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As someone who spends a lot of time on the boards, I can tell you that I will not participate in this thread. I would fear that the few PIF/TGT bullies would call foul on my offer and make me feel like a chump. I'll pipe in from time to time because I like some of the people in here and there is a lot of conversation. It just ticks me off to see a few people claim that someone's offer isn't adequate and is drek or cool books.


I think there in lies the problem and I think for this to ever be successful those people need to shut up and let the thread go. The negativity in here by a very few people is astounding.


I've had enough good deeds done for me on these boards without even asking that I'm good though. It just really bothers me to see people pushed around.

Chris, I really like you and with all due respect - are you kidding me?! Did you really just pull the bully card?! :facepalm:


There are absolutely people manipulating PIF solely for their own personal gain with zero care or concern for any altruistic feeling to give back. Give me a break. People just don't want some rats jumping off a burning ship and swimming over to another.


To not understand and acknowledge that is very naive. :(:sorry:

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There seems to be a lot of :preach: going on right now.


Great, Ducky's offer was claimed:




The reverse side of these arguments against Ducky changing up his offer is - why would he? (shrug) 1Cool and Chip made it very clear that they intended to claim the books after 48 hours. Personally, I'd hope that someone sitting with an offer for 2 days knowing plenty have seen it would switch it up. I'd feel embarrassed if it was me. :blush: I want this thread to grow beyond those who may have participated in PIF. I feel that for that to happen things need to be different.


Everyone stating Ducky's offer was great and whatnot cannot overlook that he DID stall the thread for 2 days by not caring to at least try to offer options.


In the future, if it is your intention to claim something after 48 hours, please...for the benefit of the community and integrity of this thread:


:news: Don't announce it. :news:


Well said and I'm happy to follow. Sorry if my comments were felt to derail the thread for a time - not my intent but I can see how they could have.

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In the future, if it is your intention to claim something after 48 hours, please...for the benefit of the community and integrity of this thread:


:news: Don't announce it. :news:


Curious - do you think the integrity of the thread suffered because an offer sat for 48 hours before someone who really wanted it claimed it?


You said previously in the thread that the aim isn't necessarily to have 4, 5, 6 offers a day, but to get quality offers up. I'm wondering how that reconciles with the above.


To put the question another way: what is the aim of this thread, and how does what happened with Ducky/Chip damage that?

I want to involve and entice NEW participants. Those that may be lurking and not jumping in.


This last offer/claim did not accomplish that. Ducky had zero intention to try new offers or options as soon as he knew he had two people who would take his current offer.


By 1Cool and Chip announcing that after 48 hours - :takeit: - the only ones benefitting are Ducky and 1Cool/Chip while everyone just sits and waits. I did say I don't want it expect multiple claims a day. I also don't want people gaming the system.


I guess as a (so far) non-participating observer it doesn't look to me like "gaming the system" as you put it.


If you want people to change up their offers more often, you should probably put it in the rules that they have to make changes after a certain period of time. You've been at pains to remind people to stick to the rules - rightly so, a thread like this needs it - so I'm not sure it's fair to chide people for doing exactly that.


Someone who really wanted to claim an offer after 48 hours might well just PM the offeror anyway, so I don't know whether a rule (or convention) that you shouldn't announce it in the thread will actually achieve anything.


I think the thread and the idea behind it are good by the way - don't want this post to come off as suggesting otherwise.

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As someone who spends a lot of time on the boards, I can tell you that I will not participate in this thread. I would fear that the few PIF/TGT bullies would call foul on my offer and make me feel like a chump. I'll pipe in from time to time because I like some of the people in here and there is a lot of conversation. It just ticks me off to see a few people claim that someone's offer isn't adequate and is drek or cool books.


I think there in lies the problem and I think for this to ever be successful those people need to shut up and let the thread go. The negativity in here by a very few people is astounding.


I've had enough good deeds done for me on these boards without even asking that I'm good though. It just really bothers me to see people pushed around.

Chris, I really like you and with all due respect - are you kidding me?! Did you really just pull the bully card?! :facepalm:


There are absolutely people manipulating PIF solely for their own personal gain with zero care or concern for any altruistic feeling to give back. Give me a break. People just don't want some rats jumping off a burning ship and swimming over to another.


