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Hey Lighthouse--- 3 months have passed, and still no book or refund...

267 posts in this topic

Correct BOC. House has always had problems shipping, even when things were fine with him and his family. Now that he is having problems at home, it feels as if he just doesn't care about fulfilling his responsibilities. I really hope I am wrong and things will work out.

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Correct BOC. House has always had problems shipping, even when things were fine with him and his family. Now that he is having problems at home, it feels as if he just doesn't care about fulfilling his responsibilities. I really hope I am wrong and things will work out.


I have absolute 100% confidence that he will get behind on shipping again. It's happened since day 1. However, this is by far the worst I've ever seen it.

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MARVEL 25th - WELCOME TO THE BOARDS! I too did not receive the warmest welcome when I first posted. thumbsup2.gif


Most people on these boards mean well.


Now do you mean our intentions are good or that we are really skilled at being mean? grin.gif27_laughing.gif

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MARVEL 25th - WELCOME TO THE BOARDS! I too did not receive the warmest welcome when I first posted. thumbsup2.gif


Most people on these boards mean well.


Now do you mean our intentions are good or that we are really skilled at being mean? grin.gif27_laughing.gif


Come to think of it, I believe it is a little of both. I am lucky I was thick skinned. cool.gif

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MARVEL 25th - WELCOME TO THE BOARDS! I too did not receive the warmest welcome when I first posted. thumbsup2.gif


Most people on these boards mean well.


Now do you mean our intentions are good or that we are really skilled at being mean? grin.gif27_laughing.gif


Come to think of it, I believe it is a little of both. I am lucky I was thick skinned. cool.gif


Thick skin goes a long way here! But only SO far! grin.gif

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I don't know how/where to begin. So try and "stay with me" if my thoughts are all over the place. Forgive the length of this post also, I just don't have the gift for concise writing.


I too have a sizable comic order pending (that has been held up over a misplaced "1602" issue). However, I agreed to wait until it was located when 'House offered to send the rest of my order out about 2 months ago or so. In addition, since I was aware of some of the developing personal difficulties he's been experiencing going back even further, I offered (was not solicited in the least) to help him financially with a significant loan. I've been through what he's going through and know how tough it can be when loved ones have serious health issues and no immediate answers/solutions are available. The purpose of the loan was to help counter-balance both the loss of time/income he suffered while spending time tending to these matters, and secondarily, to help keep his new venture TPBKing in a position to fulfill all its incoming orders/requests for product not yet in stock. Basically, to keep the ball rolling. Point being, I have as much at stake as most here, probably quite a bit more.


I've been out of touch with 'House for awhile and hoped his situation was improving. When this thread surfaced I was surprised by it all and immediately concerned about the loan and my outstanding order too . My initial reaction was frustration that he had not made good on satisfying his customers as was the plan... and admittedly concerned/suspicious too (I'm sorry to say) as the additional enormity of the complaints naturally made me consider the worst was a possibility. I barely thought about the above-mentioned health matters I knew about and did not consider that they may have contributed to the further deterioration of this situation.


I emailed and tried to call him, but did not hear back immediately. So, I then spoke with some board members who are closer to 'House than most and who have been in contact with him recently. I learned that things have become progressively worse since last we spoke. He did not want to make a sob story here and asked for the others not to make a drama on his behalf. Later that day, I heard from him and he explained a great deal more to me. The man who wrote that email was clearly in despair and I feel for him. It was obvious that he was going through a great deal of mental anguish over both his wife's medical situation (that I knew of) and now some of his own health issues in addition (that I was unaware of). Not to mention a myriad of other lesser problems (in comparison) that all seemed to have converged to kick him in the balls all at once. He said he just could not handle speaking with anyone on the phone or respond to the thread personally as he felt emotionally unstable and overwhelmed. He asked me not to post all this detail/drama as well, as he felt the board was not meant for his problems. I disagree. As I see it, the continued lack of communication and answers that many deserve would only allow things to snowball further. It would be more damaging if nothing was said, as it can be assumed to be "apathy" or "criminal"... which I just do not believe is the case. He's trying to resolve matters as we speak via email, although he can't address everyone at once. So, I'm sorry 'House for not honoring your request, but I feel I'm doing the right thing. I don't believe the people that know, trust and consider you a friend are being given the opportunity to understand what you're going through and possibly rally and offer you emotional and other support when the chips are down for you.


