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Everything posted by kimik

  1. If word of mouth is good, maybe it goes higher than $600MM WW?
  2. Err.......still trying to figure out what is wrong with this cover......
  3. Tthis lot is missing the big books and still sold for a decent price: http://www.ebay.com/itm/ADAM-HUGHES-CATWOMAN-COVER-LOT-OF-18-47-81-/112150012370?hash=item1a1ca961d2%3Ag%3AkrIAAOSwmfhX6b72&nma=true&si=braTaEfDs6jE3gSLWJmHmxeYRnQ%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557
  4. The later Catwoman issues were not that much higher than the last Zatanna issues (#16 had a 17,000 copy print run). There are plenty of people chasing the Hughes WW, Catwoman and Zatanna books now, unfortunately. I was hoping that they would stay quiet for just a little bit longer.
  5. My that they pull this off right. Infinity Gauntlet is one of my favorite storylines. Managing that large of a cast will be a task.
  6. It was all part of breaking Rick...driving the rebellious streak from him. Negan wanted to demonstrate that even without his army around him, he was a formidable opponent...like when he instructed Rick to grab the hatchet and attack him. He further demonstrated this when he casually dispatched a few Walkers upon opening the door and again when he cleared the group that Rick was about to fall into. It was a demonstration to Rick that instill that everything Rick had now belongs to Negan. It was a spirit-breaking demonstration of power. But Negan's power in that instance was that he had a gun and Rick didn't. Rick has guns too, just not at that moment because Negan's men disarmed him. What long-term effect would that really have? To illustrate to Rick that in the hatchet vs. gun battle, gun wins? He already knew that. Seemed mostly pointless to me as well. Killing Abraham and Glenn clearly would have a lasting effect, and the vivid threat to force Rick to cut his son's arm off would have an even longer-lasting effect. But I don't really get the hatchet sequence's effect. They had to fill half an hour of programming to maximize ad revenue....
  7. I'm team Negan If stupid Daryl would have listened then none of that would have happened, would it. That was my first thought as well. It looked like he tossed it sideways, not up on top.
  8. They went for sensationalism, and while a bit over the top with violence, it was pretty much accurate to the comic which was interesting. I did not think they would be able/willing to do that. The blood effect is really no different than we have seen in how many horror or action (300 had more spatter per camera shot) movies. The Saw franchise is way worse for gore IMHO. If it was only Abraham that was whacked then I wonder if it would have generated as much of a response? In any case, I am willing to bet that a lot of the people that are stating that they are done with the show online will be back at some point to see how they get revenge on Negan (they will likely be disappointed if the TV show sticks to the comic with this........). After something like this, the need for punishment of the perpetrator will draw people back. FWIW, I was really hoping that Daryl would get whacked as well as I grew tired of his character a long time ago, but c'est la vie. Looking at the love fest they have with him and the way the story line is shaping up now, he has just as good of a chance of replacing Negan as Dwight does, unfortunately.
  9. Wow. They have basically doubled the cost of the regular color and B&W variants now. I guess the Dell'Otto variant is the hottest one?
  10. I am finding the same issue locally as well. Catwoman issues can be found with time, but Wonder Woman issues are tough. The last two times new sellers showed up with them at one day local shows the answer was the same - they were keeping their WW run for the movie.
  11. That is in the R rated version. I was hoping he would take Rosita Daryl and add her him to his harem. That's what Daryl is for.
  12. Horrible Hulk movies have not hurt Hulk #1 prices................
  13. License, maybe, but not likely to sell it. The DC IP is worth too much. No need to sell it off and pass on all of the future revenues you could receive from licensing it.
  14. As I understand it, #11 reveals that the Domino that we've been seeing was a fake. But #8 is a flashback issue, with (presumably) the real Domino, so that would technically be the first time the non-fake Domino was published, just not in the contemporary timeline This is it. In issue #8, you're looking at a character who IS DOMINO. So...................X-Force #11 = UXM #266 and X-Force #8 = UXM Annual situation here?
  15. But he is not 100% dead right now. For him they have the loophole like Jane Grey that the younger versions are now fully integrated into modern continuity. So the "original" older Cyclops is dead. The younger time traveled one is still alive. Wow that sounds like dreck as a write it, but there you have it. Marvel biggest issue seems to be they are attempting to replace the X-Men with the Inhumans. The have left the X-Men books devoid of the more popular characters, who have been shuffled off to other books (like Rogue, Beast, etc.). Leaving us with new less well known and frankly poorer characters. Thus severing the history to the books we grew up with. X-Men was Marvel's cash cow for 30 plus years, but because of current licensing in movies and TV, they have basically abandoned them. No wonder there overall sales have tanked. If the Inhumans did not suck so badly they might be able to pull it off.............. I can see the new Marvel slogan now: "The house of ideas - replacing weak mutants with even weaker Inhumans characters since 2013....."
  16. I love 184, but I also like 166, 172 and 188. I think that #154 has some potential as well.
  17. Looks like they are really trying hard to sell this movie. I guess the early opening weekend predictions must have scared them a bit? In any case, I hope this does well so we see more mysticism/magic based properties on the big screen.
  18. I hope it is way more entertaining than Antman. That was the first Marvel movie my kids (11 and 10) did not finish. Make them sit through The Incredible Hulk or Thor: The Dark World to teach them a lesson. Then they will know true pain! They were still young enough that they sat through Dark World without complaining, but I will not subject them to either Hulk movie. That would be too cruel.
  19. I hope it is way more entertaining than Antman. That was the first Marvel movie my kids (11 and 10) did not finish.
  20. The numbers are straight from comichron for issues in the #70s. It was just as low as an indie book back then.
  21. Keep an eye out on eBay as there are still decent deals to be found in runs/lots of this title. I did not really need it, but I figured that this lot was worth a gamble today: http://www.ebay.com/itm/361770948027?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT