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Hey Lighthouse--- 3 months have passed, and still no book or refund...

267 posts in this topic

The "See you in Baltimore, Godfather" reference was Dam speaking to Bruce, not 'House.




I have been informed that I was wrong and that 'House will indeed be in Baltimore.


With that, I quit. This is all just a bit too sordid for my tastes.




(Just a Grand Diva Exit™ from this thread... not the boards.)

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The "See you in Baltimore, Godfather" reference was Dam speaking to Bruce, not 'House.




I have been informed that I was wrong and that 'House will indeed be in Baltimore.


With that, I quit. This is all just a bit too sordid for my tastes.




(Just a Grand Diva Exit™ from this thread... not the boards.)

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The "See you in Baltimore, Godfather" reference was Dam speaking to Bruce, not 'House.




I have been informed that I was wrong and that 'House will indeed be in Baltimore.


With that, I quit. This is all just a bit too sordid for my tastes.




(Just a Grand Diva Exit™ from this thread... not the boards.)

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This will be my only post in this thread, and I haven't read any of the posts after the first one. Yesterday was the first time I logged into the boards in nearly three weeks, for reasons I don't care to explain here. My personal problems are my own, and I have no wish to add drama to the boards. Oldguy, Bubbagump, BronzeBruce and DarthDiesel already know more about my situation than any of them wanted to, and frankly they (and the rest of my friends here) don't come on these boards to listen to tales of woe. This is a place to talk about comics. And until I can be a positive contributor to the discussion of comics again, I am taking some time away. My personal life is no one else's business; the only reason any forumites know the story is because of our friendship.


This thread wasn't started to discuss my personal life, it was started by a customer of mine who received terrible customer service from me. From what I understand, other customers have chimed in about pending transactions (and people who don't have any pending transactions have chimed in as well). Oldguy told me that he was giving everyone the appropriate email address to reach me at (tpbking@comcast.net), so that anyone who hadn't received an answer to a PM could reach me via email. Yet, not a single forumite has emailed me to discuss a transaction since this thread began. Not one.


No one has emailed me asking for refunds. No one has emailed me at all.


I am not here to make excuses for my occasionally terrible customer service. There are no excuses for terrible customer service. Over the last 7 years, roughly 95% of the transactions I am involved in go extremely smoothly. Of the remaining 5%, some experience minor glitches, some experience minor disasters. The customers who experience minor glitches usually understand. The customers who experience minor disasters are less understanding (and rightfully so) and I do what I can to make things right. Just as there are several dozen forumites here who have had very smooth transactions with me with no problems at all, there are also several forumites who have experienced the lengths I will go to to make a bad deal right.


Bubbagump emailed a list of names of people in this thread who were waiting on pending deals. The email was a couple days ago so it may not include everyone.


Texasknight - refund, additional compensation, and an email were sent within 8 hrs of the start of this thread. You paid on June 18th, so it was two months, not three, but that is still 5 weeks too long

Supapimp - Bubbagump said you posted something about $1K in product of yours that I have. My records show only a 1602 set, but please email me with whether you want the set or a refund

Deathlok - we both expected to complete your deal in SD, but you wanted to wait until Sunday to pick up your stuff and then couldn't make it back to the booth Sunday as planned. Please email me with what you want to do from here.

Shadroch - Please email me with whether you want me to refund the one Archive you have paid for

Spidermanbeyond - I sent you an email yesterday

Brian1227 - Let me know via email whether you want your 2 1602 sets or a refund

Chromium - We've already talked about your order via email, congrats on Justine Henin-Hardenne's win

Capercaillie - Hopefully you got my email from a few days ago

Gman - presumably you got the Hush figures weeks ago, please email me about the Supes 204s


Three other customers are also waiting on 1602 sets - BronzeBruce, Donut and sckao. Like everyone else they were offered refunds over a month ago. I still have not located my box of 1602 #6s that got misplaced when moving stuff from one storage unit to another. I have checked with four other sources while trying to locate mine and have been unable to track any down. If Darth has some, I will be buying some from him to fill the orders. If not, I am out of sources, so it's either wait until I find them or get a refund (which is the same offer I made over a month ago).