If memory serves this is the same online community that I'm extremely proud to be part of (particularly when its at its best ) that has rallied behind many worthy causes. These include various comic and non-comic related charities (David)... helping orphaned children (Mike Shuley)... helping comic legends of old who are seriously ill... helping Rick (when he lost $1k while scambusting)... and most impressively, and most recently helping Joanna to the tune of thousands in her moment of need.


What's the difference here?


Only these 3 things as I see it:


1. Most of you don't know that a "perfect storm" of serious hardships have assembled and are now wreaking havoc on 'House's life and that the man is doing his best to keep it together. You have not been given a chance to consider this and show the compassion I know most of you would have otherwise.


2. 'House has a track-record of being a habitual procrastinator and poor prioritizer. His business skills and communications need a serious overhaul when he returns. Presently, there are a multitude of people that have been very patient and still have outstanding orders and they are justifiably frustrated and angry.


3. Obviously, the worst timing possible... "House's procrastination and mismanagement of his time and completing orders prior to, and as his problems were escalating, have now put him in a very bad spot. He is responsible for this wholly, has no one to blame but himself and will have to answer for it. However, now there are indeed very legitimate reasons for his inability to deal with his business problems as effectively as everyone would like. Unfortunately, they directly follow a period of time in which he should have. Thus, without information and a response, it all has been morphed together and multiplied tenfold in its perceived magnitude. This situation appears to be one long unjustified, "unimportant to him", delay (or worse to those that don't know him very well).


That said, I want to be clear that many good points have been made about his behavior and the way he conducts business. Everyone that has lodged a complaint has certainly been patient enough... and have more than good reason to be pissed off for the delay before the "perfect storm" hit. Now that most of you have got it off your chests, I ask you to consider the big picture and see if you feel any differently. If a friend of yours does something that has angered you (but always makes right afterwards) and is then hit by a car or something... do you abandon him or write him off because you were angry the last time you spoke.... OR do you have faith that the matter will be resolved and send well-wishes and support his way?


I will not accept that 'House is a thief or an immoral POS that has plotted to make off with 3K or so. This is one of our own that has been here a long while. He has helped people. He fulfills orders (eventually). He's donated to the charity drives and has again currently. He is not everything that all this appears to make him look like. Not that its anyone's fault for being angry and concluding otherwise. I can surely see how it can look that way, especially with no response. Nearly every complaint, criticism and hostility in this thread are valid and justified by those that issued them. All those save this being a plot or a scam.


I'm sure some of you already think I'm a gullible insufficiently_thoughtful_person... or worse.

Even so, I'm suggesting we look beyond the mistakes he's made and rally again and show 'House some support and compassion. Show him that although we demand he get his business priorities straightened out when this all shakes out, that we still know him to be a good person, will not abandon him when he's down, and have empathy for his current hardships.


To those that "know" 'House, consider him a friend, or at least believe he's an honorable man that will make right, I hope you'll join me in sending him some support. I'm starting a thread.. sort of a "We're with you" online card where anyone that wants to send over a positive message should.


To those that do not "know" 'House well and just took advantage of some good offers in the marketplace and can't wait any longer, please PM me your order information and I'll see what I can do to help expedite a resolution. Its certainly understandable for you not to have the faith I'm asking for. If you can muster some additional patience, it would be appreciated.


Anyone that still feels the need to vent, please keep it here. I understand that I may have not answered everyone's concerns and that there are more questions. There's more I could say, but this is already too bloody long.


Thanks for listening,



Let me just say that I hope House gets things in order both in terms of his health and financially. However, his actions contradict the severity of his situation. He has financial trouble, yet he continues to take other people's money and goes to San Diego? He does not feel comfortable responding to emails, yet he routinely deals with Greggy?


I have had so called "friends" owe me money that to this day has never been paid and the classic tack is to avoid the issue at all costs, make excuses and carry on as if nothing has happen. It is a real [!@#%^&^] feeling when you get stung by this kind of behaviour.


