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Everything posted by Cman429

  1. If you have absolutely zero intention of ever never ever selling them, glue prob would work. If you have even a small infinitesimal possibility of someday putting them up for sale, I’d suck it up and submit them for reholder.
  2. I like to get photo covers signed. DC was good about making comic tie ins for their shows so I have 90s tv Flash and Smallville photo cover comics signed by the cast. There’s a Lois and Clark comic listed on mycomicshop as a “Lois and Clark the New Adventures of Superman/Batman The Animated Movie Preview Flipbook” that I’d love to get signed but I’ve never seen it anywhere. I’ve seen Dean Cain at many cons and never seen anyone with one either so I’m wondering if it even exists,
  3. I remember my elementary school did a magazine subscription drive where they enlisted entrepreneurial 3rd graders to push subscriptions on every one of our parents’ friends/relatives with the promise of certain prizes for x number of subscriptions sold. Anyway, they offered Marvel subscriptions so my mom let me and my brother get two each. I didn’t get any prizes but I did end up with a nice run of 80s ASM & Xmen and he ended up with GI Joe & MTU thanks to that nonsense.
  4. CGC is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get. (Wish I knew how to make memes)
  5. I would assume the reason is pretty obvious. Just like in action figures where the female figures were produced in lesser quantities, I imagine WW had far smaller print runs and sales than Superman, Batman or GL bc little boys were less likely to be into a lady hero. Fast forward 30 years later and those lower print runs = higher value.
  6. At Megacon CGC stationed witnesses at all the popular comic creators so they didn’t have to keep sending one over. You still had to go to CGC’s actual booth to get a book cracked, tho. There’s two kinds of CGC employees at cons, facilitators who crack books, do paperwork, etc and the witnesses who seem to exist to just stand there and scribble that they “saw” your book be signed. Can’t really know what the process will be for Lee unless we know if he’s going to be with a full fledged facilitator group (like some guys are) or just arranged to have a witness there at all times.
  7. “Tear seals?” Is that a fancy CGC word for….tape? And was this slabbed before CGC went to color coded labels? I’ve never seen a blue label with conservation notes before. If I had that I’d be ecstatic I dodged the purple label of death.
  8. I deal in trading cards on the side and it’s funny but POP 4 or whatever is a big selling point in that community but as far as I’ve seen comic people don’t seem to care about it
  9. He didn’t pick bad books to submit. What’s “hot” in the comic “market” is largely tied to movies/tv hype. If marvel announced tomorrow Brad Pitt was playing Darkhawk that book would go from dollar bin flotsam to going for $200+ in any 9+ grade. Like Sandman definitely shot up for awhile when anticipation for the show peaked. Unfortunately for him it kinda bombed so now he probably won’t get much back on all those books he submitted. In a few years maybe HBO picks up a S2 and this time it is that GOT level hit some hoped then he’s sitting on some value. So in summation, he better hope there’s a Beta Ray Bill vs Devil Dinosaur movie on the horizon.
  10. It was noted. Check the graders notes Mike posted on page 6. Ended up with 35 points which I guess puts me in the bottom 25 so I guess missing the cut just saved Mike some unnecessary work. Only 9 points the first two rounds then I hit the proverbial iceberg. This last round I took a whopping 6 on that infamous Wow. I definitely thought the cover was detached, at least partially. If there’s one thing that’d make these contests easier it’d be including a spine view shot. The Avengers also crushed me bc I always thought ink smudges were hit hard and that “shadow” they note I mistook for water/foxing. That still seems like an extraordinarily generous grade when I look at some of the 6.0-7.0 slabs I have decorating my fortress of solitude.
  11. I hate the crowds my LCS attracts so I usually wait until Mon or Tues and scoop up the leftovers. Thought I hit the jackpot a few years ago when they still had a stack of like 15 FCBD Spideys people thought would be a gem being the first appearance of Virus. Oh well, maybe I’ll get a dollar for them next garage sell… Anyway hoping that a Life of Stan and Crimebuster are still there when I go. Those look most interesting to me
  12. I’d definitely start off at one of the mid sized cons like a Fan Expo or Galaxycon before jumping headfirst into one of the majors like SDCC or C2E2. Cons absolutely eat up newbies. As far as advice, unless you are just going for the experience the best I can offer is prioritize 1-3 (max) things that are most important to you (meeting certain artists/celebs, photo ops, finding certain items/toys, getting a sketch, etc) and concentrate on them before anything else. The people I most often hear have disappointing experiences are the ones who go in wanting to meet an entire cast of a show, get 12 comics signed and buy some exclusive Pops and end up not even accomplishing 1/3 of that. Everything at cons takes way way longer than you can possibly expect.
