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Everything posted by Boba

  1. Now this was an accomplishment. No matter how big a war chest you have finding these books in grade is truly a quest. Did we see a pic of that Showcase 20 yet ? I suspect you will dabble a little in the upgrade department . How about trying for Brave and the Bold ? Thank you Bob. Coming from you that's a real compliment. Your sets are awesome! Re Showcase #20, I think you're thinking of Sam's new acquisition - I've had my Showcase #20 7.0 a long time now. I think he's still waiting for it to come back from CGC. The registry deadline is tomorrow, Joey and Sam are neck and neck Definitely I am thinking of B&B, especially #'s 28, 29 & 30
  2. A paypal invoice has been sent to the buyer, the terms of which are payment is due and must be made within 48 hours - the remainder of the 3 days I gave him to settle up or be outed here and nominated to the probation list. I added the paypal fees to the total, as it was supposed to have been paid by check or PP friends and family.
  3. Thank you Joey! It was a goal I wanted to achieved, now it's done. I'm still deciding what it is I want to tackle next.
  4. He said he had sent 2 packages out the same day and that he accidentally put the check in the wrong box. I have made weird mistakes too when I'm shipping stuff, so I wasn't concerned, it seemed plausible that it could happen. However, I do agree with what someone said, why would anyone tape a check to the inside of a box and not even tell the recipient. I could have easily thrown the used carton out and the garbage collection take it away. But as he seemed to be taking some actions to retrieve the check from Comiclink, I figured - hey, kooky yes, but who isn't a little.
  5. The weird thing is I am hoping that there really is a reason why he hasn't responded of paid me, I don't want to believe what looks to be the apparent motive. I waited a long time, I was patient, never a cross word between us, but there's a limit to how long I can keep calling and emailing someone for my money. But I talked to him where he said he would paypal the money right away, and didn't. That to me is when the line was crossed. I wasn't selling books from my collection because I wanted to get them out of my sight - the money had something to do with my motivation to sell them. So it hurts doubly that anyone who knows my current situation would take advantage of me this way.
  6. Supposedly the check went to ComicLink by mistake and was found and returned to him. He was supposed to just forward it to me. That's when it started going south.
  7. There is nothing more important than having a cool Registry set. Even if it's stolen. Wow. I'd have outed him weeks ago. I'm too nice (someone on the board told me) and I also believe when someone tells me they had a medical emergency. I mean who lies about that stuff
  8. I've notified the board member of this discussion and gave him 3 days to resolve this or I am posting his name and I will also pursue other avenues of relief. I just meant that Registry set judging begins in 1 Day, 18 Hours - don't let him get the benefit of the cert numbers and points in his set if HS been screwing around with payment for the books. And if he's big in the Registry, that might make him some motivation to pay you. He won't win top honors in the set the books he's absconded are in, so it's not really a factor.
  9. I've notified the board member of this discussion and gave him 3 days to resolve this or I am posting his name and I will also pursue other avenues of relief. Good luck Bob, hope it's resolved quickly. Ditto that and thank you Jon Sorry to hear this. Sounds like you've been more than patient. You mention many calls, texts and emails. Did he ever actually respond to anything once the deal went south? There was 2 instances where he responded by phone with an excuse and said that he would send the money, but it never happened.
  10. I've notified the board member of this discussion and gave him 3 days to resolve this or I am posting his name and I will also pursue other avenues of relief. Good luck Bob, hope it's resolved quickly. Ditto that and thank you Jon
  11. +1 He wanted an inch and you gave him a mile. You went through a lot more than I would have. Out him so he can go on the Probation List where the d-bag belongs. BTW, Gemma's back with CGC? I'm holding out for the slim possibility that there was some kind of event or situation that caused him not to complete the deal, but I only have so much patience and there comes a time to hold them or fold them. 3 days and it's OVA
  12. I've notified the board member of this discussion and gave him 3 days to resolve this or I am posting his name and I will also pursue other avenues of relief.