Strong Guy - for a newbie like Marvel 25 to come out here and be blunt about a sensitive issue I can understand how it might not be well received but his message has merit. I'm trying to think how House can redeem himself and shore things up for future business dealings and anything short of immediate refunds and/or mutual resolutions between buyer and seller is in reality just unacceptable. I've probably said too much already and I think I'll just leave this thread after this post but I been burned before and I hate to see it happen to others. If this was Metro or Mile High people would be screaming for bloody murder.

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First of all, my .02. I certainly hope Lighthouse is ok, and I hope his wife gets better. Nothing feels more helpless than watching a loved one become sicker and sicker - it's the most hopeless feeling in the world.

Having said that, he should take one afternoon and either fill the orders he has, or return the people's money.

From 1999-2003 I watched my mother's cancer spread worse and worse, and her and my father had been happily married for 36 years. Before she died at the beginning of last year, the hospital bills (in excess of 100k) began to arrive for my poor father, who makes about $33k a year. It was by far the very toughest time in my life (for me - and I can't imagine my Dad) but you know what? Until the last month or so of Mom's life, he still went to work and did what he had to do to keep money coming in and the electricity turned on, etc. I honestly can't imagine Lighthouse's situation being any worse than that.

At any rate, in all the Lighthouse posts I've read I don't think he's honestly out to fleece anyone here.


Guys, all of you pulled together to help Joanna out when her chips were down. And to buy her a DVD player when she didn't have one. Hell, I even kicked in for Redhook's gift a while back.


So...why not start a "Fill Lighthouse's Backorders" fund, and someone hold the amount and refund pissed off Lighthouse customers vis à vie the oldest order not filled first.




(Hang in there, House)

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Bruce, I appreciate your attempt at trying to alleviate the situation and help a friend but like MK said....."it doesn't wash".


Apparently 'House is having a problem separating personal life and business. His personal problems shouldn't be translated to becoming the customers' problem. If he was having difficulties in satisfying customer orders when the problems became evident (and he was), he should never have continued taking them. That's not being "slack" or hoping for the best with the best intentions of satisfying the orders, it's irresponsibility and bad business. Again, it's not the customer's problem and he shouldn't be given any leeway because of his personal situation.


This isn't a new development. He continued to takes orders even after the difficulties surfaced. And has added non-communication and the apparent disregard to these outstanding orders to his resume. He has no one to blame but himself for being in this situation. Responding to some e-mails but ignoring others and taking a SD jaunt (very expensive) during all of this hasn't helped him whatsoever and has only compounded the situation.


I contributed to the charity auction and helped others on this board on my own dime with cash and various items also. All in the spirit that this board is a community of "friends" who have given me much enjoyment and satisfaction since I joined. But I do not expect, nor want, someone to give me "slack" if I can't back up my side of a deal.


Call me a cold hearted [!@#%^&^] but business is business despite the personal problems. There have been many, MANY, excuses over the last year defending 'House's lack of timeliness. I think the time of defending is way past the point of relevency and he deserves all the arrows that come his way. Hiding from these business problems is the coward's way but he's made his bed....



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About two weeks ago a Forum member contacted me by e-mail to express concern over lending Lighthouse several thousand dollars a few months ago to help out with his business obligations. The deadline for the loan payback came and went. Although this member and Lighthouse are really just aquaintences to me, I believe this Forum member (who shall remain nameless to protect his privacy) contacted me since he had seen me be supportive of Lighthouse on another thread.


He just contacted me to vent a little and actually asked me if I thought he should bring the issue to the board. I told him to keep trying to contact Lighthouse. Thus far he had been unable to. I also suggested NOT coming to the board here with this personal problem. I suggest BronzeBruce that you DO NOT lend Lighthouse anymore money to help him out here as you may be getting in even deeper yourself, and good luck Stronguy with your old debt.


Don't get me wrong, as I write this, I have supported and still do support Lighthouse. But I like and support most of YOU guys too, and I am just writing now to help protect and support you as well.


So anyway, regarding the forum member above, after reading this thread yesterday I e-mailed him again to find out if he had been paid back yet. He wrote me back last night with this information. He had contracted a private investigator to track down Lighthouse and find info on him, including info on relatives for contact purposes. He managed to get his wife's e-mail address. He wrote to HER a detailed message explaining the situation. Three days later he received a check in the mail from them. He didn't mention which one actually wrote the check. Anyway, just YESTERDAY he deposited the check and was obviously keeping his fingers crossed that it clears.