There seems to be a perception here that I have thousands of dollars in unshipped products to forumites. And since it seems that everyone wants to know what everyone else is doing, it seems I have no choice but to break it all down.


Texasknight's order was five weeks late, and he has received a full refund plus more...

Chromium's order is all en route, broken into 8 GPM envelopes spaced one per day per his request, starting before this thread began...

Spidermanbeyond ordered two hardcovers, one of which didn't even come out until last week...

Deathlok ordered a ton of trades, got some of them, some went to backorder, he asked if he could take Mylites2 instead and pick them up in SD. I brought the Mylites, we talked on Saturday and he said he would pick them up Sunday, and then his schedule didn't permit it. We're still working on what we will do instead...

Capercaillie ordered six Archives through my eBay store five weeks ago. Three of them have not yet arrived from Diamond, and I emailed him about them a few days ago...


Gman prepaid for 2 items that have gone down in value since he paid for them, and I will give him the option of a full refund plus more, or the items plus a partial refund.


In addition, there are a total of seven sets of 1602 owed to six forumites, all of whom were offered a refund a month ago. These orders are very, very late. And they are late because of a mistake I personally made when moving boxes from one storage unit to another. I take full responsibility for that. I notified all six of the customers of what the problem was back in July and let them choose whether they wanted to wait on the sets or get refunds (or have me stab myself in the eye with a shrimp fork). During the time since then I have been trying to locate both my own copies and any other copies to fill the sets. If Darth doesn't have them I will likely be giving full refunds to the six buyers and shipping the incomplete sets as a thank you for their patience. If Darth does have them, I will be sending the sets plus some TPBs as thank yous...


That's pretty much it. There's the "thousands and thousands of dollars" in product that I owe to forumites. A couple orders already completed. A couple orders that are a couple weeks late. A $66 order to shadroch that is half paid for and is 3 weeks late. A $60 order from gman. And $150 in 1602 sets that are in limbo that I have offered to refund once already and am offering to do so again.


People like Bronzebruce wouldn't be going to bat for me if I was the kind of guy who was shafting forumites for "thousands and thousands of dollars" in product. The 1602 sets are horrifically late. And they are late because of a mistake that I personally made. I make no excuses for that. And I will make good on those orders, just as I always do.


Anyone who wants a refund on their 1602 set, just send me an email. And if Spidermanbeyond or capercaillie wants to cancel their orders, I will provide a refund even though I can't cancel the orders from Diamond.


In addition, if anyone who pre-ordered sets of the Jim Lee Superman from me wishes to cancel that order and get a refund, let me know. Those aren't "late" yet, the sixth issue hasn't even come out and most people ordered their sets to come after the entire year was done. But I will refund money to anyone who wants one.


On a final note, a friend told me that the suggestion was made in this thread that I went to San Diego instead of processing orders for customers, as though it were some kind of vacation. I went to San Diego to sell product, not for a vacation. It wasn't some expensive pleasure trip. It was a business trip, plain and simple. I almost didn't make that trip because of the turmoil in my personal life, but I had financial obligations that depended on the income, so I went. The decision to go actually worsened the personal issues, but I chose my business over my family because I had no other choice. If it was only my money at risk I would have cancelled the trip. But I had two employees and three investors who depended on me being there. So I went, and I willingly accepted the consequences in my personal life as a result.


If there is anyone who wishes to discuss this post with me, please do so via email at tpbking@comcast.net. I won't be reading replies here, and I won't be posting in this thread again, because I really have no desire to add to the drama. I expect to make a full return to the forums fairly soon, once things have settled down and I can be a positive contributor here. But until then I ask that you contact me via email.



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A couple of general comments as I feel some may have misunderstood my intentions...


