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Official Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Thread
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Thanks to Danny for selling those to me. He's a great guy and I'm very thankful that I've made some great friends like and you all in the TMNT community. :)


Here is my latest piece. It's a sketch done by Kevin in '88 and this thing is huge! Don't know if you can tell in the photo. It's getting reframed to match everything else. :)



I actually messaged the guy about that. He seemed like a cool guy. Bro, this piece is Sick. To say you've been going hard would be an understatement. Those splashes are Sick too!! Congrats and Happy New Year fellas.

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I finally got around to seeing the 2014 TMNT movie last week. I've got questions...



1) Presumably, Splinter and the Turtles have the same mutagen running through their veins. Why is Sacks only after the Turtles while Splinter was left in the rubble of the lair? Was his blood not as valuable? Perhaps I missed something and they weren't exposed to the same stuff. Anyone? (shrug)


2) I understand this version of the TMNT are VERY strong (Raph backhanding a piece of concrete causing it to crumble, Raph easily lifting the combined weight of Leonardo, April, and Vern with one arm, etc.) but did Leo really pic up a shipping crate and hit the foot soldiers with it like a baseball bat? It was off-screen, so it was unclear. What exactly did I see?

3) What happened to April's dad? Splinter said he died in the fire trying to destroy the work; Sacks says he shot April's dad. Who's telling the truth?

4) Why did the "buck-buck" technique work on Shredder when all other assaults failed? Given the way Shredder was dealing with all their attacks up until that point, it seems that an overhead attack would be easy for a master like him to counter.




I'm sure there are others, but those are the ones that popped into my head as I was viewing the movie.


Overall, the movie wasn't as bad as many led me to believe. I still HATE the designs of the Turtles. I found that as the movie went on, the style of the characters grew on me a bit. Showing the turtles as youths obsessed with pop culture lended itself well to what they wore. Add in the fact that they are relegated to wear only what they find and it makes sense that Leo would have an "NYC" pin, Raph would have sunglasses, and Mikey would have a shell necklace. Don's look bothered me the most. The broken, taped up glasses were there just to emphasize his nerdiness, but it doesn't make any sense considering his proclivity for tinkering. And what was all the equipment on his back? Did he use it for anything? Surely the extra size/weight would be a detriment to his agility.


What got me most about the designs was the size of the turtles. These guys are HUGE! The TMNT have never been designed as super powerful beings. Instead, they rely on teamwork and skill to overcome great odds. In this film, they were much stronger than any human and they were bulletproof. I typically enjoy the street-level type of superhero comics. There's a reason I like Spider-man but Superman stories don't interest me much. Spider-man's vulnerabilities give me a reason to worry about his safety in certain situations. As powerful as Superman is, I never feel like he's in any real danger. Adding in the additional strength and protection made them less compelling in my eyes.


Splinter's design was not pleasing to the eyes. I realize he's a large rat, but we've had live-action versions of him already that didn't look repulsive. I wasn't too keen on his voice in this one, either.


Shredder was a bit rough. The armor was a bit too much. I read that it was inspired by the 2k3 cartoon series, but I think they missed the mark if that's the case. He was too mechanical for my tastes, but I guess they needed to give him an edge over the now very powerful turtles.


On the topic of Shredder, am I the only one who feels like Shredder doesn't need to be in every TMNT movie? I like the character, but there are plenty of enemies to choose from. I hope the sequel features Baxter Stockman (who had a cameo in this movie) and an army of Mousers. I've grown to not like many of Michael Bay's movies, but he might be able to do justice to a swarm of mechanical creatures.


While I don't much like the design of most of the characters in this, I think this type of design does lend itself to the style of Bebop and Rocksteady. I'm generally not as big a fan of this pair as many others are, but find myself pretty excited to think they may be in the next one as rumors suggest. They can stand to be pretty ugly and menacing and still be true to the characters. If they do go down this road, I hope they make them very large...much larger than the Turtles. Make them a genuine thread to the Turtles. If you haven't read IDW's Bebop and Rocksteady one-shot, do yourself a favor and flip through it. I think seeing big screen versions of these guys would rock!


There's plenty more I can say, but I'll stop there. It wasn't great. It didn't suck. I'm glad there will be a sequel. My hope for the sequel is this: Don't try to explain any more of the origin...move on and just tell a good story. Don't shoehorn Shredder in if he doesn't fit. Baxter could carry a movie on his own. Lead up to a collaboration on a third movie if you must. That could work well.

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The thing that bothered me the most was the huge mountain right next to NYC???? The turtle design grew on me....it was more of an April movie. I hope the second is better......still overall better than TMNT3 which is unwatchable (Cringes when thinking about it)

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I agree that the new Nick show is entertaining, but you'd never get the wide audience appeal if you didn't change the format and make it different from the show. It would just feel like a made-for-TV movie and it wouldn't have been nearly as successful as the live-action version we got.


I wish the 2007 version had done better commercially. It had a sequel planned out, but it never got greenlit due to lack of explosive success of the first one.


As far as widely-released TMNT movies, my order has to go:


1) 1990

2) 2007

3) 2014

4) 1991 (Secret of the Ooze ranked MUCH higher when I saw it, likely higher than the 1990 version, but it doesn't hold up well to adult viewings)

5) A punch in the face

6) TMNT #3 (whenever that came out)

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As a kid SOTO was incredible......now it is pretty humorous....but there's something about it that I still enjoy....as goofy as it is. Kevin Nash/Vanilla Ice/ Ernie Reyes Jr...can't go wrong with that cast


The first move is still amazing and holds up very well today. To me it is a perfect representation of the turtles....and it is amazing what they did in those costumes and how advanced the puppetry was back then. Nothing looks wrong about the costumes and puppets.

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Yep, definately a nice mixture...some new, some old. Lots to pick from, though nothing I'll likely be getting. Prices are a bit all over the place but at least there's a bunch of price points, esp for those people that maybe just want a nice Eastman example.


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I was recently compiling a list of TMNT OA pages/covers that I'd be on the lookout for. Lo and behold, one or two are there. I've got some thinking to do... hm

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I actually take what I said back. I'm looking into a few pieces Kevin has. I really want some of those OA pages but I feel like the prices are about $500 to $1k above what they should be. :shy:


I take back what I said too! :insane: When I first saw the new selections there was one in particular I really liked but as luck would have it, it was the sole item that had been "sold". But when looking at the site again today, I saw that it was no longer sold! So I immediately bought it and it is once again SOLD!

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