Take from that what you may. I could speculate about this, but no better than any of you. I feel that those that care to should continue to support Lighthouse with well wishes or help in physically processing orders, but further cash loans to this man, in my opinion may not be a wise move.


With that said, TJ if you are reading this, good luck to ya' and I hope you, your wife and family are doing better real soon. ------Sid

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So...why not start a "Fill Lighthouse's Backorders" fund, and someone hold the amount and refund pissed off Lighthouse customers vis à vie the oldest order not filled first.


I think that this may be taking even board loyalties a little too far. Or are you forgetting that most of the people owed money or books in this case, ARE board members?

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So...why not start a "Fill Lighthouse's Backorders" fund, and someone hold the amount and refund pissed off Lighthouse customers vis à vie the oldest order not filled first.


You're kidding right?


I have nothing against House, but when people start recommending Forum Drives to bail out failed business ventures, I think we really need to re-evaluate the situation.

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So...why not start a "Fill Lighthouse's Backorders" fund, and someone hold the amount and refund pissed off Lighthouse customers vis à vie the oldest order not filled first.


You're kidding right?


I have nothing against House, but when people start recommending Forum Drives to bail out failed business ventures, I think we really need to re-evaluate the situation.


...Yeah I have to agree,..drives for charity?..sure,...taking up pots for tragic occurrences or dire straights?..I'm the first to chip in,...but for business mistakes?..you take it in the nads like a man, chalk it up and move on,....you are responsible for your own business mistakes whether it's a dollar or a thousand dollars,......

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About two weeks ago a Forum member contacted me by e-mail to express concern over lending Lighthouse several thousand dollars a few months ago to help out with his business obligations. The deadline for the loan payback came and went. Although this member and Lighthouse are really just aquaintences to me, I believe this Forum member (who shall remain nameless to protect his privacy) contacted me since he had seen me be supportive of Lighthouse on another thread.


He just contacted me to vent a little and actually asked me if I thought he should bring the issue to the board. I told him to keep trying to contact Lighthouse. Thus far he had been unable to. I also suggested NOT coming to the board here with this personal problem. I suggest BronzeBruce that you DO NOT lend Lighthouse anymore money to help him out here as you may be getting in even deeper yourself, and good luck Stronguy with your old debt.


THIS is quite disturbing. Lighthouse seems to have milked more than one board acquaintance for a loan, it appears. The plot thickens... 893scratchchin-thumb.gif

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About two weeks ago a Forum member contacted me by e-mail to express concern over lending Lighthouse several thousand dollars a few months ago to help out with his business obligations. The deadline for the loan payback came and went. Although this member and Lighthouse are really just aquaintences to me, I believe this Forum member (who shall remain nameless to protect his privacy) contacted me since he had seen me be supportive of Lighthouse on another thread.


He just contacted me to vent a little and actually asked me if I thought he should bring the issue to the board. I told him to keep trying to contact Lighthouse. Thus far he had been unable to. I also suggested NOT coming to the board here with this personal problem. I suggest BronzeBruce that you DO NOT lend Lighthouse anymore money to help him out here as you may be getting in even deeper yourself, and good luck Stronguy with your old debt.



Jesus. This just gets worse and worse...

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About two weeks ago a Forum member contacted me by e-mail to express concern over lending Lighthouse several thousand dollars a few months ago to help out with his business obligations. The deadline for the loan payback came and went. Although this member and Lighthouse are really just aquaintences to me, I believe this Forum member (who shall remain nameless to protect his privacy) contacted me since he had seen me be supportive of Lighthouse on another thread.


He just contacted me to vent a little and actually asked me if I thought he should bring the issue to the board. I told him to keep trying to contact Lighthouse. Thus far he had been unable to. I also suggested NOT coming to the board here with this personal problem. I suggest BronzeBruce that you DO NOT lend Lighthouse anymore money to help him out here as you may be getting in even deeper yourself, and good luck Stronguy with your old debt.



Jesus. This just gets worse and worse...


I believe in the "We are with you House" thread someone said "see you in Baltimore, House". foreheadslap.gif How much more insulting to the people left out to dry can you get? Sure let's start up a fund so he can buy a plane ticket. makepoint.gif Ridiculous.

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