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General discussion thread - keep the other threads clean
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I don't wish anything negative on anyone, but I find it ironic that some of the people clamoring the loudest against Chip have their own personal issues regarding getting along on this chat forum.




By the way, this is a pretty insulting thing to say. What does "getting along" have to do with asking people for money and not being willing to be accountable for where that money is going?


It's a piece of cake to "get along" with everyone: tell them what they want to hear. You do that, and you'll have no end of friends. You'll get along with everyone. Say the right things, do the right things, never say anything to anyone that might possibly offend them, never disagree with anyone, enthusiastically agree with everyone, etc.


You will also be lying to everyone and yourself.


Many, many people choose this route, obviously.


You see "put down the words and do what you need to do, Chip" and see "clamoring against." Your perspective is wrong. Those saying that couldn't be more FOR Chip, because that is precisely what will save Chip in his situation.


"Faithful are the wounds of a friend..."


I was speaking about some of the more abrasive personalities but I didn't specify that.


I don't consider you abrasive, so it had nothing to do with you. :):foryou:




I didn't take it personally. You did refer to more than one person, after all.


But my point still stands.



With that, I'm out. :)



You're never quite all the way out when you say that, but I'm certainly no stranger to ongoing discussions. :D


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Hello everyone,


All the other threads were locked so I'm responding here.


First off I'd like to address the Google links that were thrown up about my time on previous forums. Yes, I've had some issues in the past. However, if you would kindly look here :



...you would see that I don't have those issues anymore and complete transactions to satisfaction. I'm not 100% perfect, but no one is...especially with a large sample size. Those other situations were years ago and I take a lot more care & give a lot more attention when selling online. I don't believe I've ever had even a small issue when selling on this forum.


Secondly I'd like to admit that I made a huge mistake in not analyzing and correcting my goal once I decided to remove the Paypal loan repayment from my plan. I took the advice of a few that said it's not really something I should be asking for and I should only ask for help with my living expenses and related things. I just left the amount as-is because I didn't yet have a job and was worried about my bills continuing to pile up. Hiring movers should definitely not have been included but I wasn't thinking about just leaving things behind and taking a monetary loss. I didn't want to take any kind of loss...I was trying to gain ground, not lose it. I'm guilty of not taking the amount as seriously as I should and naively thought that it wouldn't be an issue. I honestly didn't even think I'd come anywhere close to even a third of that so I am guilty of not paying it the attention I should. I was wrong and should have made it a more accurate number before going public.


If anyone wants to know exactly what areas I've spent the actual donations on I'm going to list them here. I don't think I've forgotten anything. However, I have sold some items of my own on the forum while the fundraiser was going on so the numbers might not match up 100%...nearly all of it is here. I also received donations from friends on Facebook & sold some things locally so not all the money raised for these bills came from this forum. All of it was to make overdue things as current as possible and I didn't have enough left for a security deposit/1st month rent at a new & cheaper place.


Monthly rent - $2,940 (2 months)

Car payment - $577.20 (3 months)

Utilities (heat/electric) - $298.39 (3 months)

Phone - $210.66 (2 months)

For those that still care I do have some good news on the 2nd interview I had the other day. I got the job and started training yesterday. I'm happy about it because it wasn't a job I expected to land (with 3 weeks between interviews). It's paid training so while I do have to wait a few weeks to see money coming in I will eventually have positive cash flow and am making it a priority to get into a cheaper home as soon as possible.


I know I'm probably forgetting to address something so I'm sorry for that but it's early and I haven't slept much due to the usual nerves about the new job.


I want to thank everyone for their help & good advice and once again apologize for the way I handled the situation. I obviously wasn't thinking it through clearly when I started this entire thing, you (all) were right to ask questions and it got very much out of hand with every subsequent thing I said.


Thank you for taking the time to read this.










Missed that earlier.



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chalking up his Brobdingnagian financial debt to bad luck or poor circumstance...

I still have many pages of this thread to read yet, but I wanted to pause and recognize the use of a word I have never seen or heard of before.

I thought it might be BS, so I googled it, nope, it's a real word.

Nicely done

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You want to help Chip out? Don't keep handing him money with one hand while you cup his balls in the other.


Pretty sure it was Roy who told him not to make selling comics his bread and butter in a thread ages ago.

I must've missed that. But then why keep sending him more books to sell? hm



Something about a Dog in the Monkey house reaching the third moon of Capricorn over the Masonic Temple in Jonestown....made him do it.


I've never understood how my life can be predetermined based upon when my parents decided to have sex.


I blame a lot of my life on when your parents decided to have sex.

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chalking up his Brobdingnagian financial debt to bad luck or poor circumstance...

I still have many pages of this thread to read yet, but I wanted to pause and recognize the use of a word I have never seen or heard of before.

I thought it might be BS, so I googled it, nope, it's a real word.

Nicely done

And here I thought Gulliver's Travels was one of those classic books that was required reading in all schools, like Catcher in the Rye or the novelization of The Karate Kid. :insane:

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And guys, I'm not going to tell anyone how to feel about Chip or how to deal with him.