To not understand and acknowledge that is very naive. :(:sorry:


This thread is a huge whiny, butthurt and impatience bonanza. Yes their have been great offers and acts of kindness, like cemetery sending my son those Lego figures, but it's constant bickering and complaining.


You have laid the ground rules. Ignore those trying to change them. If someone posts an offer and it isn't immediately taken the same clowns start whining and bumping the thread with their drivel.


Chris is absolutely correct when he says people need to shut up and let the thing go. If I post an offer and the member doesn't veto it, if I think it's a good offer I'll allow the thread to stall until it's taken or I get a "strike".


The purpose of differentiating this thread from the PIF is to weed members out who take good and offer bad, period. You have implemented the veto and strike system to do that so now things need to run their course.

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It might be my ignorance because I'm not watching PIF/TGT as much.

Watch it. Look at the history. :baiting:


If you have doubts about an offeror here, click on "Show Users Posts" - you'll see some ONLY really participate in PIF and no where else on the Boards. There isn't free stuff in other areas of the Boards. ;)

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It might be my ignorance because I'm not watching PIF/TGT as much.

Watch it. Look at the history. :baiting:


If you have doubts about an offeror here, click on "Show Users Posts" - you'll see some ONLY really participate in PIF and no where else on the Boards. There isn't free stuff in other areas of the Boards. ;)


See I think we are talking about the same people :idea:

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Okay, here we go...




Starting at the top :

Little Lulu #148 and #150 (1960)

Hot Stuff #14 (1959)

Classics Illustrated #83 (1965)

Racket Squad #24 (1957)

Flash Gordon #5 (1967)

Wyatt Earp #25 (1959)

Gorgo #4 (1961)

Mysterious Suspense #1 (1968)

Four Color #885 (1958)

Quick-Trigger Western #16 (1957)

Young Romance #49 (1952)

Heroic Comics #70 (1952)

Wild Bill Hickok #7 (1949)

The Jaguar #15 (1963)


...but wait, there's more!




Pinocchio #2 (1963)

Thirteen #29 (1971)

Brain Boy #6 (1963)

The Outer Limits #17 (1968)

Tarzan #178 (1968)

MARS Patrol #3 (1966)

MARS Patrol #6 (1968)

Space Adventures #3 (1967)

Fightin' Army #26 (1958)

Fightin' Army #66 (1965)

Battlefield Action #20 (1958)

Battlefield Action #21 (1958)


Thanks for looking. :)





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Just want to throw this out about Ducky:

I took a PIF offer from him for a run of ASM issues I needed for my collection. I mentioned in a PM that I was filling a gap in my collection with those issues and he offered to send me extra books in the range of his initial offering. I ended up with 5 extra books on top of what was offered in his PIF. I thought that was an awesome gesture and fit in very well with the "spirit" of the PIF thread...

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In the future, if it is your intention to claim something after 48 hours, please...for the benefit of the community and integrity of this thread:


:news: Don't announce it. :news:


Curious - do you think the integrity of the thread suffered because an offer sat for 48 hours before someone who really wanted it claimed it?


You said previously in the thread that the aim isn't necessarily to have 4, 5, 6 offers a day, but to get quality offers up. I'm wondering how that reconciles with the above.


To put the question another way: what is the aim of this thread, and how does what happened with Ducky/Chip damage that?

I want to involve and entice NEW participants. Those that may be lurking and not jumping in.


This last offer/claim did not accomplish that. Ducky had zero intention to try new offers or options as soon as he knew he had two people who would take his current offer.


By 1Cool and Chip announcing that after 48 hours - :takeit: - the only ones benefitting are Ducky and 1Cool/Chip while everyone just sits and waits. I did say I don't want it expect multiple claims a day. I also don't want people gaming the system.


I've never participated in PIF and haven't participated in TGT...yet, however as a possible new participant, I feel that the speed in which members judge other people's offering and throw up negative comments is inconsistent and might drive new participants away. The last guy who put up an offer withdrew his offer after having it blasted within minutes after it was posted. I think the offer that was vetoed only lasted an hour or so. Duck's initial offer was given a few passes and was bumped until a couple hours later someone brought up the books were selling less than $20 which then lead to the ASM being offered a some time later.