  13. Well first round I’m glad I didn’t officially join the contest for. Took on 10 points this round which is more than the 9 total I had going in. Had the Rex at 7.5 and exactly flipped the Spidey & DD. Not upset about Rex bc loose staples & soil are hard to make out on scans but I’d be depressed if that was my DD. I have a ASM that looks pretty close to the contest book I’m saving for a JRJR signing so I’ll keep my fingers crossed I get the same grader.
  14. If you’re picking different services you have to pay for separate shipping. Pick one service for all your books and you won’t have to pay for separate shipping
  15. 2 more bullseyes but 5 total points bc the subtle 9.0-9.4 gradations elude me. Still, much like in high school, I continue to do my best work when it doesn’t count
  16. Yeah your looking at this the wrong way. The slab isn’t some impenetrable vault or space age time capsule that once sealed is never to be opened again. The slabbing thing serves 1 of 3 purposes. One it provides a neutral third party opinion as to condition so if you ever do sell it the buyer has assurance about things like missing coupons, centerfolds, soiling etc. I know a lot of people, myself included, who crack slabs all the time but like buying them since raw graders are notoriously dishonest.
  17. I sent a slabbed graded 9.2 to the last Mcfarlane signing and got it back 7.5. So yeah when you resubmit a book disaster can happen
  18. Don’t waste your time trying to reason with insufferable Lee fanboys. They’re why he can charge $500 for three sloppy pen strokes and call it a “remark” but then start lame threads like this bc Liefeld has the “gall” to charge $40 extra for a beautifully rendered art signature. We all know you can take any sacred cow - Mignola, Perez, Byrne, Kirby - and find examples of ridiculous anatomy. That’s what comic art is. But hey it’s funner to trot out the same 3 Liefeld gifs fanboys have been posting since rec.art.comics was a thing and pretend Rob didn’t create the third most important character in the entire Marvel Universe to earn extra nerd cred or something.
  19. Last year I joined this and circled the drain for every round. So of course this year I miss the cut and do it just for my own volition and end is nailing 2/5 and only 4 points total (That DD messed me up). Guess the key to grading well is lack of pressure
  20. No, I don't think you can go to a con and walk up to someone in artist's alley and ask them to color that in for you. What your asking for is restoration. There are a lot of guys who offer comic restoration services, although I'd guess 95% of their work is done on ancient Golden/Silver/Bronze age books not moderns. Wouldn't hurt to ask. Just search around for comic pressing services on FB/IG/wherever and you'll find a bunch that offer comic restoration. Good luck.
  21. Selling on eBay is becoming antiquated. The fees, the taxes, etc are too much. There’s been a huge surge in people selling on whatnot, IG & FB livestreams, & so forth and it’s only going to get bigger. Even if you get paid goods & services at first usually you get repeat customers where subsequent transactions are done f&f. Ebay still has by far the most eyeballs so it’ll always have lotsa sellers but eventually it’ll just be the casuals left and anyone trying to regularly move large amounts of product will move on to other outlets (at least until the clowns in congress figure out how to stick their nose in that too)
  22. They’re really hard on this book. I got one that looked about like yours and even after a press came back 6.0. I’m guessing a 5.0 as is now, with a good press maybe 6.5-7 if you get a nice grader.
  23. $6 increase on Sig series is steep but if they keep turnaround times as is I can live with it since I was paying $15 for the fast track back when you waited 6 months to get books back. Between comic creators charging $30-50 for witnessed sigs now and the $45 grading fee, there’s very little reason to visit artist alley at comicons anymore tho unless it’s a legend or a very very key book.
  24. 7.5 but it looks like it has a lot of fixable issues (dents pressed out, etc)