1. I'm not trying to absolve 'House of ANY business obligations at all, I'm trying to help him meet them. i want every order satisfied as soon as possible. Whether by shipment of the order or a refund.


2. As for San Diego, he had already made that committment well in advance as you might expect. He would have lost the money he laid out for tables, lost the money he brought in, not filled orders he did deliver while there, and been further behind had he stayed home. Forumite "bubagump" mentioned this somewhere in this thread.


3. As for contacting some and not others. Its certainly infuriating. I've been there. I think Darth had the probable answer of it being more who he feels he can communicate with right now. I'm not making excuses for this, just not judging him. As I understand it though, he's begun to contact those on the thread with orders pending. So, we're getting somewhere.


4. Its been suggested in this thread and the "We're with you 'House" thread that we all have went through some very tough times and still have met our responsibilities regardless. I understand this and agree anyone that experiences life's backhand needs to fight through it and do what needs to be done. Vince made this comment in the other thread:


At the end of the day, it all comes down to one important fact: When life kicks you in the balls, you can either lay on the ground moaning, or jump up ready to fight.


The way I see it though is that a good number of the people that "jump up ready to fight" have also "laid on the ground moaning" for awhile before getting to the point where they do. I would be uncomfortable judging someone on how long it takes them to get up off the floor and start swinging. I'm not in their shoes. I also think, for me, that berating them while they are on the floor is counter-productive (even if justified) for most and something that would not make me feel good.


My thinking is that a show of support and compassion for his personal situation might be the boost he needs to get back up and start swinging... and resolve these outstanding matters. Simply put, they have to be. I know the positive words have helped as I heard from him offering thanks to those that sent well-wishes and I understand he's already working with some including the original poster.


I'm just trying to help everyone involved because I believe help is needed and could make a difference. I would rather try than sit back and watch all this chaos.


Again, anyone that needs to cash out, please PM me.

To date I've only received (1). I'm attempting to work with 'House to get this all organized and taken care of. I have faith that orders are going to start shipping




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You don't have to tell me about hardships. In the last 4 years, I've had brain surgery twice (for a problem that will never truly go away), had my driver's license suspended for almost 2 years (due to seizures resulting from the surgery -- and if you don't know, living in los angeles and no car is hell), haven't gotten full mobility on my right arm back to 100% due to the second brain surgery, had mohs surgery to repair skin cancer last week, lost my mom due to lung cancer etc. etc.


I like to think I can empthasize with whatever House is going through. I will not judge or think harshly of the man. He needs to come on and tell people he is having personal family problems -- not get more specific than that unless he wants to be. He is not being a "drama queen" - he is just teliong everybody what's going on. He doesn't need to. I think people tend to "close up" when problems hit close to home and we need to literally force communication when we don't want to. But everybody in the long run is always better for it.


And believe me, I can understand even going to a Comic Con in San Diego. I went to one when my mom had lung cancer. Sometimes, you just need to get away.


I would think it would be better to "work" and try to get through people's orders, even if for only an hour a day. It can help emotionally, believe me, because it gets your time off the situation. And you need some "time out".


If he needs help in organizing, I can be try and help out. It would probably be more efficient to get organized first and try to process the orders.


Just a thought.




Your a real trooper and my condolences on your mother's passing. angel.gif I have also lost family members to cancer and can understand what you must be going through. thumbsup2.gif

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I was holding off until Mr. Lighthouse posted in this thread, so here's my response.


1)The person_without_enough_empathying about Lighthouse's trip to San Diego is annoying. He had a booth there, and was clearly there to sell product. Spending $5K or whatever it takes to get to San Diego in order to make money is not an extended vacation. Anybody who wants to do a big show, please let me know - I can assure you that it is most definitely NOT an extended vacation.


2) Lighthouse is still planning, as far as I know, to be setting up in Baltimore. Again, coming from Corvallis this is not exactly a pleasure trip, and, while there are lots of interesting strip bars in the Baltimore areas, I'm sure he will be working the whole time. Again, if you want to do a big show, please let me know.