In another thread a member posed a question regarding comments left on sales thread. Comments such as "great price", "I would jump on this but I just picked one up at my LCS" or whatever seems intended to create a sense of urgency for someone who is on the fence to pick up the book. I believe this happened in the PIF thread and in a way its happening here when members chime in saying they're going to take it once their time limit is up. Maybe there isn't anything wrong with doing that but when I see that I :eyeroll: because it just seems like they're trying to create some sense of urgency.

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I originally put up an offer that was soundly rejected, I offered another several hours later which many members seemed to like. It was claimed then rescinded, several members who had previously calmed stated they were interested. So I left the offer up because I knew someone wanted it and to irritate Jiminy Cricket. Had there been no interest in my offer after it was claimed and rescinded I would have offered something else. 48 hours does not stall the thread. There were multiple "giveaways" during that time.


You're A ok in my book :applause:



:roflmao: That is amazing.

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I'm sorry, but 1Cool and I saying that we're itching to take it once the 48 hours has passed does not stop someone new from coming into the thread and saying, 'Wow, awesome books." and scooping up the McSpideys before the 48 hours is up.


Urgency, smurgency. If someone wants the books they'll take them. If they go unclaimed it does NOT mean it's a bad offer to begin with. The participant sample size in here is very small.





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I'm sorry, but 1Cool and I saying that we're itching to take it once the 48 hours has passed does not stop someone new from coming into the thread and saying, 'Wow, awesome books." and scooping up the McSpideys before the 48 hours is up.


Urgency, smurgency. If someone wants the books they'll take them. If they go unclaimed it does NOT mean it's a bad offer to begin with. The participant sample size in here is very small.





I think you missed the point of his post. Its a lack of urgency to the person offering up the books he is trying to eliminate. People become complacent if they think their offer will be taken in 2 days which leads to people sitting around for two days. You and I thought the offer was good and we should have kept it under our hats because we are sitting on the sidelines.

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It also doesn't really encourage the offeror from at least trying to switch it up and offer options, right?


I guess some get it and some don't.

...but Ducky DID switch up his offer. You can't say there wasn't an effort there.


Does anyone here really think that ASM #298 & 299 are books? Seriously?





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I think you missed the point of his post. Its a lack of urgency to the person offering up the books he is trying to eliminate. People become complacent if they think their offer will be taken in 2 days which leads to people sitting around for two days. You and I thought the offer was good and we should have kept it under our hats because we are sitting on the sidelines.

...but again, why is there a sense of urgency in the first place above and beyond what the rules state? You want faster turnover? Change the rules to reflect that. Thread moving too slow for you? Change the rules to reflect that.


As I've stated before, cut all "chatter" posts other than the posting/claiming of offers and nearly all of the problems in this thread go away. No one will know what others want, and if nothing is claimed than the offeror has to switch it up as much as he can before enough time passes where he'll get a strike.





Edited by Chip Cataldo
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It also doesn't really encourage the offeror from at least trying to switch it up and offer options, right?


I guess some get it and some don't.


Not to harp on, but what is there to get? Chip is right - if someone new comes into the thread and likes the books on offer, they will take them regardless of whether or not someone else has said "If these are still here in X hours, I'm claiming them".


You decided in making your rules that 72 hours was an acceptable period of time for an offer to stand. You've said twice now that it's not your intention to get loads of offers going per day. So I don't see what the issue is. The above suggests you think that what happened with the Ducky/Chip offer was a bad thing, and honestly I don't see that it was.


As someone else mentioned, the repeated sniping at and belittling of other people's offerings, and pressure to change them before the rules say they have to is far more likely to put off potential new members.

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It also doesn't really encourage the offeror from at least trying to switch it up and offer options, right?


I guess some get it and some don't.


Not to harp on, but what is there to get? Chip is right - if someone new comes into the thread and likes the books on offer, they will take them regardless of whether or not someone else has said "If these are still here in X hours, I'm claiming them".


You decided in making your rules that 72 hours was an acceptable period of time for an offer to stand. You've said twice now that it's not your intention to get loads of offers going per day. So I don't see what the issue is. The above suggests you think that what happened with the Ducky/Chip offer was a bad thing, and honestly I don't see that it was.


As someone else mentioned, the repeated sniping at and belittling of other people's offerings, and pressure to change them before the rules say they have to is far more likely to put off potential new members.


I have to agree here. It started out great, but it's seemed to go from the Giving Tree to the Give me what I want NOW Tree. I like seeing multiple offers go every day just as much as everyone else but this thread needs to relax a little...

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