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Lord Gemini

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Posts posted by Lord Gemini

  1. On 3/16/2022 at 2:23 PM, Westy Steve said:

    After about 20 years of sticking to older comics, I’ve started buying some moderns. 

    After watching into the multiverse again, I started reading and collecting the first Miles Morales books, I found I really like them, even though they are 11 years old. And that lead me to hunt them down , which I found somewhat challenging unless I just wanted to pay EBay prices. 

    In my quest to find more Miles books, I picked up Little Monsters and the New Dr Strange book at the LCS.  Both good reads.  It’s occurred to me that I can read the reviews on books before I buy them so the odds of enjoying them and maybe even getting my money back out of them is pretty good. 

    My mantra used to be that I could always buy a Bronze Age book from a series that I know I would enjoy (if I could find the time) and that money would be refunded to me later…but I can do that with Moderns too 

    Today I went to my LCS and said, “hey it’s Wednesday, is the new Clea Strange book in? “. I was gently told that I still need to wait a month…books come out weekly which I knew, but they are different books.  (Probably should’ve known that). I haven’t waited on the next issue for decades.  Really…decades. 

    So here we are. I’m enjoying the thrill of the hunt with modern books, I don’t feel like I’m wasting my money, and I’m enjoying reading comics again. Oh, and it helps that when I drive to the LCS I can deduct my mileage to offset my eBay sales (seriously, it’s a big “paper loss”). Bottom line is that rigidly not buying modern cut me off somewhat. Feels kind of weird to wait for the next issue. 


    Give the recent Moon Knight series a shot. One of my favorites coming out of Marvel right now. I enjoyed Little Monsters as well, but there are few Jeff Lemire books I don't like.

  2. On 3/14/2022 at 11:20 AM, Crops068 said:

    Kyle just posted that he is doing another random giveaway to those that order one of his newly revealed SPLAT variant covers for Twig.


    website - kylestrahm.com

    You can also signup for his newsletter, he emailed the 4 covers yesterday out to those on his newsletter list.  3 people in the 1st 50 are getting surprise remarks (also random).

    Ordered the virgin variant. Maybe I'll get lucky.

  3. On 3/11/2022 at 12:14 PM, gradejunky said:

    That is completely bonkers for an 8.0!  Is that a 1:25 or 1:50 or something?  Why such a high price for that book, and a lackluster cover if I'm being totally honest?

    From what I understand, it was back when incentive covers were pretty new, and there were very few of these made. Still an insane price for it though, and I'd welcome any other insight.

  4. On 3/11/2022 at 6:00 AM, darkstar said:

    You're posting on a discussion board responding to what other users have written. Isn't the point to actually have a discussion? If you aren't interested in reading and responding to what other user's have to say, then why are you even posting at all? You liked the new Star Wars, who cares, if that is all you are willing to write then there is nothing to talk about. 

    Plenty of people put their two cents in without any interest in discussing it. I'm just tired of certain Star Wars fans acting like they speak on behalf of all fans. And I'll post what I like where I like. You're free to stop responding.

  5. On 3/10/2022 at 9:21 PM, darkstar said:

    Perhaps instead of being dismissive you could point out the faults with what I wrote and we could actually have a discussion. Would love to hear your argument about how the original trilogy characters are at recognizable in the most recent movies and the tv shows. The re-introduction of Luke in Last Jedi is a nonsensical, failed instance of bathos that would make anyone familiar with the character ask themselves wtf they were watching. It was so poorly done and negatively viewed that they had to write a scene in the next movie where the character apologized for doing it. Fett's appearances in the Mandalorian and his scene teasing the Book of Boba Fett were inline with his character from the original trilogy but then you have the actual Book of Boba Fett wherein his actions are totally unrecognizable. Disney literally teased at him becoming a crime lord and then gave us a show wherein he adheres to diplomacy and befriends a local band of teenagers. 



    Or I could just ignore you and enjoy what I enjoy without wasting time defending something that is entirely subjective. I'll go with that.

  6. On 3/10/2022 at 8:57 PM, darkstar said:

    There is nothing for me to get over. I was merely informing you of a commonly held opinion among many fans since you were apparently unaware of it. Also your singular opinion is anecdotal and therefore largely meaningless and your response to my sound position effectively amounts to taking your ball and going home. Why so pissy?



    I'm well aware of fans holding the opinion you mentioned. I give their opinion all the worth it deserves. None. And your position being sound is itself an opinion.