3) As one of the people who is still awaiting product, I can deal with it. The $25 out of my pocket for a 1602 set is not that big of a deal.


4) All of that being said, Mr. Lighthouse, your customer service needs just a little work. A quick email to a bunch of people might have helped. That being said, please people, its not like this was your life savings or something.

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Supapimp - Bubbagump said you posted something about $1K in product of yours that I have. My records show only a 1602 set, but please email me with whether you want the set or a refund


that post was a joke hence the reply to stronguy, but i understand you haven't read the whole thread. as for the 1602 set? i also paid for 6 month jim lee superman set. please check your Paypal records, hope things work out for you in the end. 893crossfingers-thumb.gif

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4) All of that being said, Mr. Lighthouse, your customer service needs just a little work. A quick email to a bunch of people might have helped. That being said, please people, its not like this was your life savings or something.


i agree and that's my only gripe against LH, other than he's kool with me. thumbsup2.gif

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Supapimp - Bubbagump said you posted something about $1K in product of yours that I have. My records show only a 1602 set, but please email me with whether you want the set or a refund


that post was a joke hence the reply to stronguy, but i understand you haven't read the whole thread. as for the 1602 set? i also paid for 6 month jim lee superman set. please check your Paypal records, hope things work out for you in the end. 893crossfingers-thumb.gif



I hope everyone gets resolution to their individual issues. Not realizing that it was a joke, I informed Lighthouse out of my concern for you and all of the other forumites with issues. Lighthouse is a friend and I am also concerned with the way the shipping delays happen repeatedly.

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Supapimp - Bubbagump said you posted something about $1K in product of yours that I have. My records show only a 1602 set, but please email me with whether you want the set or a refund


that post was a joke hence the reply to stronguy, but i understand you haven't read the whole thread. as for the 1602 set? i also paid for 6 month jim lee superman set. please check your Paypal records, hope things work out for you in the end. 893crossfingers-thumb.gif



I hope everyone gets resolution to their individual issues. Not realizing that it was a joke, I informed Lighthouse out of my concern for you and all of the other forumites with issues. Lighthouse is a friend and I am also concerned with the way the shipping delays happen repeatedly.


Even though it was a joke, and a very poor one at that. There are many people who don't find it funny when their money is on the line. Supa you need to realize that this is very serious for some people who don't know House. Your $1000 comment makes him appear that much more of a bad guy. That's why it was in poor taste to mention it in a thread like this, unless followed up with a "j/k" or some such reponse.

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well then i apologise if anyone mistook the "bad" joke for an actual $1K transaction. sorry.gif but if you keep reading my posts i just keep saying i'm still waiting for my"1602" set. foreheadslap.gif i'm sure the folks reading/lurking are intelligent enough to differentiate or am i giving them to much credit? 893scratchchin-thumb.gifconfused-smiley-013.gif

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Nice to see you post! hi.gif


I was one for one with an order fom 'house last winter and got my TPBs in a week to ten days via media mail. thumbsup2.gif

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well then i apologise if anyone mistook the "bad" joke for an actual $1K transaction. sorry.gif but if you keep reading my posts i just keep saying i'm still waiting for my"1602" set. foreheadslap.gif i'm sure the folks reading/lurking are intelligent enough to differentiate or am i giving them to much credit? 893scratchchin-thumb.gifconfused-smiley-013.gif


I think that the problem is that most people, including myself, just whizz by reading all these posts pretty quickly without analyzing them for exagerations, jokes, previous responses and all that. I too Supa thought that your $1,000 remark was legit. I know, you were kidding around and everything, but that is just one example of how things get misconstrued on these boards all the time.


Alot of jokes are not as obvious as the writers are thinking they'll be. I suggest that for serious issues like this one that people be clear and concise with their concerns and/or issues. -----Sid

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