What is important is that he is human as we all are and we all live and die by our own personal choices.


So just make those choices.


And I choose to call BS on someone who has a pattern of dishonest behaviour and complete lack of self responsibility.

There are many degrees of gravity in dishonest behaviour, and while you are obviously entitled (?) to continue acting as you are, think about this.


And it would be good to hear how you calculate the "degree of responsibility" (with "soul reading"?): I suppose at this point everyone obviously agrees on the objective elements of the situation at hand.

But you should also recognize that me – or you – could have done much worse should we have lived in "Chip's shoes" so to speak.


Ever considered that? :)

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chalking up his Brobdingnagian financial debt to bad luck or poor circumstance...

I still have many pages of this thread to read yet, but I wanted to pause and recognize the use of a word I have never seen or heard of before.

I thought it might be BS, so I googled it, nope, it's a real word.

Nicely done

And here I thought Gulliver's Travels was one of those classic books that was required reading in all schools, like Catcher in the Rye or the novelization of The Karate Kid. :insane:


It is still read as far as I know. The lack of recognition by most is probably due to the fact that most people would just use 'large' or 'giant' unless they have a contextual reason otherwise.


Odd that 'Lilliputian' is more commonly remembered though.

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And guys, I'm not going to tell anyone how to feel about Chip or how to deal with him.


What is important is that he is human as we all are and we all live and die by our own personal choices.


So just make those choices.


And I choose to call BS on someone who has a pattern of dishonest behaviour and complete lack of self responsibility.

There are many degrees of gravity in dishonest behaviour, and while you are obviously entitled (?) to continue acting as you are, think about this.


And it would be good to hear how you calculate the "degree of responsibility" (with "soul reading"?): I suppose at this point everyone obviously agrees on the objective elements of the situation at hand.

But you should also recognize that me – or you – could have done much worse should we have lived in "Chip's shoes" so to speak.


Ever considered that? :)




If he would have done worse he would have been treated worse.


Nothing about what's been said about his words or actions are in the least belligerent. In fact they've been incredibly gentle compared to those that have done "worse" here.


I can't speak for you, but I can answer "NO" for myself and pretty much instantly. This isn't an Act of God or sudden bolt from the blue. This is decades in the making, by his own admission. Today's reality is the result of every decision, act, and failure to act for probably a good 20 years. That's why attempts to put you or me or anyone else in anyone else's shoes as an excuse for their behavior is folly.

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And guys, I'm not going to tell anyone how to feel about Chip or how to deal with him.


What is important is that he is human as we all are and we all live and die by our own personal choices.


So just make those choices.


And I choose to call BS on someone who has a pattern of dishonest behaviour and complete lack of self responsibility.

There are many degrees of gravity in dishonest behaviour, and while you are obviously entitled (?) to continue acting as you are, think about this.


And it would be good to hear how you calculate the "degree of responsibility" (with "soul reading"?): I suppose at this point everyone obviously agrees on the objective elements of the situation at hand.

But you should also recognize that me – or you – could have done much worse should we have lived in "Chip's shoes" so to speak.


Ever considered that? :)


Having no idea of my circumstances and very little of Chips it seems an odd question. The degree of responsibility is evident in his posts. He does not wish to "suffer" his own "misfortune". If this was a case of selling a book and not shipping then how many strikes would be allowed? But it's ok to claim hardship, get money, live off the money until he needs to claim hardship again.

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chalking up his Brobdingnagian financial debt to bad luck or poor circumstance...

I still have many pages of this thread to read yet, but I wanted to pause and recognize the use of a word I have never seen or heard of before.

I thought it might be BS, so I googled it, nope, it's a real word.

Nicely done

And here I thought Gulliver's Travels was one of those classic books that was required reading in all schools, like Catcher in the Rye or the novelization of The Karate Kid. :insane:


I have read Gulliver's Travels, and I also had to look it up. I also don't always recognize Star Wars quotes despite having seen the original 3 multiple times.

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chalking up his Brobdingnagian financial debt to bad luck or poor circumstance...

I still have many pages of this thread to read yet, but I wanted to pause and recognize the use of a word I have never seen or heard of before.

I thought it might be BS, so I googled it, nope, it's a real word.

Nicely done

And here I thought Gulliver's Travels was one of those classic books that was required reading in all schools, like Catcher in the Rye



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And guys, I'm not going to tell anyone how to feel about Chip or how to deal with him.


What is important is that he is human as we all are and we all live and die by our own personal choices.


So just make those choices.


And I choose to call BS on someone who has a pattern of dishonest behaviour and complete lack of self responsibility.

There are many degrees of gravity in dishonest behaviour, and while you are obviously entitled (?) to continue acting as you are, think about this.


And it would be good to hear how you calculate the "degree of responsibility" (with "soul reading"?): I suppose at this point everyone obviously agrees on the objective elements of the situation at hand.

But you should also recognize that me – or you – could have done much worse should we have lived in "Chip's shoes" so to speak.


