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About this journal

I have been on a quest really for the past 7 years to complete not only my Vampirella run, but my Creepy and Eerie run as well. I have had a lot of help along the way, bounty_coder, deadone , wolverine180, jayman, wombat. More people than I could ever mention. I want to thank you all for enlightening me to this new area of comic collecting, it has been a ton of fun so far.

Entries in this journal

My Warren Vampirella

I have alway been a superhero kinda guy , that is until I was introduced to Warren Horror mags. Now I have always appreciated Frank Frazetta, but I always thought this book was outta my reach. I mean there's not a ton of these out there in high grade, but through crazy luck a board member told me about one for sale. Board member October sold me this beauty, and I know I've shown it off before . Just wanted to get it in with my other Warren books. Vampirella 1 to me is the Act



My Warren Eerie collection

Starting my Warren Eerie run. Hopefully you guys enjoy my journey as I fill in this run. For starters here's the famous Eerie 1 ashcan, this however is the bootleg one. Here is Eerie #2 which in  my opinion is a solid 9.6, just a perfect book. Eerie #3 Manitoba pedigree , another perfect high grade beauty. Eerie #5 signed by Al Williamson, and another NM beauty book. You magazine collectors know how much harder it is to find NM magazines than their co



Creepy 101-145

I'm missing 142, 143,145. Here is my final round of Creepy mags.   Three more additions #'s 131 , and 133 , and 138. Only need 142,143,145 to finish the run.      



Creepy 2-5

I had a heck of a time trying to figure on how to take the pics, but they are numbers 2 through 100.




me,myself and I I was adopted at birth,my real mother 15 my father 16 which was'nt too cool in 1964 .My adoptive parents were the only parents I had known my whole life.until age 32.my adoptive parents had both passed away at this time. A man comes to my door and says he's my uncle and here is the number to call him ? I call and he tells me that my real mother had been looking for me for years,and was afraid to call,but if I want to call here's the number.So I call and oh boy what an emotional



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