  7. On 3/10/2022 at 6:16 PM, darkstar said:

    Star Wars fans have presumptions about those characters because you know they've been following them for decades. Who those characters are has kind of, just a little bit, already been established. With a little common sense it is real easy to understand why fans get so irritated about this when say Luke Skywalker shows up in the new movies and he is totally unrecognizable, and I'm not talking about his appearance, to the character the fanbase knew from before. Regarding Boba Fett, Disney shot themselves in the foot by bringing back the 60 year old Morrison instead of recasting the character and using someone whose age is inline with how old the character is in the Star Wars universe, which is decades younger than the actor. Boba Fett is arguably the most profitable character in the history of pop culture compared to how little said character was used in the original IP. The idea that Disney could somehow release a television show starring Fett that at best earned mixed reviews would at one time be considered incomprehensible, but when looking at how poorly Disney handled original trilogy characters in their movies, it is all too understandable. Fans wanted to see Boba Fett the ruthless bounty hunter, something that would still be possible despite the passage of time in universe and the character's motivations changing, but what they got was a boomer cosplayer using his iconic helmet like a candy bucket on Halloween.  

    This long-time fan enjoyed Boba Fett the way he was portrayed. This long-time fan also enjoyed "The Last Jedi". Get over it.

  8. On 3/10/2022 at 12:09 PM, october said:

    I don't think it's unreasonable of me to think a crime lord position would require an interest in crime. lol

    Sometimes it's best to just admit a story you liked could have been better, rather than twisting an argument into a logical pretzel to make a nonexistent point. 

    Sometimes it's best to just not argue with whiny Star Wars fans who throw tantrums when characters and stories don't go their way. Lesson learned.

  9. On 3/10/2022 at 12:03 PM, theCapraAegagrus said:

    Consistency matters when it comes to characterization. The Book of Boba Fett was/is inconsistent with the audience's understanding of him as a character. Does that remind you of a different bastardization in recent Star Wars history?

    You can do different and/or new things with old characters, but they must makes sense from a character and storytelling standpoint. The Dark Knight Returns is an "Elseworlds" story that fit the mold of Batman, which is why it works. The Last Jedi basically rebuked the entire character of Luke Skywalker, which is why it didn't work.

    Not inconsistent at all unless you're counting a bunch of EU books that are no longer canon.

  10. On 3/10/2022 at 11:59 AM, october said:

    He took over Jabba's position as crime lord. He wasn't the mayor, he wasn't an elected politician, he was a crime lord. I don't blame you for being confused on this point though, as like I said, it made no sense. 

    It's not "presuptions of what a character should be"....it's what the character actually was immediately before the events of the show. :facepalm: 

    I'm not confused. You have no idea what Jabba's position entailed. Just because he chose to go down a route of crime doesn't mean Boba Fett had to, and there was nothing contradictory in how Boba Fett was portrayed.

  11. On 3/10/2022 at 11:49 AM, october said:

    The central conceit of the entire show makes no sense. He wants to be a crime lord on Tattoine. Why? He doesn't want to commit crimes, doesn't act like he wants the job, or even understand what it entails. What we do get is him wandering around unarmed and without a helmet, letting people go who tried to murder him literally minutes earlier and generally getting his butt kicked it every encounter. 

    It's all just lame windowdressing so that Disney can parade out the rancor and whatever other silly fan service garbage they throw at us instead of a coherent plot.  

    Crime lord? Not really. In fact, he was trying to weed out crime. As for getting beaten at every encounter, you seem to have watched a different show than I did. Like I said, the plot made perfect sense to me and even if you didn't like it, many others like myself did. This kind of fan baggage and presumptions as to what a character should be, particularly one that has been around for awhile, is exactly the kind of thing that turns me off discussing Star Wars with the fandom. Just negative all the time.

  12. On 3/10/2022 at 11:24 AM, october said:

    Moving away from the original symbol was inevitable given it's use by certain groups. Honestly though, I'm shocked that Disney/Marvel isn't just shelving the character permanantly. The parent company's obvious reluctance to glorify any kind of hero who operates in a grey area is already pretty clear. Boba Fett anyone? The bounty hunter "crime lord" who wouldn't extract protection money, deal drugs, dispose of rivals, kill people who actively tried to kill him, or engage in any behavior at all that could be considered....you know....criminal? 

    Expect more of this sort of softened, watered down character potrayals. A LOT MORE. 

    Boba Fett isn't watered down just because you don't like the direction Disney went with him.

  13. On 3/8/2022 at 5:12 PM, LudaToke said:

    Are you talking about the 1 preview copy they sent to stores? How much is that going for?

    Yup. Around $80 now. They were going for twice that briefly when word first got out about them.