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Everything posted by kimik

  1. Or..............unlike some of us that played the game early, they did not grab any copies of GCS #1 pre-announcement and were left trying to find cheaper alternates to pump. I started buying GCS a couple of years ago (or four?) when demand was ramping up at local shows, but I wish I had loaded up on more copies of #1. I think I only have a handful left.
  2. Hopefully it is better than the Lethal Weapon tv show......... That being said, I am glad to see both Lanterns in the same movie.
  3. Frontier has nothing to do with Aquaman other than the actor. Mamoa is awesome in it.
  4. Even being Avengers 2.5, it still failed to exceed previous Marvel big team releases, along with Iron Man 3. And this had all of the big heavy-hitters available at the time OTHER THAN HULK & THOR (which became a running gag where they were and Team Thor). The only expectation Avengers 3, err Civil War, exceeded was topping BvS. Otherwise the movie failed to meet the box office of AoU or Iron Man 3 even with the addition of Spider-Man (still Marvel's biggest hero) and the introduction of the new Avengers line-up (Avengers: A New Hope?). Both BvS and Avengers 3: Civil War failed to live up to the pre-movie hype. Hopefully the studios learn their lesson and this leads to better big event films with multiple characters in the future.
  5. Check out ABC Spark for it. The movie is titled Civil War: The Avengers Break-Up.
  6. Do you mean on these boards - which seems to be more Marvel-targeted - or in general? Because in general, as I pointed out yesterday you were incorrect. Not to say Warner Bros. isn't messing itself up some with theater releases (editing issues, extended cuts rather than a tighter -script). But attention paid to their trailers is happening. I think it is going to hit all comic movies. Unfortunately for DC, they are later to the game, and even if they manage the get things right, they are going to get hit with the comic movie "recession ". Marvel will get hit also, but overall it will hurt Disney much less because they have made so much cash already. For the record, I liked SS despite having many weaknesses. I am looking forward to WW the most out of all the announced DC stuff at this point. For me the JL trailer fell very flat, and I am concerned about the movie. I think that is mainly because of my dislike of Superman, BvS, and having lost trust in Snyder. It is already hitting mainstream super-hero comic movies, even the Marvel ones as they are too formulaic. Avengers 3, err Civil War, could not even top the turd that AoU was at the box office as a result. I think the Marvel superhero cinematic universe will see a significant hit when RDJ steps down as Iron Man. He is still the straw that stirs their entire hero franchise's drink. SS and GotG did better than expected at the box office because they offered something different. This will only last for so long as well once the initial wow factor wears off. That being said, the studios will keep churning them out because even when they wane in popularity, superhero films will still generate a large enough ROI to continue production. Transformers is in a similar position - the movies are bad but generate a nice return no matter what. Right now DC is where Marvel was at in the early stages of their new cinematic universe. Basically, they are waiting for their "Iron Man" to emerge. Wonder Woman could be the hit this spring they are looking for on the super-hero side, which would be a nice follow up on the success of SS. I think that JL will be better than expected, but there will be apprehension leading into it since it is still a Snyder flick. I am looking forward more to the DC movies than Marvel movies at this point because they are still in the early stages of building their cinematic universe. It is similar to the pre-Avengers Marvel movie slate - the fun is in the set up.
  7. Agreed. Those numbers are not high at all for a WD variant. I think the biggest issue for LCSs and speculators ( ) is this - what the heck do you do with all of the regular copies?
  8. Agree to a certain extent. If Wonder Woman is a hit that will help to change perspectives. I think Suicide Squad's popularity at the box office and with the 12 - 25 crowd did that a bit already for DC. That being said, I think there is a general malaise towards comic movies now. Both BvS and Civil War failed to live up to the hype/expectations (although Civil War did way better at the box office). Unless it is something different/new and exciting the responses are primarily from non-comic fanboy friends/co-workers. Noone I have talked to at work that saw Dr. Strange said it was great or awesome. The responses are the same - it was nice to see something slightly different from Marvel but it was just okay. Otherwise, it just followed the same formula as their past movies. That being said, GotG 2 and Wonder Woman have a lot of non-comic people interested at work which is nice to see. WRT excitement at trailers.....not in any theatres I have been two over the past two years. The gushing over comic movie trailers has waned locally. At Rogue One over the holidays, the Transformers trailer is the only one that had a couple of fanboys clapping or oohing and aaahing over.
  9. Is Wonder Woman #98 a harder to find DCU variant? Found a few of them in the new collection in a box full of 90s Image drek.
  10. This whole thing is Haters gonna hate, and clickbait bloggers are gonna post any they can to drive views..........
  11. At D'onofrio's age and physical condition, there is no way he could play Marc Spector...........
  12. I am curious to see how LCSs handle this one. I talked with people at two stores and in both cases they said that they were only going to chase the variants if they could pre-sell them to regulars at high enough prices to justify buying 5x - 10x the number of copies they normally order. One store is debating whether they should just do it anyway since with the Diamond discount they would be cheap FCBD stock. I can understand why they are thinking twice. While the cover price is relatively insignificant, if a store only moves 100 copies a month between file and shelf sales do they really want to have another 900 sitting there in the back that will not sell to chase a couple of 1:500 variants? They already have enough long boxes of Marvel relaunch books in the back storage that they will never sell..........
  13. So.....stores will end up with 10% more new Marvel drek that they can't unload even in cheap bins? That sounds like a winner plan. Maybe they should do something totally off the board and crazy like retaining writers and artists that can put out quality comics?
  14. I wasn't going to chase it, but this cover looks too cool to pass up. Order has been placed.
  15. Will he have to swim the length of five football field through the bayou to escape at some point?
  16. Omega Men #3 can still be had for cheap if dealers are too lazy to check their $1 bins.
  17. Interesting. Maybe this movie will be decent if it is actually produced.
  18. Immortals was a huge disappointment. Despite the fact that the plot and story sucked mightily, some of the action scenes were fun to watch.
  19. Very interesting. She could definitely be a candidate based on her looks and ties to DC TV universe.
  20. The way things are going with the DCU Rebirth, will the original Watchmen mini replace Crisis as the start of everything?
  21. Dear lord man , where are you shopping ?? -J. Translation, please provide exact address so we can shop there, too. There are a couple of stores locally that have nice deals/steals on books on a regular basis, but a gentleman does not buy for cheap and tell.......... Heck, one LCS found an old case of NM 98s in 2013 in their backstock and started selling them at $25 apiece. They slowly walked them up to $95.
  22. There are plenty of JSC books that are not worth more than cover. I figured this would be one of them since it is a fugly Lizard....... A high ratio variant in the core ASM run? Yeah, that's not a tough call there bud . Also, it's probably one of his last actually good and clever covers. His very last might be Superior Spiderman #20. Mostly everything from him the last couple years since has been -J. I had no idea what the ratio on it was since I did not collect ASM at all. The LCS had a couple of other copies that noone else had snagged, and since I did not follow the JSC variant market closely at that time I passed. Even though I am paying more attention now, I am sure I have passed on other JSC variants at the LCSs the past year that I should have snagged. I did cringe when I checked out the pricing for #688 on eBay a couple of days after passing on it, but you win some and you lose some I guess. I missed another chance at #688 for $5 at a different LCS this summer. They had an ASM run come in and all of the 1:25s leading up to it and after it were sitting there at $5. Someone had snagged it already. This is the same store I nabbed a couple of BA #12s at for $4 apiece.....................