Ever considered that? :)


lol Speak for yourself. I think most around here would man up and do what needs to be done to get themselves out of financial dire straits before employing shady tactics to extract money from strangers. I can guarentee you 100% there are folks on these boards that are in worse financial shape then this gent Chip. The minute this dude became a father should have been a big wake up call that it's not just about him anymore.


Toy figures then comics, glad I don't collect baseball cards.

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The minute this dude became a father should have been a big wake up call that it's not just about him anymore.


It's funny: I told him the same thing almost two years ago!


The point I'm trying to make is if you have a drive,tenacity and know how nothing can get in your way.

I have those things maybe 1/4 of the time. I've struggled my whole life with being a lazy good-for-nothing with no aspirations, no work ethic and zero motivation. Now that I have everything to gain I'm without the tools to maximize my efforts. It's a huge struggle for me.





This should have changed as soon as you became a father. :makepoint:


I guess all of the words of advice posted in that thread almost two years ago fell on deaf ears.

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Here the thing. Chip has this snow white invitation to the premiere. He listed it for $1500 in the charity thread. Maybe it worth that or maybe more. I guarantee most individuals in his position would have sold it long ago and probably for far less. I'd rather eat, sleep and take a shower in my own place, let alone ask anyone else for help than have an invite or anything else like that in my possession.


Or the 25 boxes of drek. Those would have sold a long time ago. I can't tell you how many times I've sold something less today than I could have had if I waited for the best price possible. Time is often a luxury many of us don't have.


Sometimes it's about setting your priorities and knowing how to play the hand you've been dealt.

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And guys, I'm not going to tell anyone how to feel about Chip or how to deal with him.


What is important is that he is human as we all are and we all live and die by our own personal choices.


So just make those choices.


And I choose to call BS on someone who has a pattern of dishonest behaviour and complete lack of self responsibility.

There are many degrees of gravity in dishonest behaviour, and while you are obviously entitled (?) to continue acting as you are, think about this.


And it would be good to hear how you calculate the "degree of responsibility" (with "soul reading"?): I suppose at this point everyone obviously agrees on the objective elements of the situation at hand.

But you should also recognize that me – or you – could have done much worse should we have lived in "Chip's shoes" so to speak.


Ever considered that? :)



lol Speak for yourself. I think most around here would man up and do what needs to be done to get themselves out of financial dire straits before employing shady tactics to extract money from strangers. I can guarentee you 100% there are folks on these boards that are in worse financial shape then this gent Chip. The minute this dude became a father should have been a big wake up call that it's not just about him anymore.


Toy figures then comics, glad I don't collect baseball cards.


If only that is how it always worked. I know I'm not the only one who was more sympathetic knowing he has a kid.

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chalking up his Brobdingnagian financial debt to bad luck or poor circumstance...

I still have many pages of this thread to read yet, but I wanted to pause and recognize the use of a word I have never seen or heard of before.

I thought it might be BS, so I googled it, nope, it's a real word.

Nicely done

And here I thought Gulliver's Travels was one of those classic books that was required reading in all schools, like Catcher in the Rye or the novelization of The Karate Kid. :insane:


It is still read as far as I know. The lack of recognition by most is probably due to the fact that most people would just use 'large' or 'giant' unless they have a contextual reason otherwise.


Odd that 'Lilliputian' is more commonly remembered though.

Yeah, I'm only having a bit of fun. It's not exactly a common word in today's vernacular.

And it's understandable that Lilliputian is more well known. The Beatles were Lilliputians, after all.



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And guys, I'm not going to tell anyone how to feel about Chip or how to deal with him.


What is important is that he is human as we all are and we all live and die by our own personal choices.


So just make those choices.


And I choose to call BS on someone who has a pattern of dishonest behaviour and complete lack of self responsibility.

There are many degrees of gravity in dishonest behaviour, and while you are obviously entitled (?) to continue acting as you are, think about this.


And it would be good to hear how you calculate the "degree of responsibility" (with "soul reading"?): I suppose at this point everyone obviously agrees on the objective elements of the situation at hand.

But you should also recognize that me – or you – could have done much worse should we have lived in "Chip's shoes" so to speak.


Ever considered that? :)



lol Speak for yourself. I think most around here would man up and do what needs to be done to get themselves out of financial dire straits before employing shady tactics to extract money from strangers. I can guarentee you 100% there are folks on these boards that are in worse financial shape then this gent Chip. The minute this dude became a father should have been a big wake up call that it's not just about him anymore.


Toy figures then comics, glad I don't collect baseball cards.


If only that is how it always worked. I know I'm not the only one who was more sympathetic knowing he has a kid.

Honestly, knowing he has a kid and still went on with that "woe is me" claptrap just made me more frustrated with him. We've put off starting a family for the last 2 plus years while I left a pretty lucrative career and went to back to school to do something different. And believe me, it's been a struggle. We're making ends meet, but there's not much left after the bills are paid. I've been pulling 12-18 hour days between school, work, and clinical rotations at the hospital, and I've loved almost every minute of it. Because I know it's leading somewhere good.


Chip seems to focus on what he doesn't have, but I see that picture of his beautiful kid, and frankly, I envy him. Sometimes you have to take stock in what you have and go from there, and everything else will fall into place if you work for it.

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