  13. For the first time ever, it pains me to have to say I'm considering submitting a board member's name for consideration on the probation list. This is an account of the transaction that seems to have went sour: A fellow board member inquired about some books I had for sale on ebay. We made a few deals, became friends and starting corresponding. I agreed to accept partial cash / trade deal for 2 CGC books he wanted from me. I agreed to take 2 books he had (1 CGC, 1 raw) in trade, plus $900.00 for the 2 CGC graded books that the buyer wanted from me. April 22: the date of the agreement. April 23: buyer confirms deal via email, describing in detail the books he's sending. April 28: buyer receives books I sent, I received books I was supposed to as well, but I notice there's no check for the balance. I email to ask about missing check. Buyer immediately calls me back by phone and says the check was taped inside the shipping carton - which I discarded but fortunately was not yet lost. I look in the box and the check wasn't there. So I immediately emailed him back: "(name), I checked again to see if the check might be taped to the stiffeners you packed in the box and of course the box itself and no sign of the check. Maybe (a carton he sent to) ComicLink's has it and they'll find it and call you - have them forward it to me. Bob" No response after this communication - several phone calls and messages left, texts. May 8th I email buyer: "(name), for some reason I still have not received the check. If you haven't mailed it, paypal personal would be fine. I'd appreciate it if we resolved this soon." No response. I reached him by phone on May 13th and again May 17th and asked about the check. No response. I call him on May 19th and leave a voice message reminding him. No response. I email him on May 22nd, buyer again calls me back and suggests sending it via paypal personal so I have it fast. He never sends the money. Email on May 26th: "(name), reminding you were going to send me the $XXX you owe me via paypal friends & family. Can you do this today please? Bob" No Response. Texted him on May 28th: No response. June 1st email: No response. Calls, emails and text messages left. Texted buyer today, June 3rd, that I would escalate this to a probation discussion: No Response. That's where we left off. What would you do? Oh and the books he got from me are already on in his CGC registry set
  14. Last 2 books I needed are back from CGC. My 1 - 64 run is complete Ok that was simple, so what's next . . .
  15. I guess I missed it with all the insightful discussions on the relative importance of PQ to value
  16. I've been out of this forum a while, has this book been mentioned? http://comics.ha.com/itm/silver-age-1956-1969-/superhero/the-brave-and-the-bold-28-justice-league-of-america-dc-1960-cgc-fn-55-off-white-pages/a/7136-91316.s?ic2=mytracked-lotspage-lotlinks-12202013 Seems cheap to me since I sold a 6.0 a couple of years ago for just a little less.
  17. Still lots of room on this book. Holy cow, no kidding That blew-away the predictions, didn't it.
  18. That's awesome Sammy Just in time too, Rip Hunter is likely going to be on the rise with his role in Legends. So what are the other 3 books, do tell
  19. I think Jeff's advice is on the mark. Sorry that happened to you. If you do keep the book, perhaps the restoration is removable?
  20. :thumbsup: Awesome bro!!! thx a bundle! Yeah, not digging that either. HOWEVER, having said that....there are MUCH worse repercussions that result from saving his mother as per the Flashpoint storyline....so in the end it's not a bad decision. BUT, the kicker is that his future self saw him and gave him the stiff arm. What do you do when your FUTURE self tells you something is an epic fail? You do what Barry did, cringe behind the door and wait it out because maybe your future self knows something you don't. This is a situation with no good choices. Agree, but he should not have gone in the first place. I think they could have done the story without this. I would think it'd be hard to live with that kind of guilt. Especially how Grant portrays Barry as wearing his emotions on his sleeves. That said, the changes open it up for all kinds of cool stuff as you eluded. I love that Wells could return and that Kate will get mean . . . and what about the GA Flash! Could Barry's dad be him with the changes in the time line???
  21. :thumbsup: Awesome bro!!! thx a bundle! I loved that Flash gets video highlights of his life when he's breaking the time barrier. Like comic books the plots are unapologetically goofy at times. It reminds me of the Batman TV show of the sixties. I hope this ushers in the kind of popularity that show brought for the comic character. But there weren't a dozen other shows about superheroes then like there is today, so the field is much more crowded. But the Flash is the only show that went full-Monty on the comic book angle, right out of the gate.
  22. I too love the show obviously, but sometimes they go a little far. I mean Barry closes the door and his eyes as RF murders his mom on the other side of it - that had me cringing. But I agree the Easter eggs were out of this world! Predictions - Wells is back as himself Flash is created same way, as are others, Eddie was sucked into black hole comes back as evil RF. I can't wait!!!!