of a wife is going to smoke him.
  16. Two questions: 1. Why are some of the skin tones on the girls yellow? 2. Do you write your name on the covers of all the books you really like?
  17. I'm guessing you're not an OA collector. Very nice stuff btw. Correct. I am not. I collect too many things already. http://boards.collectors-society.com/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=4521210&fpart=19
  18. Hey, that's awesome! I really like it! (thumbs u But why did he not colour it like an actual cover?
  19. Here are scans of two more of my earlier Batman books:
  20. Take solace the "zombies" don't eat DC's and drive the prices higher. Now that's putting things in proper perspective. (thumbs u
  21. Zounds! You say there's a plague of zombies on this board? What then can we few with thinking minds do to combat this dreadful menace? Should we write to our elected representatives?
  22. Very cool! The Kenner Give-A-Show Projector was one of the big hit toys of the sixties. Kenner sold over a million of these in the 1959-64 period.