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Everything posted by kimik

  1. Maybe a bit, but Harley is supposed to be a sexy psycho so it fits.
  2. Probably for the same reason for which I sold all my original valiant books (mostly in NM) for about $0.50-1.00 each about a year ago? I think you answered your own question... a lot of people (particularly dealers) thought they had tons of unsold Valiant books that were worthless, but when they went to look, they couldn't find the early Valiant keys that got hot. Valiant collectors have known for years that dealers THINK they have lots of Valiant, and they often laugh when you ask about Valiant... but you actually start looking at their inventory and they have Magnus starting at #17, X-O starting at #13, etc. And the reason is...................there were a few of us that started cleaning them out of pre-unity, last issue, and gold/platinum/VVSS books at 3 or more for a dollar back in the 1999-2002 period. I do regret on passing on the longboxes of Rai #0 now, though.
  3. I would be interested in your 5.5 at that price......
  4. I sold all of the copies I had at the Calgary Expo a couple of weeks ago for $10 apiece and had people asking for it after I ran out. Luckily a few stores in town still had it at cover so I could restock.
  5. I received my tracking number yesterday.
  6. This is it. It has also been tougher for me to find in high grade than the AS #69 due to the cover color scheme.
  7. DC keys still have a ways to go to catch up to the gains on a lot of the bigger Marvel SA keys, so there is still plenty of room to go for B&B #28 and others IMHO. The only question I have now is how high will B&B #28 go - will it hit $2000+/grade point like the bigger Marvel SA keys? It is the second biggest DC SA key next to SC #4..........
  8. The two titles I see the most people building SA runs with are ASM and Batman. There are the odd collector of other titles, but there are very few of them relative to the big two.
  9. And people that bought at the highs with the GotG "keys" didn't get burned when they pulled back? Anyone buying at the top will get burned in the short run. In any case, most people I know thought that a talking raccoon and walking plant would bomb on the big screen. It didn't. I am not concerned until the film is actually ready for release.
  10. By Crom, let me go toss straw in the pens with my mighty pitchfork.......
  11. I would bet the opposite. If I am Will Smith, I am looking at how much money other actors are making from recurring superhero roles and signing on for a character with multiple movie opportunity. In the end, it's all about the Benjamins...........
  12. Let me know if you find a 7.0 for $7K, I'm in the market. :wink: ...the caveat likely being at grades below 6.0. -J. It looks like it will be 3.0 and lower that follow closer to the $1000 per grade point rule. Right now books in 3.5 and up are selling for more than that and will likely rise further as the movies near.
  13. I am going to take this one to local shows and see if it moves. As much as people may want to argue which book is "the most key SA Aquaman book", the market seems to be speaking loud and clear so far........
  14. Well, I put in a stink bid of $250 on the Adventure #260 (graded at 5.0 but looks more 4.0 to me) that ended on Heritage tonight to test the theory as to whether the book was heating up and considered more key than SC #30 or Aquaman #1. I was not expecting to win with such a low bid, but I did end up with it for $220 = $262.90 with the BP. Now I really hope it heats up a bit so I can actually sell it for a profit as I do not need this copy.
  15. This. This. A thousand times this. I would argue that Aquaman reached such dizzying heights of lameness that he entered a kitschy wormhole, came out on the other side, and is now unmitigatedly amazeballs. A founding member of the Super Friends stars in his first solo book. How is that not a key? Saying something a thousand times doesn't make it any more true than one or a million. I get you are trying to emphasize a point, but the reference doesn't legitimize your statement. Things like "first tryout issue" and "first cover outside JLA" are not reasons for a book to be considered key. They aren't even close to a realistic justification of what could qualify a book to be key. "First appearance" or even "first appearance in X age" are reasons to be considered some level of "key." Beyond that there is a very short list that includes things like: first famous artist or writer and significant plot or social issue...not "first tryout." FYI - his first solo book is Aquaman 1, not Showcase 30. Whether it is a key or not, the market is speaking re: value. That is all that matters.
  16. Based on the current market values, it is 1) SC 30 - small gap - 2) Aquaman 1 --big gap-- 3) Adventure 260
  17. Snyder and Capullo have done an amazing job on Batman so far. Even the "dud" stories are better than 90% of other moderns. (thumbs u
  18. I don't mind holding Batman comics, especially this arc. It will always sell and appreciate IMHO. Agreed. This is one of those "once a decade" runs that really matter in the long run. People won't forget these and they will likely always be in demand. So far Snyder has three of the "once a decade" arcs in the first 40 issues IMHO - Court/Night of Owls; Death of the Family; and this one.
  19. Is that a young Peggy Bundy? If yes, who is playing Al?
  20. That's what people are saying Cool. Wait......is it just a cameo? Or is it the first full appearance? Will it be recognized without her on the cover?
  21. Is Justice League #40 the 1st appearance of Darkseid's daughter?
  22. Is that the same interview where he said you don't kill off a hero without already having the plan to bring him back done already?
  23. +1. As a big Batman fan I am fine with the image that was released. I do not care how he looks as long as the movie works. (thumbs u They seem to be counting on that mentality for the wonder woman and aquaman character designs as well. -J. Wonder Woman looked fine to me. I have not paid attention to Aquaman yet, but I did snag a Showcase #30 just in case. I guess I should have asked Momoa about the costume design and any other plans when he was in Calgary as a guest a couple of weeks ago. Mind you, our booth was so busy all day there may not have been time for it.
  24. Yeah, and get a couple of each for me while you're at it. Is it really that hard to find elsewhere? I may have to snag some more after work then.
  25. +1. As a big Batman fan I am fine with the image that was released. I do not care how he looks as long as the movie works. (thumbs u